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<br /> : Thi� License l�qree�aerit is made� by and betw�n the C��'Y flF . � � ` � � `
<br /> �. � � GR11HD ISL�1tD, IiE8R11S1a►, a Muuicipal Corporat3'oA, 2�+erein refe=red to ' ' �
<br /> as the �'City" and C�3�►RLLS a. .and SDZTH v. RoBBi�ts, bu:band an�f � � � . .
<br /> � �°� wife, hereinstter referrad�ta a� the "Licensee". � .
<br /> �� 3. STaTE�l�ENT OF PUAPOSE. Z`iie purpo�e of this License � � � � �
<br /> ; �, . �►qseeAent i� to aet fort,b.�he terms and condition= under which the , � ,
<br /> �� Li.censee may construct, n�intafn, repsir, and utilize tlie follawing
<br /> . deseribed imgrQVement which w311 in�riage ugon real estate owned by _
<br /> the City: ,
<br /> . ���. ;..� � 1�-aix �6.' ) feet biqb treated woalen fenee xunning on , �
<br /> . � � ' ' � � � the pu��� riqht-of-wap aelonq Braad�rell Street for a �
<br /> � � distan�e cst six�,�-eight �'�8' 1 feet from the sauthweaterly , . , �
<br /> . � .. . � -. lot lit� vf Lq����„ Block 31, :�asmer's l►ddiCion to ,the
<br /> , , � � City of �rand I�land; . � � , ,'
<br /> � • � � 2. DESCRIP't*ON OF L2CENSEE'S RE�►L EST7ITE. The Licensee awna
<br /> � the followinq deseribed real estate adja�ent to t�se �.ty's real
<br /> � � � estate to which this License Aqrecment shail apply:
<br /> Lot One li�, Bloek 2hirty-One 1313, Waomer's Addition � _
<br /> , � to the City af Grand Islani. Kall County, Ncbsaska.
<br /> 3. LZCENSEE'S DUTiES AND RISXS. It is understcod and agseed � __
<br /> . thit the Licensee oe�►y consttuc�, mai.ntain, �epatr anct atilise the � -
<br /> atbove descsibatt �.�Drovement at the Licensee•s �ole risk. The
<br /> � LiceASee ttereby waives any claim for da�►a�qes again�t the Gity, its
<br /> ' offfcera, ang�oyee�, � aqenta ana infle�ea�dent contractors for any -
<br /> damaqe or ln�ury �3�at msy result to said improvement. if the City, ,.
<br /> . in �ita aole di.sc�retioa, determtr.�s that any �a�t or a�ll of the
<br /> � improvement raust be removed oz is damaqed by tt�n CiCy, i�s �
<br /> emDloyees, aqents. or indopendent contractors workinq �ar the City
<br /> ` durinq the courae of their emyloyment or duzies with tl�+o City, �he
<br /> L3cen�ee aqrees to sasume and pay �11 costs relating• to the
<br /> � . roplaaement or repair of the imp-ovement.
<br /> 4. �FFECTIVE DATE. Thi�s licenae �greement sha2d *eke effect . ..
<br /> on the date it is executed by the Mayor of tAc City of �rnnd Igland �:�
<br /> e�e dated below. It shall contir�ue for an ,in�Pef�inite tarm uati2 � :.��
<br /> � suah tfm� aa it i� terminated as provi8ed hereafter. �. � �
<br /> 5. TER�!lINl1TI4N. This licens� agreement shall tesminate upon
<br /> � one or mor� of thc fol2owirq accurrcr.ccs:
<br /> � a. The eervico of sixty drsys wrYtte» notice af
<br /> intentio$ to termtnatc by any pa�xt� upon the othor party.
<br /> t�. The Llcensee's appiication for � pormit ta �lter
<br /> s��id imprvvemant or any par� thorcof, ur�I�ss said �crmit is
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