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<br /> ._ . . . . . 4 . . . . . . ' . ' - �
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<br /> � ' ,` i . ` (, . .` ` • •� ` . � , . � � . t .��m�.«�-. - . , �
<br /> . �.. ..,� s�i.t �ei� N eM a�r�of �f.r,c�.w,�s��tl M ulled�lr tM h�id��t or�c�i�io�I 4�37?" `. - �_ ' . � .
<br /> � f i����r, �� Ta1�
<br /> � „ �tia,M�tl�rrittM r�pt'!f`tt I�at tMrN tal �Nn�of tM Ieor�, of.11Mii�i�tribrs, �lui tltn in IN�tll�� �
<br /> � � , t6nt ti!��� i�qicR�rM6� �tIM�rittM ►�owit of !Ae ai� or two rur�i�i��. . � . . , ` ,
<br /> . ' � #�tia�. wirnt a1�etit�. � ` � , � � � . . � , . � ..
<br /> ; � � ' r � ' . : ..
<br /> - A�Y �Nr� of ti� MEr/�ot lt�i�iitrrte� Ny� �t u; ti�r� r�ir� sotis�. of. ��y�wtis�of tli Yail.af_ ,. .
<br /> _ _ '- ' �i#�ittrtton i�r rrati�, uMf trc���ir�t��1 M��ir�lt�t 'to ti� liei�� ot :�c��tict, �ttse�tun Oy • _ , �
<br /> � ` �M �M M+rt H �ie�rtntor�it �� �ti��ef tN Iar/ si�l! ca��ii�t�� riirir of. �tiu ta Itfi��t tt�ti� � �
<br /> ' . ' ai�fac�tMt�t. if�11 t!� �Nn e� tM ie�r/_ef'r11�iRittnte�t�r� �rqfnt tt uy wtiq ot tIK lo�rd� Ro �otic� �
<br /> . �I1 N r�irM�/r�t I�i�u�tx 1� tr�sect�f �t �rck wN��. . .
<br /> � • � � .
<br /> � ._ ' f�tiM ���. - ` . .. � , � • . ,
<br /> . . . �, ° At �il wti�p.Qf t1r/orr/of ANf�1Kt�tort. � ajaritY of tM�Nn tMnef d�ll.�Kitrte. �trprw.tar tM , . /`�,
<br /> � - trar�tior of OwfMat, �� rata af �r3stit� et tlrr�iirn a! tM IotrA ofi �i�i�tr�tor� �r����t �t i �ti� � �1j_ �
<br /> at MicA�- �dwrr .i��tu�t �I�11 t�titrt� tM Ncisiar df`t1�Iah of AMfa9strtton. it �t a�r�ti�{ of tlb� _ - �� � ,
<br /> : Nu/ ot AMf�ri�tntar� tM�n sM�U Or l�q tM�, e�wrw�r�t, •rjoNty of tAot� �nsMt Mr N�a�re �tM �tf� � � .
<br /> Tra ti�e to�tt�e. �tt t�r:wcM Mjar�t �t �MfcA i q�rw �:f p�nnt. ��r W�iMS�rkicA �f�Mt wY�1N� tn�u�tN
<br /> '� . , �! !M�ti�� atf�i�tlir c�11N. rY M t►�tittN ritlio�tt` futtl�t�otft�. � , � . �
<br /> � - f' . � ♦
<br /> � � �t�.�► �t.: F�a�tcr �r:. � �
<br /> � . ` 1A� Ia1r0 a�`aid�ini�tnton wy o1Ni��fNwt� fiqlity �o�ls for �I1 afticv� ��0 �IoyNi ot tN Astoci�tion �
<br /> MMl��y ot ry�i0lt fGt �ttocittio� t�Q�. iM.p►MiWi 011 WEII Ip1lOi fA/�� COIIihtYh �•�oyon�xpes�. �
<br /> ' ,� , �t i+an tZ: Carr�rs�;i�r. . .
<br /> Ito�r ot tA� fwr0 of Ao�teiitr�ton :t�tl nwir� �n� caH�ittio� tra tA�Auxi�tio�ior utie�u s�cA�
<br /> - uc�t tN�t�Mn �A�tt rK�ir� ni�Irr�et for ez��H�Kt�d1r iacurr�d�r tAM �_�NiR�i�f�t0ft, . ;
<br /> S�etia�e fa. Li��#ft�sf �e�iR��ee,eer.. . � . � � .
<br /> . 1h� �n ot tA�Ioar4 of Ahinistratart �ANi rtat 0� Ii�01t to tM r��t� arn��1 for iny n�t�b of jud�N�t� � `.��.;r-:
<br /> � Ml�;N��� or oENr�is�, M,�:�ot lo► thfi► o�m i�4iv"rd•r�l rfllful �ticon�u�. ar b�d tait�. iM�N►e af t��b�r1 oi -
<br /> Ad�ini�tr�totl� 1A�11 A�r� �a�rton�l li�iilitl �it1 ni�cc co �nr co�tnct N/s by t��� an 1�A�It ot tM Astxiatios.
