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<br /> Ut�iIFORM C01fEPIJ1NT8. Ho�rowr�nd UndK cavarw�t and �qrN�s foNov,n: �O- �.04 34 9
<br /> ' 1. P�ytnant ot Principal and Int�nst; Prap�ym�nt �nd Lat� Chu�s. Borrower sh� aompty pay w!►en du�the
<br /> prnc�l of and tnl�t on th�d�bt widencad by tM Not��nd�ny prp�ym�nt�nd Mto charya du�u�dK th� Not�.
<br /> Z. Et�t�ds ia Tax�s a=d lnsura�oc�. 9�,�cs to �hw or ta w wrNNn walvu by L�. BwrowK sMN pay sn �«�der
<br /> [� on N+�d�niontMy p�ynwnta�n dw undK 4M l�ioN, cK►tit t►w NMe iE ptkl kt 11�N,�wm ("Fun�'9 �+�i to antMtMRH ot fs} Y'M��y
<br /> � �.. .na ..�.e�a w�,�a+ �,.y .� �o�y o�K a,a s.�►Maru�n.r+r, ro� y.+�► a.a�.naa paym«,�a
<br /> qrow�d nea on t�.
<br /> R'�b,���a?Y+�M hax�rd Intur�no�Pnmk,nr� �nd (dl Y�.rM n�1� �►w�rta Rr�mMxn�. �any. The��k�ne cvad "aaa+ew
<br /> M�"l��d�r nNy�s16n�M th�Funds dw on 1M buft M art�nt d�ta�nd n�aawbN�atlrtr�ot A�hxr�sctow Upn�.
<br /> Th� Fu�nd� th�b�h�id b an hsll��ion th�d�po�its or aecounh M wAtcA w tnwnd a pu�r�ntMd by a t�d+rd or s1ot�a�nry
<br /> �noludiq Unti�r N L�nd�r M wdt an instlWYon). L�ndK shal apply tM Fwxfs to p�y th�Kcrow R�na. L�nd�►nry not eMr�for hokNnp
<br /> �nd�p�pyk+�IM Fu�d�, �ly8n�tM�coaxN or vrMyhs tM Naaw k�. uMas l�nd�t p�y� 8ortowK tntwst on 1M Funds and
<br /> �pp1��El�Yw pwmlts Undr to e�ic�wcA a chr�.A char�usNS�d by l��in oo�cilon with&�row�r'� ent�rin�hto thM 3�curNy
<br /> Uatun+«M a pay eh. eost a .n nd.pw,d.nc t�c nporan�s.nrk.�IW na b.a c�.r9. tor purpos«ot en.pr.c�s.nanc�.
<br /> 8onow�r and L�W�r n�►prM h wdtlnp thN NNt�t�AaM b�p�id on tM Fund�.llnNas�n prwm�nt is n�or�pplicabls kw nquka
<br /> bN�rNt b M pMd,L�nd�t sM1 not b� nquir«i to p�y fB�row� any int�nst ar wnkqs on tM Funds. l�ndu M�M qiw to Barowr,
<br /> wiMout ch�qe. �n arxiwl aaxwnlins ot tM Funds ehowin�endita and d�bks to t!»Funds and tM pu�poa ta which �ach d�bit to
<br /> � 1M Funds w�s n�. TM Funds w pMci�d u acWYonr��aKity tar tM sums s�cixrd by thM S�Uy Intf�urtNM.
<br /> M 1M amount ot th�Fundt Mld by UndK.top�thK with M�1�tix� monMN P�Y�'�b of Fund�pay�hN p�ior to th�dw cMtM ot th�
<br /> �torow N�. sM1 rccNd tM amount nquk�d to pay 1M escxow NMns whan du�, tM �xass sh�1 b�. at Barow�r'�oplbn. Mth�►
<br /> ' prary�My apdd b Borrowr or ix�dt�d to BaraNK on montt►y payrtwnts of Fund�. H ih�anwunt ot th�Fu�ds hNd by L��Is not
<br /> suMd�k b p�y tM�s�row kamt wh�n dw, Borrow� shaN pay to L�nd�r any anaunt n�cassary to mrc�up tM d�Aciancy in on�or
<br /> mon p�nts as nquind by L�nd�r.
<br /> ` llpon p�ym«tt in �of�A auma s�cund by this Secutity Instrument, Lander sh�N promptly rMlrnd to Qarowo any Fu�da hdd by
<br /> lwidw. If �x�dw p��aph 18 tM Propat�is sotd or acqutrod by lander, Lencia sh�N appy, no Mter thNn hxn�di�tdy prbr to th� aaM
<br /> W th� P1op�rry or its acquisltlon by Lender, any Funda hNd by Le�der�t th� tkn�of�ppMc�tion as a a�dN apeinat th� sums s�cund by
<br /> thk 3�a�rlty N�strum��t
<br /> 3. wpplkallon o#Paym��tts. Uoisas appNc�bt� Mw Provid�a oth�ewia�� a1 payn�nts ncNv�d by lrnd�r uncMr pra�raphs t
<br /> ar►d 2 sh�N b�appi�d: �s� to Mt� ehar�s dw und�r the Note; sacond,ta pnp�ym�nt ch�rp�s dw undK tM Notr, third.to anw�x�ta
<br /> p�y�bN undK prapraph Z; fourth,to htxeai due; and Irst. to prk�dpat due.
<br /> 4. Chi��; Li�1f�. 8prower ahaN pay�II taxea,aaaessments, chv�. 1(n�s r�d impoaidons atMbutabt� to th� Propwry whtch " '
<br /> m�y W�in pbriry owr tAis S�curity IhsWment. and leaaehold payrt�enta or yround nnts, lf any. Bortower ahY pay thes�oWy�tbns tn
<br /> tM m�nn�r provid�d h paa9r�ph 2, or N not paid in that m�nner. Bomowar shaN pay them on tirtM dUecty to tM p�son ow�d p�yrtw�L .
