. __. . .. . . . � ; _ , (` . _. , . i� -" . . _'_ — _.._ . —. —__. _`—_" _ . .___ _. _
<br /> . . .._ . - — : . _ ... . . . �. . . . . .. . � .. ` � � . _ . � ' . n. . . . . _ . _ . ..
<br /> v � y�y `� ` .. � � c ` t . ` . ` , � . . ` �� . ' . ! - , ` ..� . .
<br /> � � . � a • . � . • . , �
<br /> � . . . i . ' ` . . � . .
<br /> ��--#�:���0 . ... . � �� - � � � . `
<br /> �t� Nli, tr�sfiird.r i�rt�c� eneu�berd i.ltAo�t tlw et+rtu os vslttea cmus=pt ��ta�Uelasr� • ,
<br /> , � �.�.tiei.er �_. '�t tt• �el� optios, decin� �U �tw �a¢�ud by thi� iktA o!Ttuat to 5s`l�e�tetsl� � •
<br /> � . . .� � +w r� ar�t• •+ �r.c..� co c�. r�reil•. ���il�l� to.!t w�tir cl�� d�tau�t �s0rislws ea�tdnd , . �
<br /> . . : ��c`sl�. - . . � . . ' • �
<br /> tt. .M�t• et 6efa�it. ,ll�y oE tM Eo1lwt�s �e�t� �M�i1 M ivae�a� etrest ot 1�.•¢ylt.��cawtsst
<br /> �.. , �. - < <
<br /> , (a) Trwxar sh�lt iw�e'taila/ [a'�al� p��t a! �ut tsstaltwat,ot lat�ssat.
<br /> _ . . frl�ttpt or pt�art�al iwi !i►tarut os �n� �tte�r Mw �ee�ced��tair Wiea��ii. ` -
<br /> t � t�� Tker� tus oee�nN a �se.�ch ot ar Nia�t YaMt aR� ters, eo��eant. . . . ,
<br /> , � KteMewt, eaidiston. rcbst�iae� r.�se.�e.cia. or wcr.�cr coat�l�i !w tbi� Oe�i .
<br /> _ �t T�wt� t1N �wt� oe �wY•att�s 2wr•lrtc�t �e�wra� Aeray� .
<br /> ` ' (�j 31er� Mn Mea a�defa�tt `� EUs tcwt�r i� tis ���wt o[ �� �eios oe . � .
<br /> , � . w1�Ywt li�a �r a�c�rirapea i� nyect t� dl or wy pact.ot Ehe �ro�ttY; ' ,
<br /> . �q Zt1lit�t �l� �lI! L tQ1/rt�C�fKLtZOR IR �MI[[Y�t�r .c .w.it w. .��rai- .
<br /> • � e�eN �a�icr�t or l�sol��sc, or �Galt�ic� � a��l�eeat [os ciw I�ea�ttc e[ crdttass , � ,
<br /> fs se�Met to th��rs�srt�t or �a �ctlow to t�toree an� �leR ac i�eur►r�te�or 1W�-.
<br /> � ; ..�a .�.t.,e cM.�ror.�;r s• fo..�.�.a� �
<br /> � ' 1!. ��.i.t.cia.�►u� ar.vic. t� tbi �t��t ot M! i�t�ult. �en�Fieiar��� ��clsss dl 1n�sMteisu '
<br /> ' �sercN iiecHr t� is �rs ri /q��l�. � t!w aaM �lrll t��reu�os fteo� �o� aad p�t��1� �1tMort +IN� ' ` .
<br /> - �s�w�taw�c. M��. rroc�l�t oc aotice oF awY Elw�. ih�r�s[t�r.'iae�Eialarr M�: .
