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DATE: <br />LIEN CLAIMED BY: <br />LIEN CLAIMED AGAINST: <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />CONSTRUCTION LIEN <br />July 16, 2001 <br />Greg Dobesh <br />d /b /a Dobesh Land Leveling <br />3500 West Second Street <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />Donald C. Rasmussen <br />3606 Avenue L <br />Kearney, Nebraska 68847 <br />200106953 <br />Greg Dobesh, owner and operator of Dobesh Land Leveling, being <br />first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says: <br />1. He is the owner and operator of Dobesh Land Leveling and <br />as such verifies this account in writing for and on behalf of <br />Dobesh Land Leveling. <br />2. Dobesh Land Leveling provided labor and materials /and land <br />leveling on property legally described as follows: <br />South East (S.E.) Quarter (1/4) of Section Five (5), <br />Township 12 North, Range 12 West of the Sixth (6th) P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />3. The date that the labor and materials /and land <br />leveling were last furnished to said property at the <br />request of Donald C. Rasmussen, owner of the above <br />described property, was on or about April 27, 2001, and <br />the price for these materials and services and land <br />leveling was Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety -Two Dollars <br />and Twenty -One Cents ($2,692.21). Dobesh Land Leveling <br />has received no payment from Donald C. Rasmussen. <br />4. Dobesh Land Leveling claims a lien on the above described <br />real estate for the full amount of the contract price of <br />Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety -Two Dollars and Twenty -One Cents <br />($2,692.21) together with interest thereon at the rate of 15.96% <br />per annum from and after April 27, 2001. <br />ESH LAND LEVELING <br />17, <br />BY: P70-vu <br />Gre esh, Claimant and Owner <br />Subscribed in my presence an sworn to before me this ,tam" day <br />of July, 2001. <br />6ENM& NOTARY-SO Of NaWUM Not r Public <br />I ROSAUE R. FAY <br />My Comm. Ev. May 16, 2002 <br />