101594 '
<br />4. Ae aid!t� l urity, Truster hereby gives to and confers upon Beneficiary tho raht. power and authority, during the continuance
<br />Of these ?niete`to tblllrt the rents, issues and profits of said property, reserving unto TruotaA' the right, prior to any default by Truster
<br />in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in performance of any agreement hatoun4im to cou tt and retain such rents. imm
<br />and profits as they become due and payable. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at anlj time without notice. either in person. by
<br />agent, or by a receiver to be appointed by a court, and without regard to the adequacy of anjf,a. curity for the indebtedness hereby secured,
<br />enter upon and tape possession of said property or any part thereof, in his own name sue,ft or otherwise collect such rents, isswlss and
<br />profits, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same upon any indebtednaa9 seou" hereby, and in such order as Beneficiary
<br />may determine. The entering upon and taking possession of said property, the collection of scab rents, imm and profits and the oppli atim
<br />thereof as aforessid. shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act.done purawnt to sunk notice.
<br />5. Upon default by Truster in the payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in the peearmance of any agreement contained herein,
<br />all sums secured hereby shall immediately become due and payable at the option cf the Beneficiary. In such event and upon written requaL
<br />of Beneficiary, Trustee shall sell the trust property, in accordance with the Nebraska .Texiii Deeds Act. at public auction to the highest.
<br />bidder. Any person except Trustee may bid at Tmatees sale. Trustee shall apply the pronieds of the sale as follows: (1) to the expense
<br />of the sale, including a reasonable Trustee's fee; (2) to the obligation secured by thin Deed of; mist; (3) the surplus, if any, shall be distributed
<br />to the persona entitled thereto.
<br />6. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser at the sale its deed, without warrant a, whiaba shall convey-, ':m: the purchaser the interest in
<br />the property which Truster had or had the power to convey at the time of his executinn, f this Deed ar, Mmist, and such as he may have
<br />;'•,.
<br />acquired thereafter. TruaWs deed shall recite the facts showing that the sale was cundurted in complls)aw with all the requirements
<br />of law and of this Dee of Trust, which recital shall be prima fhfak.evidence of. suds oaTliffa --w and to'�a'30ve evidence thereof in favor
<br />of bona &iapurchaner* imL.i;i s-u bnarners for value.
<br />?. Thre Wirer of sale � ,f -%%red +sr th-a Deed of Trust is not an.e--%,d air taw iriiiie3y fienerja&¢ F may cause VEz�t,Deed of Trwt to be foreclosed
<br />as a mortgage.
<br />8. In the event cf thp.,death, incapacity, disability or resignation eif'1'riilv_e, :-13knatimary may appabvt iy writing a successor tr ee.
<br />and upon the recori.`Ng.of such appointment in the mortgage records of die. r_ iirii;f: in which this Deed of finest is recw.W..the succassor
<br />trustee shall be vested with all powers of the original trustee. The tritate ic41ot. obligrd�to notify any party hereto cC g sale under
<br />any other- Heed of Trust or of any action or pnimeding in which Truster, Tr -ustee on Baneficiary shall be a party 61asrg such action or
<br />proceed.'* is brought by the Trustee.
<br />9. Th:a Deed of Tria'applies to, inures to the benefit of and ua hindinj nisi, only-on the parties hereto, but on tlar Hairs, devisees,
<br />legatees, administr,; w--� executors, successors and assigns- The term Heneti.6iry AuiU mean the holder and owner o?. fir r note secured
<br />hereby, whether or cot named as Heijefrciary herein.
<br />10. Request for Notice of DefaJit. cr. Notice of Sate. It is requested that. a c3py• of nny hJx ze of Default or Notice of We be mailed to
<br />each person who is named in th- Tkwr, Deed at the mailing address of such person.un'4t: out )>r 67e.
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER; 1. Do not sign this paper before you read it. 2. Hnu are entitled to a copy
<br />of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at-tiny time withoiitt i,*mmRty and may be entitled
<br />-+ �-
<br />to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law.
<br />L
<br />Signed this 28 day of. March ,A.D.19. Eg�.
<br />_
<br />-- - -- --
<br />1 a9. ell
<br />_�,—,I all COUNTY" ► X _ .__.._..r -
<br />On this . 28 — day of _ _._Marcli A.rj:, 19 89 , Wime idle, the undersigne'l.!G. Notary Pu' ?.ti."t1 L�
<br />commissioned and qualified for and residiii& in Maid county, pers.,rt.:rlly came James R.' #V' 5JT1 & i":ig -nos K '1.41 son,
<br />husband & wife to me known to be the whose name -5- affsr..ui'a u6 'z*' fore oin
<br />1; g
<br />instrument as Trustor and :ii- i-ni"i l d ed the Name to be... thel r vol-
<br />untary act and deed.
<br />r ....:
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daffy a)atr; year la#t a..:.....iN:- ..�.`� ...�
<br />My Commission expires the 8 — da tn1Mlf,Sl�ei of NID;,;N] ,
<br />of __ — ___._-- _Feirlldr�L— _ l9 9a. NiE W V. wA
<br />__ .
<br />blic
<br />..: — -- - - - -- —
<br />tiff
<br />STATE OF
<br />r es.
<br />County r
<br />Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record in the offlov of the Register of Deeds of said county, the
<br />day of _- . —__�_ __ ....._ . 19 - --... at ..._-__ — oclock and
<br />minutes ____ .,— _ — .___.. _ __. ___ St, and duly recorded in Book - _ _ _ .._ . __ of ._-
<br />Mortgages page . �_ -- - -- -_ -_ -- •-- ._._._..___.__...._.
<br />C
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />991 FRO'Nr_' _ Deputy
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