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<br /> . Nti�EAS, oa P , 198� s.`Daug3.es I.: Crumrine aud Cyathfa Fi. .CFUIDr�RB� hus�and 3 aife . ,
<br /> �orrousd fi� Norwest Bank �tebraska, Natiosial Association � � � `
<br /> � . � . , ,
<br /> � � , � . � � tAe ��inc��al �sum oP Eft�htq-�ive�Thousend and uof�QOth� �
<br /> ..,::�...._.,_���__:�..._��,��p�gg ($ g5,Ot10.00 T $t 7.375 � per annum, and gavt_to sat'd �
<br /> nis•� pro�3��artit nat� xhieb pr�vided iFor`payment to be made as folloWS: � �� .
<br /> �� , , � '
<br /> -=-- `- � 36fi minEitly°payAt�nts �f SS�?.0$`lie�itini�g Jttne'I,` Z988; paym�nts ma�r be adjoeted annu�Ily, - . -- �
<br /> t..
<br /> . , Fias2 pa�t�en€ is due end payable o� Map I, 2018. . � � � , �
<br /> .. � . . . � . �
<br /> . a C . . ` �. . . . ( ` .
<br /> ` . . 1 � . . . f . `
<br /> t' .. � . . . � . . ' . .
<br /> �� atxt,��11!l�REI�S. ��id note �t ss�¢�arecl by a �sort�age/deed oF tr,�st ou real estate ormed b� flc�u�zias L.
<br /> � ; • ��r�r�..� ,..a r_�..,*kan u _ ��.�l.,,eM �,,.Q�^.:.�:f�nd lagally descri.bed as follaws: .� , � .
<br /> ..�., _� �
<br /> �
<br /> -` ' ,. Lai•TWe�ty�-ffve (25}, fn Eagle Lake Estates;Su6division. in Hall County,.hebraska. • �
<br /> � . � -� � � , . ' . .
<br /> � . • , . ' , ' • -
<br /> , . . � , • , , � .
<br /> . . . �. ` . .
<br /> .� =�id wartt�s�/de�d of �rttst h�ing dated April 4 lg �88 88-t01665 �
<br /> � �,_^, , and racordedas.IIoc. No.
<br /> �� t�e ltart�ag� RecorcYs �R the Offfc�z of the Re�ister of De��s oi. �_ Hail_�n y;Nebraska. �n
<br /> � ' fi�iERElfS, said borraver has requested an extension of tim� uf paymcnt uri��l .Tuly 1 ' �
<br /> � : 19�� snd haa a�reed to p.ay intereat at the rate: o€ g,�S $ per ar►nue► on the unp�id ba2anc:e �
<br /> � and said Hank haa consanted to �o cxtend the ti�@ of paymer�t: �
<br /> � - MOf�. .THEREF101�E iT I5 AGR�O by aad b��veen the parties` that the abave-d��ri,bed martgage/ �
<br /> d��d o� trust and or�gfnal pro�issory nat�e aAa11 be modified to provldo for payment ta be as �'.'{.;�'
<br /> fo�,lqy,�r ;�. 59 monthl ' . � •�.:.?;
<br /> y payments of S791.SS.beginnin� Au�ust �, 1990. ar►d 1 finai payment o£ ..
<br /> � . $75.517.06 due anQ payable on JuI� 2, I995. F9n�1 pu}rtQent is a ba1l�c�n and lendex may conaider � � �
<br /> refinance.
<br /> � ��
<br /> '. IT IS FURTHER AtiR�ED by and betrreen the porties hereto th�t all of the terms and conditfons
<br /> '. � o! tbs wortj���/dssd of trust and prom3ssom� note ebave-refe:�need te as ext�nded artd amended
<br /> � shall Continu� �in �y�2 gar�e a�nd �ffeet exeept as h�reia m3dified.
<br /> - , � . �r ,
<br /> � . ; Eicaautet� tbfs.�D d8Y of £� ` , 19 y0 . �
<br /> `'_" "--
<br /> � �R NE HAT ASSOCIATION .,,� `
<br /> , �x w ' , "..1�.
<br /> Dn r7,;:�:� 1.. Crumrictc� �
<br /> f!
<br /> ' � ltA� t M. Qi llan � ��� � .
<br /> , .� Ls1,/�iYit. 4 C.�`i?�.. ,'��'
<br /> � S1'ATE Of NEDRASKA ) Cy�t.htn N. Crumrine
<br /> ) s.�.
<br /> ' COU1iTY OF,t�Ai.L ) �
<br /> Ori this��d�y af . i9�JO , boforc md a t�atary E'uvl;c in and for s�ici County
<br /> ' p�rsotNl3y apptired_ i1c.u� A 1 . Cremirine and Cyrat�;��� !! CrumriuE�. fe�s�bnnd ni�d wife
<br /> to a�e kno►+n tc� be tlyn p�rso�n(s) n8med in and �aho c;x�cuted the f�ru�r,�r��;, in�tru�^etit and �� cY'W�,r,c,:.-�
<br /> � l�d$td thatah�/�f�1lNthby exeeutad the aamd us t►is/t�e:r/their valuntary oct and d�ed.
<br /> NI1'NESS n�y hand ana Nutariel Seal or� the cft�y a„d yco,� i�:,t �t��vu wi�ictc:n.
<br /> . ���11M�M�11
<br /> MA�IOAIEt M.ONLON �y� f�✓
<br /> !!y coerniaaion expir r►'M��slMittf� toT�u�'ziC. "� �F'D -;,•L,� r-�-- ` .
<br /> STA�'E �F NEBRASKA j �
<br /> ) s.s. � .
<br /> � COUtiTY OF^�� � . • � _ �__=
<br /> ___. _ _. ....
<br /> .
<br /> ' �he forrgtsing instrument•wns ackno�ilcdged vefore m� this /' �
<br /> � DY it Ilc�n AVI� `��`�Y af � 4£ , i9 yU ,
<br /> � ••-�jds�a Lorpor�tion, on b�pblf o!• the carpo�t�oxr�S� $�?�� l�up����' 2JA�� '��' �JJ CIAT'lUtl, �
<br /> �
<br /> _- _ � 1 I
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