<br /> , ., ' (�� �lth�c tw �►srae� ot ►r ���pl� v1tA et witiwrt ►sis�tw�alcx setlow or �tr - �
<br /> � e�i�. er y r�eeiasr ����r�1 y • eo�et s�v!.tt�t re��d t�:� de�wa��f
<br /> ` a�� ..eostes.,.wc.r upow �w� c.t. �srn.■.t.w si sUs fsw�.rtr. •s n►� �.:c cMs«l, �
<br /> , , tw !s� ewN srrs at t� cA�wa� o! the trwt��. a�� $ w� aec• vbleA !t �sMS a�e��ps� °
<br /> ` . a�� is�lcak.[�'t�o trepsv� th� �alw. �aik�t��/ltty os cs�R�bllity oE t�� �ro�rty, os
<br /> ' ��rt tl��eac�,mi incesaac theraln. laec�sse tA� leeow� aTiws�tsaw ar p�ot�et tl� ��eurltT •
<br /> � ' , h�ceot �nd, vfthayt takCn� poEt�r�tan ot ths propectr� sw (ot'oc'otA�swf�� eoll�et tM , .
<br /> � sents. I��ues,a��d proFlta tlNreot, 1eel�dln� tho�� p��t dut *hd unps�/, aa� �OPIr �A� . .
<br /> �. I�ss e�ats ��d �spen��� of op�c�tlon M1 eolleatlan, lncludlss �ttosRS� 1���, u�
<br /> ' . �nY lads6t�dns�� �seursd hsr�0�r. s11 ln,rueh oed�s as Nn�tletary�r��t�tsls�. ib�
<br /> � • , , . eeterlws upan �d t�kln� possu�tan af tt�• tsu+t �statt. th� coilsctla� 04 �ueb sent�. •,
<br /> l��uar �nd �saltts and �ypltc�claw. th�rsa[ s� �[oss�al� aba11 not cus� os v�i�� �s !s-
<br /> [��It os notler ot.A�t�ult h�r�u�td�s oe teratldat� ass �et �ni ts r�i�aws� to �ncA is-
<br /> !aYlR or �ur�wnt ta such�attc� a! d�[�ult ��i. �otvitbst�nJlns tENe sowtfRw�e� !w ' .
<br /> . p���t�lon ot tt� �ru�trty os tl�� coll�ctlae„ see�t/t �nd'�gpllcatH�or st�t�, 1�w�� � . ,
<br /> os �colft�. T�w�t�� as ��as[!clarr wty a� a�ettl�� to �x�sel�� �wry M�Rt �ro�lM� tos , � �
<br /> !w aay af tM toan lnusuent� os A� l�v upew oeeuss�at� ot �nr svswt ot /�t�ult, fs- �
<br /> � ei�1� ths �lsht to �x�sel�� tiN powt ot �at�= . . ,
<br /> (D) easenc� sn �ction to (areclo�� tL�ir Deed o[ Tru�t •• • �ort��q. ��pint ,
<br /> a s�c�lv�c. os �o�citicallr entosce �n� ot t�ca cor�nant� h�ieol= . �
<br /> �q� ��livec,t�Ts�rtee • vritten declacstton ot d�t�ult asd de�nd [or ��1�, ,
<br /> M� a vr/etM noslc� ot d�(�ule �nd •Itetlow �o c���� Te+�sto�'� lat�rat f� t4w �to/�rt� � . _
<br /> to �a �etd, Mblch notic� TcusteR K��al,l c�oe� �a 6� dulf �11�4 for r�eord 1n th� otLlalal �
<br /> . s�Cae/� o! th� cou�ty 4n rblch tha }roP�st� !� loeat�d.
