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5 <br />t sate of Nebraska Deed ot;'iFuSt <br />89--101558 <br />_ = a <br />a� <br />+:. <br />FMA CaM Mme. <br />321- 1303464 -748 <br />iii Deed of Tmd ("Stcud-,Y Instrument ") is made on M1431'rX, 28TH <br />19 89 The triwa is �DALL A. MYERS ANEi LOEt;I A.. +'lYERS, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />( "erJmxvvtt�"):;The trustee is <br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, MIONAL ASSOCIA.TIDVI� ffrustoa").:The beneficiary is <br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, ..NATIONAL ASSOCIA.TIM, , which is organized and existing <br />under the laws of THE UNITED SYAs�iES OF AMIrRICA ,;and whose address is <br />("Lender "). <br />202 WEST THIRD STREET, GRAND ISLAND, >y!"r.,BU, 55 4% . 66801 <br />Wkaese& That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and out hereinafter described ard cTeaudl, and the sum of One Dollar ($1). to <br />him„ in hand paid by the Trustee, the "%xipt of which Ls bemby ackaatWedged. does u-,�r theme presents giant, bargain and sell, convey and <br />confirm, unto the Trustee in trust, with power of sale, fim.�rerw all.uf the following deed Mal estate, situated lying and being in the County of <br />HALL . and state of N'.braslta..brwit: <br />THE WESTERLY FORTY —FOUR (44) FEET OF LOT SEFEN(7) , BLOCK FOUR (k) , . IN WIICDt)LI'A' S <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GIWND ISLAND, lTAL7- COUNTY, NEBRASKA' <br />"THIS IS A PURCILL59 mnzyNdS amr, -.�zEt' <br />THE RIDER TO THE DEED OF TRUST ATTACEIS&D..IIERE-t0 AID OF EVEN DATE HEREWITH IS <br />INCORPORATED HEREIN AND THE C04 cbiA.ti'TS AN-D AGRED0 hS 'Ib. TZEE RIDER SHALL AMEND AND <br />SUPPLEMENT THE COVENANTS AND AGREF.S�1,"t'S: OF THIS BItJ' OF TRUST. <br />which has the address of 1212 W. JOM Immi <br />Nebraska 68801 iz,pc-tdcp <br />("14operty Address"); <br />GRAND Ia:1.AND (oty► <br />To Have aad To HoW the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating, plumbing an:: <br />lighting fixtures and equi;mnt now or hereafter atutchcd ti" of ueed- in connectiotr with said real estate unto the Trustee. and to its success►—, <br />and assigns. forever. The Ilnrrower represents to. and canvcnnntr. with. the Trustee. that the Borrower has good right to sell and convey sair <br />premises; that they are five from encumbrance; and that the Bdwnwer will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all periiorts <br />wbom mver. and the said Borrower hereby mlingttigm all nigh of homestead, and all marital tots. either in law or in equity. and all other <br />contingent interests of lba Borrower in and to the above- desciffird premises. and intention being to convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple. <br />including all rights of W mcstead. and other rights and inteff -.4o y; aforesaid. <br />provided Always. and these presents are executed and d0iwln:d unto the Trustee. in trust, however for or foiowing pap±ses: <br />When%& the Borrower on the 28TH' . day of MARCH borrowed from tore 9Lendet <br />the sumof THIRTY. FOUR THCUSA20 FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00/100--------- -- -- - --- <br />- -_ _..------ -- .._..-------------------- Dollars (S 34,450.00 ), for which <br />sum the Buaower has 6ncuted and delivered to the I.ender Bofrawer s promissory note of cam' date. baring <br />interest of the rate of T N AND 500/1D00 ptr centum 1 10.500 %) per annum on the urptid balance until paid. <br />The said principal AM ititereat shall be payable autlie office of <br />NORWEST HAWK SEBILISKA,, 1ti�kPnC1t AL ASSOCIATION, 202 14EST THIRD oSTREET or <br />place as tY.s hr- itii:r of the note <br />in GRAND ISLA!%D, NL'BRASNA 68801 <br />may designate to writing, in munihiy imullitients of THREE 1 IXORED FIFTSEN 0D 13 /100 --------- ---- -------- <br />•--------- -„• _ Dollars (:f 3115.13 ).,.om1r.& -QW Qn the first day of MAY 01 <br />19 gg . and on the fi fft. dry of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully pi,4. except that the final payment of prncipal <br />and ittk"34 if trot sooner. (A4 sr be due and psya }ale on the fast day of APRIL 01 <br />2019. <br />This form Is used tft rcmr:ection with mortgages insured under the one - r� fr; ; rata :!l► programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />Sections 203(b) and'!i.�r which require a One -Time Mortgage insurance Premium pq f/t7ent in eccordartcb with the reguldtions for those <br />programs. -- <br />y� form HUD02143- DT.1(3 -88 "VON <br />Page t of 5 21 CFA 203.11(a) <br />In <br />l <br />r+ <br />3 <br />I <br />
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