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1 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST. <br />TRUSTOR READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING: : 101563 <br />Trustor understands thatthe documentthat Trustor is about to execute is a Deed of Thant and riots mortgage and that" power <br />of sate provided for in the Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to Tifustttr than a mortgage In the event <br />of a default orbreach of obligation under the Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to, the Lenders right to have the Property sold <br />by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding. Trustor represents and warrants that this acknowledgement was executed by <br />Trustor before the execution of the Deed of Trust TiOff <br />( Jghn H. Atit1he ,�T . stos President) <br />(Harvey E. ichek / Trustor Secretary) <br />PREFACE TO AGRICULTURAL DEED OF TRUST <br />COMPLETE this portion ONLY it the real property described <br />consists of INDNIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />If applicable, complete ONLY ONE either A, B, or C: <br />0 A. DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br />Trustaar acknowledges that Trustor is about to execute the following Deed of trust upov the Property. Trustor, aiid.""'ch of them <br />if more than one, hereby disclaims Trusters right to designate a homestead on said real estate, No part of Trustoet;wbinesteAd 1s <br />presently or will in the future be situated upon said real estate. Trustor understands that if Truatcr establishes a homestead on any <br />part of said real es'.i1 alluring the time: the Deed of Trust remains unsatisfied and a lien uPorr said real estate, there shall be no right to <br />make a df ri &atidii Ot homestead iii the event of a foreclosure or tristee's sale with respect to said Deed of Trust <br />O B. VMVr: R OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br />Trustor acknowledges that Trustor is about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the Propeity Trustor, and each of them <br />if more than one, hereby waives Trustor's right to designate a homestead on said real estate. Trua(or understands that Trustor has <br />right to make a designation of homestead and that by executing this waiver. T,,,jstcr is waiving rights otherwise available for the <br />purpose of.adfording them the opportunity to retain Trustor's homestead in the event: of, a default upon the Deed of'Trust <br />ID C. DE5'zJ`G ATION 'OF HOlVF_STFJ'D: <br />Pursuant to the Fa m Mair.,k1 ad Protection Act (Section 70 -1901 at saq. Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska). Trustor <br />hereby designates ilia i0M o 5ke described in file "Designation cf htrmestead" attached hereto and incorporated herein by brig <br />reference. <br />Trustor <br />Trustor <br />AGRICULTURAL DEED OF TRUST WITH. FUTURE AD'VANCM <br />THIS DEED OF TRIJS►, is made as of the _29th— day of ;k�ZrCh , 19-29— by and among <br />ttd,Tr_ star,,.__ N–% r"orPoration <br />:nailing address is 2332 N. Broadweli, Grand Island, N 68803 <br />(herein "TruSt o, ,whether one or more), <br />C* Truskz s; William G. Blackburn, . a member of tiui. N',Z State Bar Assn. <br />whose rr�i81jrg address is ya.h�,a,, r a^ =nII ?._ (herein: "iivatee "), and <br />the Beneficiary, - -- Five F %Ws Bank <br />whose mailing address is 0- BaX 1507 Grand Tuhanrl ry"C� fS.914112 (herein "Lendei). <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including Lender's exlans'c -n of credit identified herein to _M-Z G0r,P_7.trati0n <br />( hereir. " eoyraiwriv," whether one or more) and the truss therein created, <br />the receiQf of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby f1rants, transfers, conveys and assrgna to Trustee, iN <br />TRUST, WMJ POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Lrindizry oiA= ,ir and subject to the terms end conditionr, hereinafter set <br />forth, the curl property, described as follows: Lot One (1) LM. 0.1pck Fourteen (19) in College Addition <br />to West Lawn, in the City of Grand island. Hall 6uytsyr, Nebraska <br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and appurte- <br />nances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues and profits, reversions and remainders thereof, and <br />such personal property that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a fixture. including, but not limited to, heating and <br />cooling equipment; and together with the homestead or marital interests, if any, which interests are hereby released and waived; all <br />01 which, Including rep 2^ monts and additiGnsthsrsto, is herBDy declared to be a part of the rest estate secured by trio lien of this <br />Deed of Trust and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the "Property". <br />LThis Deed of Trust shall secure (a) the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit <br />agreement dated March 28 1.289 having a maturity date of . _ .. April 5, 1999 <br />in the original principal amount of $ 701000,00 , and any and al! modifications. extensions and renewals <br />thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower for any of !hen, if more than one) hereunder !� <br />pursuant t3 one or more promissory notes or credit agreements therein called Note -1, tot me kaymetir of other srms advanced by <br />war ran: uy, Z:��au o«ai � r n rs <br />- <br />«:s <br />'" <br />r: <br />