<br /> . '+,`
<br /> 17. Iar�eto■u:e bi �asrer ot Sst■. Shorl� wRMI1Cle�y •ifCt to tarscloss by •s�scf�� ot tM �r -_
<br /> OI ��I• At[f�ll lORt��11fA. bnillelary �t�l1 nosiey ssu.c.. .n� .n"i� asro,se Mlth tcwt�� th!• Ou� ol -
<br /> . Tswt �al tb�nut• �n�/ •ueb ree�tye• u�d wtd■nca o[ •xp�nditucsa �ade an� ucursd,�iuttiy �s Tswtsll
<br /> s�y sM�lr�. �nd a�ws requ�at ut th� !�rolfcl��y, th� lru�t�� •I,�1t lll� tor secos4. t� eh� Re�l�t�s 1
<br /> O� �ff/� 0�j1C� 111 �II� Coql�Y Y11��! t�i� pt4p�lty �• �OC�tfd� i r.atfes ot delault. ��LtlOi roren �ns
<br /> nMN ot R1�� itu�tos.•tt►w �nok ond P��e oc Dc+c��t��t HA. ot tbl� Gerd a! Tru�t a� cecocdeA 1n �a14
<br /> Ra�trt�t ot W�d� oftice. th� I��d daseclptton ut th• �6nv�-dr�crlb�d rerl e�t�t• aM th�r • ���tch
<br /> oi M olrlt�stlon. lor vhich s�ld ���! e�t�t• v�s conv�y�d �s �ecusity. t��� eceur��d. �n0 ■�ttln� (osth
<br /> tl�sst�r� o[ �ue1► br�act. anJ tt�� irwte�'� �l�esfon to •N1 ti►� seal a�tate to �at/�ly th� oblf�ufaa{
<br /> � ss/ �lt�e th� fyi� ot nat 1��� th�n �n� (1) sonth� el� Tru�t�� rt�s{1 �lve �rftten nottes o[ [h� tlp -
<br /> . � /lac� ot ��1� M�tcb ray bs bacv��n 9:(!0 •.�. �na S �.�. �� tl�� pr�wt��s� or �t thr Cyurthow� lw
<br /> th� CoYnt� �Mr�in �uch pr�iporty is loe�ted. de�c�lbfo� tt�• pro��rty to Q� neld br It• lee�l d�setl�-
<br /> etos. arl� aotic� to 6� oublleheb fa w nev�psp�s a► R�n�r�1 elrcul�tfnn in eG�s Cour�ty wh�r�tn •ucb
<br /> � �ro�tey la loc�ted, onc• a veeh �ue ltv� (S) con��cutir� ws�ks, eb• I��t Pr�llcstlon to b� �t I�a�t �.
<br /> t�w (f0) �syr� b�t not ooe� ehnn tl�isty (70) d�ys� y�lor sd th� �a1�3 �nd tl�� Tru�t�• �halt th�e ��11
<br /> ��1� �ss�srty �� tle� tlw� �nd pl�c� A��lanas�s te 1he no6tce. tw ab� wao��r oro��a.o ry �.r !� •tf�e� ,
<br /> �t tIN t!r o( ttlln.� ��ld nuticr. ae pu6l/e �uetton ta tIN hf�e:eot bldd�� lor c�sb�oA �h�ll 1�1t��e
<br /> t� �MeM /�selN��s � �ad to tG� psay�rty �o/d, con�l�tu�t �ltt� tli� l�u !n •fttct �t tM t/��.
<br /> ' Y�s sse�l�e of th� prle• 014� 7ru�t�� •twlt e�t►v�e to [hs pusch�r�. Tsun�s,'• �ee1 eonv�yfe� tH� _
<br /> /e�prt�r sd�. 1leelt�ls !n el�� tswca�•• Qssd •tuili b� Orlr� t�et• �vid�ar• ot ef,• tsuth ot tl» ttltts•
<br /> • �t� rN tt�s�tn. 7r��tr� �hN! �yyly tiN Proc+.�4s o/ th� �al� /n tb• /olluVlaa os4�si (�) to �Il
<br /> t��MMU� ea�t• �nd ��p�nr�• ot tli� �al�, Inctudtn� Aut �ot il�lt�d to. Tru�te�'• (e�• ol not ior�
<br /> tMM 3.0 .Y ot tbe �w�s �ele yrlr.�. rcnrannbi• ettotn�r leer �nd cus!• o[ tltl• evlQsacs= (61 to •!1
<br /> . �rM ��t���� ►y t6f� Iked o/ Trurc; and (cI tha eac�a�� It snr� to tt�e pe��an o� pu�an� I��UIf u��
<br /> tlt1N tAwts�to. Iw�y p�r�a�. tncludf�� f�neflel�ry. uy putehn�� �ald propart�r �e ��11 �sl�.
<br /> TAs ��r�ow co��ductln� el� ��le��Y, for �oy c�ws li� ot •IN aears ��atdlant. poitoan� 11�� ��1� Ira�
<br /> ��N t• t1M w�ttl it �I�all L� cuspl�t�d �uA. /n �v�sy •uet► e���, natte• ot Nu�tOad�rnt �h��! �� ��vM
<br /> er ��rt�c �.��.:a:ro�► �na�e�r ny euct: pernue► u ehe c fuu� �nd pts:e i��t eppuiritlA /oe tUs •�t�i p�o-
<br /> vlMt. !f tl�• ru6c lei pane��onvJ !o� lvn�;cr tte�n nna (1) Aap Gayaiid �I�e dete da�lanatcd lo tl.s aotic• o!
