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<br /> (6) To coi�ec�,wi�rsOr.a�w,and rec�w from arry b�k,corpixatron,or
<br /> cther person.rtmney3 owir.g to me iran�a��'�9D0:?EEYYI�S17 BUCh[l2[fIK,
<br /> � corperatiors,w ofher person,anC te sign checks,ordexs,d�a�9s, azul
<br /> , rereipts therefot,
<br /> (7) To sig,n, exeaute,deiiver,and acknowledge such deeds,deeds of
<br /> L ust,covenants, iederriures,agreements,morigages, pledge ag;eements,
<br /> nr,tes, receipts,checks, hfl�s ot e�cchange,evirionces of de�fs, releases arxf
<br /> satissacYOns cf mortgage debts,judgment debts and other debts,and such
<br /> other irstruments in wryting, of every kind and nature, as may be
<br /> racessary or proper in the premises.
<br /> �
<br /> ! (8j To coli�.:on, corn�romise,EnrAerse,borrow againsT,hypothecate,
<br /> � reiease, ar.d recover any promissory note receivable,whelher secured or
<br /> � unsecured, and any related deed of trust.
<br /> � (9) To purchase, se�l, and dispose of personal property of every kind
<br /> and na[ure,�inclu�ing shares of stock, bord�, rotes,and otbe�securi;es,
<br /> � ard to sign, execute, and deliv�r 2ssianments and bills ot sale iherefor.
<br /> Z
<br /> � (9�J) To vote at al! meetings cf shareholders,whether general, regular, or
<br /> } special, of any corpor�;ion o`whose shares or of any of whose share I
<br /> t
<br /> ,=m ihe oK�ner, in�snares of stock of such corporation owned by me on
<br /> i any and aIl�questions that may arise at or come before 3ny such mr.eting,
<br /> and te�so each and every thing respecting such shares ot stock, inclutling
<br /> ;'�,n catii�g of ineetings of direo[ors or sta:khoide!'s or making and giving
<br /> � consents and ratifications,and any and every other act or tl;in5 which I
<br /> omight or ceuld do i`, personally present, intending hereby to confer upon
<br /> my Attomey in Fact full power and authonry to do, with rzference to
<br /> such shares cf stock,any anci everything whatsoever vrhich I myself
<br /> �� migh, or could do 2s ov✓ne� of such shares.
<br /> i {11 j Ta open accour�;s wSth;!vck brokers (on cash or on marginl;tr� ��y,
<br /> j sell,2ndorse, +.rar,s(ar, hyoothecate, and borrow against any shares of
<br /> � stock, 5onds, ur other secvrities defined as such under Arizona law.
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