<br /> 6orrow�r sh�N promptly t�mish to Lender�II notices oi amounts to bt pald under this pa�a9raph. If Bo�row�r mokes th�se paym�nts i
<br /> ��._ ..---... _ , �.
<br /> --_ aw�w.vy. ow�vnrR'siwir piai�auj itinHSn �6 taiwr r�ryis evioencing'trts paynFenle. ±-;„"s.'.
<br /> Borrowr ahaM prompti}r discharge anp Ban which has priority over this Securriy Inatrumant untass Bortower. (a) a9rees in wdtiny to
<br /> th� paynwnt of th�obli�Non securod by the Nen b a rrwnner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests N �ood faith th�Yan 6y, or daiande .
<br /> �(nst mforcem�nt of th�lian in, lepal procaedinys which h the LendePa opinion op�rat�to pravent ths enioro�nNnt o! th� It�n or
<br /> ibrNiluh d any p�t oi U»Prop«iy;or(e) sacur�s irom the hoider of the Ikn an ayrNrr�nt satlsf�ctory to L�nd�r wbordnath�th�N�n to '
<br /> thb S�eurky Inslrum�nt M lmd�r d�twmhes that any part of tha Pro�erty ia aubJect to�Yen wMch may atWn priairy ovK thM S�axiry
<br /> Instrument, Lender mry�ivs 8orrower a notice ida�tifying the Nen. Borrower shal saHsfy the Wn a t�k� one or mon of th��cHons s�t �"�
<br /> foRh abov� within 10 days ot ths pivin� of notice.
<br /> 5. H�xd Mwnne�. eorrower aAa1 kaep tha rn�rovemen�s now exlsUn�or here�iter eracted on ths Prop�rlJr insund ay�inat
<br /> bas by tn. hwrds induded within the tarm "extended coverage" and �ny other h�zards ta which Lander nquk�a insurana.This
<br /> �shY b�m�htakied(n the amounta and tor the periods that Lender requires. The hsuance c�rr}er providing the hsuranq shaN
<br /> b�chosm by Barower subJact to Lender's approvai which sheM not be unreasonaby wkhheld. � �
<br /> AN insuranc�poYcies and nnawals ahaN be acceptabie to lende►ancf shaN indude a atandard morty��e dwae. Lender shar have the
<br /> ripht to hdd the pdicles and rone�,vaJa. Ii lender requires. Borrower shaN promptly pive ta Lender dl �eceipts o1 paid praniurr� and
<br /> nn�wal notices. In the event of bas, 8orrower shell give prompt notice to the lnsunnce catHer and Lender.Lender may mak�proot of bss �.��
<br /> iI not rr� promptly by Borrawer. • �.
<br /> UnNsa LandK and Barower otherwise agree in wriUnp, insura�ce proeeeds shaM be appfled to restoration or reprir o!the Property
<br /> d�Qsd, if the nstoratkn ar rcpair is econort�IcaNy feasible and Le�der'a aecurity is not lessened. ft the rostoraUon or rep�is not '
<br /> �eonarJc�y fs�s�bN or Lender's aecuriry would be lessened, ths insurartce proceeds sh�N be applied to the aums s�cursd by this S�curity
<br /> Instrum�nt, whather or not then due, with any excess paid to BoROwer. M Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer wRh1n 30
<br /> d�ys a noHce irom Lender that the lnsurance caRier has o8ered to senle a claim. then Lender may coNect the fnsurance proceeds. Lertder
<br /> rtay use the proceeda to repak or rcstora the Property or to pay sums secured by thia Security Instrument, whether ot not then due. Tha
<br /> 30�day paiad wib beyh rrhen the notice Is gtven.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otherwlse agree in writing, any application of p�oceeds to principal shaH not extend or postpona the due
<br /> dot�ot the mortihly payments reterred to k� parayraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount ol the payments. Ii under parayreph 19 tha Property
<br /> fs acquked by Lender, Borrower's dght to any insurance poUcies and proceeds�esufting from damaye to the Property pdor to the acqulsition
<br /> shaN pasa to Lender to tha e�Rent of the sums by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acquls�lon.
<br /> 6. Pr�sorvation and Maintenancs of Property; Leaseholds. Borrower shaY not destroy, damage or s�bstanUally change
<br /> the Property. allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If this Security Instrument is on a leasebotd, 8orrower shall comply with
<br /> the provlsioaa of the le�se. and N Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leaseh�ld and tee tiUe shap not merge unW the Lender '---—
<br /> agrees to the merger in writing. , '
<br /> T. Protaction af Lander's Rights 1n the Property; Mortgage Onsurance. It Bonower fails to pertorm the covenants
<br /> and agreements contained iR thls Security InsUument, or there is a legal proceeding that may signiHcantly atfect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Property (such as a proceeding in bankrupicy, probate,tor condemnation or to enforce Iaws or regulations), then Lender may do end pey for
<br /> whetever Is necessr�ry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lend�r's actlons may incTude paying any
<br /> N
<br /> � sums aecured by e Uen which has pdority over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in court, paying reasonable attomeys' fees and entering •
<br /> on the PropeAy to make repairs. Although Lender may take�ction under paragraph 7, Lender daes rtot have to do sq. �
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall become additional debt ot BoROwer secured bq this Securiry Instrument. `*
<br /> ��
<br /> Uniess Borrower�and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest irom the date o?disbursement at the Note �r�n
<br /> rete and shall be payable,wilh interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting paymant. , ,��
<br /> 52�:1uSS p;�q� 2 ot 4
<br /> F13i6.CT1 !02/90) —
<br /> _�
<br />