<br /> ul,. �itte� tbtr�ut �tu1/ 6� �tven tn th• •� u��e �R tAt arlalnal eoifes ot ��1�.
<br /> 1�. �e..ai.. aot Y.K��iurlvo. 'itu9tue �nd ��n�lict�ry. �t0 ��ch ul tf�es. •�ull Ga �ntlti�d to�n- • - _ - _
<br /> f�ea� �sriwnt �i�d perfor��nc� ut �ny IudoGtednsu u� oLliptlun �srureA hueby �nd to �aerclp •Il rlaht• , � -
<br /> an� �avsrs undet tbl• (►ceJ u1 Y�urt as undes anr ta�n ln�tru�nnt a� uN��s �atcerrnt os �ny �aw no� or '
<br /> to�it�ttar entore�A, natvltNst�ndln� s❑i+�e or •U ot ehe lndebt��ne�s a�A osif�stton• �arured haseby
<br /> MI11tN Yr uar or I��re�ttr.r be otbe�W:e eccurrd. vl�utlm� br w�tae�e. dc�d ot t�ust� pl�dse. Ilan� •i�ljn•
<br /> . r�t 4r �i�e:etae_ !!clt�s.� tt:�stteue�uet �i t#e!e�e;3 uf ls::3t ras !sa talatse;r.l. �2l�:.r hg sa:sst _ .
<br /> �atloe or �utwmt to ff�� pc�wer ot �ate or ot6er po�av� h�reta cuntulnca, et�ell preJualce ut In any �r
<br /> , . �nn�t �lfttet to�ntte'� or Bcrtelic�nsy's �fght to rewllta upon or anfurce sny ofhes sseurfty nov or ds�w , ��
<br /> � _ dt�t h�t0 6y trurtea or tlenatic/nry. It Geln� �greeG that T�urcee oub 6eneticlrry, enA euh ot thr�,
<br /> �hal1 i� �nt/eted tu �nturco ti,ir Lred ut Trugt ���0 �nr atUet �ecur/tr nr�� as herealtes Geld by tiu /en�-
<br /> IlClerr e� ttwtee In:�ucb o�Juc onJ v�uner as they, o� either of fl�ee� aay fo t6e1r eb�nlute dl�e�atlon ,ts
<br />� deterwinlr. ttu rraedy l�r«tti ruu�erted uj�nn ur tcservad to TrubEee or Certetfctery !• fntandEd Eo 6e ea- �
<br /> clurlve uf ���� utt�dt teKdy bcrrl�� ur Ly Iw ptuvtdcd at pataltted. L�rt hecl� ehell 6e eunui�tive �nd
<br /> •l��il 6f tu �ddltfun [v evcty utbr.t sa�:cdy tilven haraunder ur nov n� hpteatttr PMIbtlfl� at Iw ur In � -
<br /> _ eqsi.ity ar 6� st�cute. �vorg pUUe� or •r,tedy [�tvea Gy,euy at tt�e I�au taet[uecat■ ca �rueE[e ar Ee,Te= _ �f�
<br /> lteise� us �u-ul►lrtr eltiros ut-Etrcat�eeayt f�r vthetvise t�*ttlifaA tiey frr e�arrlard� Ct*1sr��}fChtiy bf 4adepen- - •- -
<br /> QEtt1/r. f�u� tlee iu etmo enJ o:r uttbn ng naq be daocu�d 6!tpndlont Gy itustob a� p�rvalicl�ty. nnd eleho�
<br /> af tt�es esy pur�ue hiccualnlriit rr.nedlra. flntbing hcfalr+ a6ef1 br r���ietri�rcf ws pr��t�lbltfup, 9e���/1c/srr
<br /> /�as leeklus • do[lc/ancy Judgwnnt 188I176t tsuutus tu tt�e aatent ouci� actfua Im paaoitted by lov.
<br /> ' -I-
<br /> ' �
<br />