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r � <br />Acct 11127 03 58771 (Stahla) <br />RELEASE OF MORTGAGE Corporation 89--;=401564 <br />IN CONSIDERArtom of the payment of the debt named thereirr, the...... N.�?,_Dank „Nebraska, N.A. <br />r <br />hereby releases the mortgage made tv.........Norwest Sank Nebraskai� „h.A;, a /k /a NorGrest. Bank <br />Gt}d_,Isl}fd* N, A- ............................. by ...... <br />Sob__Stahla Mobile Home „Servicee..Inc„ <br />................................................................................................................................... ............................... <br />on the following described real estate, to wit' <br />The Westerly Tern. (10) f "t of Let. four (4), all of lot five (5) and the <br />Easterly one foot: of latC 'six (0).r in block three (3), Blain Addition <br />to the City of Grand 1sT_rirW, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Hall /Nebras I st 1184 -00579 <br />County,State of ..._ f,::;..�vhich is recorded in �ao r ....................or Real Estate Mcrtgage>.�:::. _ - <br />page > ...............:.......... of the records of said Coinry. <br />i,'V .TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said ......? ...................ha caused <br />these pri ors. to be executed by its officer and its Ccrpamle Seal to be affixed hereto this......2 ....:... <br />da; cf:.:.....I' arch ....._.........,19...$9..... <br />Attest:�t� x c t <br />s> r.. _... .... .................. By Nancy S B om-- Assistant Vice Fr ident <br />lie A Schulte- -Pay off Specialist <br />STATE QF... r, sUi ...................... 28th y ...... March........... ) t?9 <br />Neb, ,, On this da of 9 ; <br />. .. <br />as. <br />Hall ; <br />....... .........................County before me, the undersigned, a. Notary Public in and f�' <br />said County, personally came...... ......... officer of the <br />Norwest..Back..Ytebr"t - a...h.a:... _.......... ....................... ..............................a Corporation <br />to me personalty known to be the identical person khase name is affixed to the above release end ad wi4ledged the <br />execution thereof to be his voluntary act and'deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and deed of sad Cnrpsratlon, <br />and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at.... AMest Bank Nebraskar . p, A., ,,in said Cot r�t}f <br />the day and year last above written. <br />Gr��� /.., <br />My commission expiras.rL..'�';19. Y...... .............................. ............................... Notary PUbWa <br />_ n _ VINN <br />�IIOfA1J1��1NI�1 � . <br />rgr�raa MIe, <br />SEAL <br />840 <br />�r <br />4r <br />l! <br />E` <br />