<br /> Erur ��t�t MM 1r tM b�r0 ct ANiAi�tr�tar� or �F LM W���i�� tpet ar�r tk� N�ttM► o� i�A�lf Q� t� � -
<br /> Atiecittio��A�11 QroviO� tA�t tN NMirs ot tA! la�d ol A�1���itrjton q� tM� Nu�ie����t. or tM N�u N t, s s t�r i
<br /> c���rr Q�� in �ttie� o�t��� i���t� lar t�� Afsaci�E+aa �n4 sA�il Atyi �o Nrio��) li�lili�Y tMrf,�rttr. .
<br /> . ' �l�tio� 11. Ero�nrion. of?��t1li�jin
<br /> . TA! IiliA� Of � N�s�+r G*�d truCin�t tandaiieiw prop�tt� r��ip in Inntrood fhir0 SuOdiviltoe, 6f��d ts1�A1.
<br /> N►11 60YnLp, M16t�itl. �����. �w�or�tie��li �xcene c�� j�ri�aicc�on o/ tAu or��/� 1t�ocl�tto�1 to �RC1u0� tA� �wiy
<br /> cr��t�d coMai�iw O►oprttr nliM, U�O� �uc� utM��a�� tA� Io�lor�n� �M11 100�f� ��
<br /> � : (�) IM Auoct�tian'� cort�af nain t�d Nl�t�elttt��0 �tl otArr �rHns�s 1A�tb !� 111oc�tN to tA� art�tul�r
<br /> . C9nlo�i�iw /roMrtr R��iM Nl�iN�� or ��titiR� /ros th�uN. !f �ori tAin on�Me�tetl, .tf�� tM uD�etf
<br /> �Mrtf Or p�artt�0 b�trN� tM 01Mtitirt�, Condo�insw 1��iw� irt pro0ortion to th� N�ffts ot ucA.�j ::;9 `;
<br /> r��to�rblr O,trnin�0 Or t�s Qa�rd of Ad�ini�trlton. tA� �apnu� �11�c�t�� to t O�rt�culu prop�rt� r��iN
<br /> s��1t Oi M�0�� �11ot�N0��tothn� to tR1 Nut�r a�s tar t�It It1�iM.
<br /> t11 T�1 �r�01t ot vets� tor tt� �ip�nd�d Aisati���on ��il l D� th1�Q9rt�1t� ny��r ol �ot�i �n eu� ��o�r�t� r��iM
<br /> MMi�� no tM Altotiltfon!R4 at �Ntirts��t t�� lXO�t�f�t4 Ai�Qt�1���a ;h� r�lei (or � qd4r�, for Q�;tt��n�n!
<br /> �MtMr �� utic� �1�t1 e� t�M�e� . !Ot il�'t�1011 Of tA� ��n af tA� lo�rd o! A�ini�tiltot��n/ �I{ otMr
<br /> Oar�ot�s �A�lf b� �s ft pro+i0�0 en tA�u 8�-t�rt� ton�trul0 on t�o ��01nat� n:tNt of ���r��1�� rot�s.
<br /> ' le! II���onl� oet n�iy i� �fle�tM Dr � 6tctt�on bf th� ��o�asy�s�act�t»n t��� tt� ta�sd ��OirKtare t�y Out
<br /> ���P! not e�cuu►ily at np��n0 to, u�y tR�t�ppra��1 af o�1� th! c�n�rr ro €A�t aituta: ����■�.
<br /> �A1lCiE I�. Q�f(�EPS
<br /> , &�t ioM 1. Ot�i�rt+Lip�.
<br /> ,.:..�.-�-
<br /> � 1M oftisv� of th� Asecc�i�ton sh�i! co����t et M Ptesid�nt. �ic� Prq►dtnt. �t:rftur �np trtu�r�r �n0 �ucM� .
<br /> it4itioe�l olftttts 1s t�� As�fni�tretara oh�It Ira�t1M to tRN a�u r�.�sa�rY. �nr ��!�.n ��r ho60 tr� or s�r�
<br /> _. QI(ICIt, bNt rt0 QM �lrf0� ihili �010 tA! Oflr�!�1 Prf���trt �M��re����gt�.�r.����> �,�.�i= �i ��* �7�:-3v: - � -
<br /> � � idrini�tntor� uy �Ico 0�'ofhter�. TA� or��iQonL �t� �� et�cte� trci G�e N���ers o► th� 8a�ra ai �iC�m�straio�s. � �
<br /> � � �
<br /> L �±:�i4�_��tion. . .
<br /> �
<br /> 1�i otfiurt o1 tAt�s�:+si�t�cn rr.�;T C� �f�cte0 e��u�tl� t� a uJorts� vote ct cr,� ��irC of �4tlr_�st�atars �*. tr,a �`
<br /> tr,r.u11 d�lyd ee�tin�, �ea th�►i n�10 alf+u �t t�e ptusurd of :t�e 09l:d. . . . �a�
<br /> S��ii�!� �.- pi�o��1. _ � _*.
<br /> ' u��� tAe ettsre�ts�e t�ie af � cljt�rttr b! t'e 4�3�� s� ettar9a��e et�art er^a�' �r s,�:+et Ree<<^�, a-r :f�=�e► c�r
<br /> . CQ r8i��ds, ��Lh �! ��.�C�'. Ci�ie. 1�� ht8 su1c98&�� ihsil C@ eig:t:9 `.�e�eit. •
<br /> �
<br />