..... . . . .. r$ _z,��.������. ��., ��,�s`y�-"na.
<br /> �bn q'�y,-� e
<br /> � f�i
<br /> ".�� �� ,
<br /> 9p�043�5
<br /> rusuc vrn.rr�:s�_r�rrr
<br /> � INEZ:M.F1AliREI2,asinglepamn,a�MKAT2iERli�'EANNMAURFRF.T.Q,I�R, .
<br /> z s��gln pe:soq rach in her own �c, hz(em calicd ahr, i;iartois, m rn�ide.�tiun of Scc . �
<br /> .'housanrl Twa 9-7midrx_d Doliatz (S6,�O.Dp), receipt oE whieh is 6ere6� aclowaviedg.d,
<br /> F�crety grari and eomzv unro thn
<br /> s rnuricipai corporxtzon i�Hali County, Nehtas�ca, acrein ea7ed the Gra�tee, a pernvaaent
<br /> �.;nd �e-Fetua; ease.n��cnt and righ;-of-way to eoratrvcq oxratq mainuin, sxtend, repair,
<br /> rcpiace, ��d remeve public u;ilities, including but mt limited �o, mnilnry� scw•ers, s4orm
<br /> s�e�v�r�s, wa;cr �r;air�unuerground electnc lin:�s, cammunica[iors lines,munholes, pi�x: lir.es,
<br /> su:!ice m:ukers; and nthtr �ppurtcnances, i:pon, rnce, in, ai�J Ihrough a tract o( I�nd
<br /> incaecd in ��c0on l2, Townshlp 11 ivorth, Range 10 Wut of the 6lN P.M., in the City of
<br /> Grnnd Islan:i, Hall County, Neb:eskn, ��orc partir,vlazly drsr.bcJ as Follows:
<br /> 8tginning at a point on Ihc South linc of Capitai Avcnue, said
<br /> poiz�t br.ing 435 teet West of and 33 feet Sowh of thc Nortiteaat
<br /> comer oF the Northwrsc Quaner o( the Nerthenst Quartcr
<br /> (NW'.�NE�1 �f Section 12-17-i0; t�ence cas!erly on a line J3
<br /> feet S��cth oE anr, p.;rallel to Ih^_ tlorth line o(said Seetion I2-
<br /> 1 I-10 Cor a distance of lli Ceet; thence soulhecly on a line 4t9
<br /> fec� West of nnd parallei lo ihe East linc of said Notthwer.t
<br /> Qu,:rter of the Nnnheast Quartcr(NW;Nii�l nFSection 12-ll-
<br /> ]9 ti>r a distancc of 393 Ecet; thentt westedy on a !ine 42C,fect
<br /> Sou^.h nf and p+nllei m the North i�:�e. oi 5ection ][-17-10 for
<br /> a dis'anc: nr Z12 (eet; thence snwhe<iy on n !ine for n dis�anec
<br /> nP 2,-rr1.� fcct, more cr ics.s, tn n pqint on the South fiee of the
<br /> Sowt'.�vcst Qmnlcr i�( ihc NoiOienst Quart^_r (SW;NEi) o.`
<br /> Sectiur I2-1I-10, snid pciat being 649.�4 Cect Wcst o( the
<br /> Southzaat rurner cf said Snuthwcst Quarter oF th� Northeast
<br /> Qoarter (SW�NE;) nf Section IZ-11-1Q 6hence continuing
<br /> seu!;:edc ;r, a iine for a disennce of 1,32i.R Ceet, more or less,
<br /> to a noiot on tha SoutS li�c of the Morihwest Quarter o( �he
<br /> Snrthu�est Quartcr (.N}yh���5) of Settinr. 12-t I-Y0, saiu point
<br /> Ezhi:;lt
<br /> 1
<br />