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<br /> , _ • . , < , ` � � . : � .. . �, . .
<br /> ' �
<br /> . . � < < _ . „ �
<br /> . , . , . " �
<br /> ` . ,,. -_
<br /> � �o�p�r.witwaNt ri�,.�l'tie�empNoe.tlk Tt�tee'�uEk w�d df ai�ht�titAe.iniere'st�td ctaim of�h�Tcastor�his succ�ds ' . .
<br /> , ' itl�iMera�and ut_�i{`�r�dimnir�bY or thnou�h or undec tb�nt.ir��nd te ths properay�niQ,includit�a11 s,�ch �ialhl,,titk.iateiest� ' �
<br /> ` aed�Ci�idi.11i aod{o l�h DnD�eRY�Cq�tued ly i�Ttt�ilo�o�his'stx�esSOrs tR i�1�Iertst'SUbSeqttrtit l0 3h�e lxeCid�io�t t�l't11e�fivsl�ti The -
<br /> � � `3ln�stee�udl��p�iy►We�eorao�oi thr'iirui�tez`a aaie.fu�ta�east anQ�ezpr�es of'�e�inE�he p�wu of�and oi.tt�,rak.
<br /> ' . �ciw�,l2�e psymet�i oi'th 7'e'uslee's fees actenity incu�'tM not td e�eed��t amaant w`hith may 6e pmvi�dect for in the ttust deQd. ,
<br /> � �d.tb p��rm+ent of tbt oliliftians�ocuied by tht tcust doed.�the 6�tanse.if pny,U�tha pet�a�nr perw�s tejally sntitted tl�eta . `
<br /> � : - - - -- � , . . � , - . . - , .: . �
<br /> �A�d tho ilr�lee c�vee�nit f�t6Culig to perfucna the trust hei+e;n crateck, . ' � . .
<br /> � . • � . � � < , � � . . . �, � -
<br /> `- . �P1�FIGlARY t�f�a»ti�e to time sub�tittqe�soea�wr ar saa�ess�w aoy Trustee Mmed Ntrein at s+ct�iR 6aevr�8x�b
<br /> " e�ee�Me tbis Tnat Uae�.IJpon s�A appomlmeet and�ithaut cAnveyance w the sucec�a TnWte.the l�tter slt�it be ve�d wNb atl �
<br /> � ' � ��po�i.uid.dulies ca�fen�d upoit an�►Trusie� fkrein r�med vr actirtE heneunder Each sacb appaintment�nd substitution df�t1 �
<br /> ' . be�wde�ry w�tte�instrt�rnent snd e�ted E!r Ben�('�chr3r.oo�nt�i�ini�efetenca w this Trust Dxd aad its p'ha d't+eccKd.�vhic�.whar
<br /> F: � eecc�led iq�she otr�x oi the Repstx d�t�s oi tt�e s�ouet� a counties irt which said pruperty is situsted,�U be conclusiwt peof .
<br /> - �t�piq�et i0�o'►ntment o�t6e spcces�a 7'rtute�Tht fote�ioina parw,er�of subd'R�rtip��d the p�cedun,tltetefi�ne sh�1t not be e�t�e
<br /> d tl►e pa�w�er and��raceduie P�►ided for by tavr for thc sabstitution of a Trustee or Tn�siees in the piaa�uf tht 7'rusta a Trustaes '
<br /> a�nied baein. � , .
<br /> � , , .
<br /> j
<br /> . 511on1d the 7'rostot or its succes�ot in intarst witbotit the cot►.5ent in w►itir�of the Benefic�aty setl,tramkr.oS convcY.a O�it �
<br /> : i�°be�d.trst�ier�ed or ctMVeY�,by aanecmrnt far s�le or ie�u�y manner its iniecest in the above descri6ed ce�l estate(dr arry patt .
<br /> �).ll�8enefici�ary ms�1 docWe�tt sums securied hes�eDy immediatety due and parable`sa6ject to applicahk larv.� —
<br /> � _ ;.,� , , .
<br /> : �Th�w�iver by'�'�dr Beneficiarg af arry def�uit of Trastor undeF this Tcust Deed sball rtot be or be deem�ed to be a wuver ' '
<br /> , oP mY atfKr.ar simifat dtfautts subseqtrcntty oeeurting
<br /> � '�'�is��si Deed shil.4 inure to and bind the E�e�rs,teg�ta�,devisees.administrato�s,�xccutors.sticcessors an4 assigns af the parties
<br /> . � �• �
<br /> � �� The Tr�st Dted shafl be e�nstrucd acrnrdirrg tr►the taws af the 5tace c��' lVehr�+ska � ! , �
<br /> � ;�,:
<br /> Ttie Trustor rrqucsis th�t a c�of�ny natice of detautt arrd af any notice of sal��fxrcunder be mailcd tn him by cutified maif -
<br /> , st!he adQress hereinbefooe set forth arr�i��icknce uf such mailsag shall c�mstiwte eviQence c�' �eceipt of such naticr. -
<br /> � Tiustor rcpnsen�.t and wurants that the atx��•z descril�xtt s�at etitate i�rsat u�¢d for an agricu�tural actn+�ty. :_
<br /> , 9Vhen�r the cpnte�t so requires,sir�ular r�•�ras Ehsll he cnnstrued in the ptur.+l and vice ven:►.und the masculine�a�er st�ll
<br /> be.oamtruad to inciude the feminine urb vice vcrsa. .
<br /> , , �.
<br /> IN WtTN�SS VI�HI'sREn�,lhe"�'tustor h;�s hetruntu se1 hig h�mc�the day ancf ye.-�r ii�t a�ve wruten.
<br /> � . '. �'
<br /> . 6 -
<br /> � . _- Tkli�'C� RenQe+l l f:. Crc�gory ._.—..
<br /> . _ ,.
<br /> - � ,� .
<br /> � • 'FK�ltiiti}� ��riat#ne L. Gregory �
<br /> ���Q�'- 1Lhr��lr� .._-„�..y- - - - -
<br /> ' - ��� --- -
<br /> �.�1���}'._.:�.._� .t _ ..-
<br /> . Hefnr�emr.0 Nu1�:eryPublic.quat�fie�i#�}r�,s��t�c►���Y=.�y�t�t;-t:t:r,r --- t�n�3a�_ i�:. r�rranrY-----__�__..artd
<br /> • � � _._ �_.._._ ._-_�--
<br /> Chriatine �. Gr�gary ._ _: _�_ - _., - .._. _ . ,
<br /> :----- s:�..._._.�,..�..w._�..�..�:.�_.._kro��Tfti nic ur he tl�c�de�titic,:t rei,un(s►ahn�i��ted Ihe fi,rt�ar�m� .
<br /> insttument attd acicncn4kd�ti�e extrution theret�f tf�t���y:�et��t;icir c,u�r�tary u�t :�rnd dee�l. Witttrss my h:�nd and 4ctitana!Seal �
<br /> — - .� �; ----i.��_�-�a . _ ���� _.. -. .:_ . __ - . . ,
<br /> � ._, �� �
<br /> /
<br /> My ccnnmissiirn er�pirc�_ .���i;�/fu f�l� � ,�-r��.�./'f����,.-^-� �_ " �'
<br /> ` • . !�t�lAKl` l'!� 4Lt! ,. _...- -- - - - -- --
<br /> �' �����
<br /> lscal► ������ '�,
<br /> - - � - -. ���..
<br /> s���a ��-�--os .� .
<br /> � .�
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