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<br /> . � • - � Tl�.t.s License l�qree�aent is inade by and� between the Ci�'Y OF
<br /> ,j� -. � ° GRUiD ISL11�1D, �1EHRASI�7►, a IKunictp�l Corporation, herein referred to �
<br /> ;, , aa the "City° and CYPRUS INDIISTRIl�iL IKIHERriLS COI�l1NY, a
<br /> _ � � � . corporation, her�inafter referrea to as: the "Liceasee". . , �
<br /> . <, 's � • - . � ,.
<br /> � 1. 5��1TEMENT �3F PURPOSE. The purpose� of this License .
<br /> ��..�� • ]iq�C+�iseAt is �o set forth the terms and conditaazs uader which the
<br /> `',:�.�,�.�� ' Lic��isee:m�ty construct, maintain, regair f and u�ilize t2�e foll�ing , � .
<br /> � . - de��ribed 3strpravetncnt wbich will iufrinqe upon real estate owaed by
<br /> . . : � the� �C3ty: � .. . . . ' . , .
<br /> '
<br /> � � � . ' J� rail spur croscinq the. City awned drainage �_ �
<br /> . . . � ditch. . `
<br /> - � 2. - DESCRiFTTON OF LICENSEE'S REAL _ESTA.�. The L�cens�e cwns `
<br /> �t .: the fQllowing deacribed real estate ad�ac�nt ta the City's zea� - � , �.
<br /> ; � estate to whfch this License Agreement shall agpiy;. `
<br /> . , ' ;. .
<br /> ' � � A parcel . of land situated in the West :ialf of������he
<br /> , � No=thea�t� Quarter (W 1/2 NE 1/�4) of �e�tias� 15, Towrr�aip •
<br /> ii Nart�a� Ranqc 9 West of the Sixth P��ncipa2 Merid�an,
<br /> � Ha21 County, Ke�zaeka, bounded �nd describ�d as foilow�,:� �
<br /> : • Commencing at the northea�st corn�r o� said wegt half -=�
<br /> . o� the northeaat quartez tW 1/2.NE 1/4) of sdid Section � �
<br /> 15; thenca along the east line of said we�t half of the . ' .
<br /> ' � . aortheast qTr�rter E�i 1/2 NE 1/4) aE said &eatipn� 15 r `
<br /> � south 0 degreea 00 minuties 00 second west, 632.22 fe�et to � ' -
<br /> a pofnt on the southeasterly line of that c�rtain strf�
<br /> af land conveyed by Union Pacific Rt�ilroe�d Company to the . -
<br /> . Dep�rtment of Public Works by quiLClaim d�ed dated Mazch
<br /> , 4, 1930r said point beinq on the southeaster�.y right-of-
<br /> � way line of u. S. H1gtr.:ay 30, said pa�int also beiag the
<br /> ; TRUE POZNT OF BEaZNNiNt3; tRence along s�id southeaster�y
<br /> , ri�ht-of-way line, south 6a degreee 28 m,inute� 56 aeconds '
<br /> west, 88.62 feet to the.norkhea�at corner ef ��at ce�tain �
<br /> � parcel of ,1�!�d conveyed by t�ni�s� P�cific Rallroa� Company ' :�
<br /> ' ta Lincain Service a�� Supply, Inc. �y warzanty deed ' =4
<br /> ,, ' dated September 15, 13�53= thenee along the easterly 3fne ��"
<br /> � of said conveyed parcel and alonq„tl�� eaeterlx line c� �
<br /> that certain parCel o� land conveycd by Urtion Pmcific � .
<br /> , Railroad Company to Lincoln S�rvice and S���ly�.� Inc. bv� . -
<br /> � w�trranty deed dated�.�aovember 13, 1951, , and along ttte
<br /> . � � essterly line of that �ertain parcel �aF Zaisd conveyed by •
<br /> Union Pacific Ratlrved Company�;to L�:ccoln Serv3ce and � �
<br /> � S�pp1y, Znc. by warranty dee� ��ate:d S�p��m�r 15, 195�,
<br /> ; south 0 degr�es 00 minu�'es 3b secon�s west, 604.80 feet �
<br /> to tihe souttieast corrtor of sa�d conv�yQA parcelj ttc�nce �
<br /> ' dlang �he southerly boun�ary o€ sa�;,� cvnvdyed pazce� and �
<br /> . ..
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