<br />rX
<br />-66(
<br />17564-7he AuK-tlns Co.,. C.— ty
<br />Supplles' Grand 'eland .
<br />and shall be binding upon the undersigned and upon the heirs,representatives,sucep
<br />and assig.r.F3 of the undersigned. 88ors
<br />Dated th.'-s 29th day of April 1942. Joseph P.0 "onnell
<br />WItness: 209&76 Julia A.01connell
<br />W.J . Donahue
<br />State of Nebraqka,
<br />s s On this 2nd day of May,1942,before me,a Notary Public in an';
<br />o,)! i t 'Y of Boone for said county, personally came the above named. Joseph p.
<br />O'Connell and Julia A.O'Connell,husband and Wife,who are
<br />n e rso n a I I ' v knorn to me to be the Identical persons i7hose names are affixed to the flbC),,,p
<br />1 nr trumprit as 7ran,ors and they acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act
<br />and Feed,
<br />Wit-lens my hand and notarial seal the date last aforesaid.
<br />W•J.Donahue
<br />CoMmIspion exr1res 1-17-19116 (SEAL) Notary Public
<br />hllra I-)r -ecord this 7 day of 1iay,1942,at 3:40 o'clock P.M.
<br />Register of Der
<br />T - I F-
<br /> !-_ r. :ASE PENT
<br />T
<br />rlr:.n-.Dr Jchn Surghardt Jr. stle-
<br />c State o f N 9'nr. for an., in considerition of t'- P su -
<br />c,�nslteratl,�n Is tFre,._,y
<br />1 7 Z7 T V 1,
<br />Ey CONFIRM. ,into Xansris—Nebrisir-la Natural a:�F; ly,
<br />s and (hereinafter co11ective7
<br />- . 1 le
<br />"T
<br />T `,'AY n n 71 _ -,uct, install, maintnin, renew, rep-,,,ice �1:,.
<br />EN
<br />c -- s -:�-reto, for transoortation of gj in
<br />f I G
<br />rwl� A,2,c�lb�,d land s'-unted in ',-ie Ccunty of ____ and State of
<br />st line of Secticn T,.-F.nty-one (21 ) in
<br />X 7
<br />W-�]t of t-e S�_ -nn (10) Rods North of
<br />nr c Sn, sec c 7,, R,_7 n n I n:- � n -a :,, c e " or t h a1 on g' t`l e Last n
<br />e of sr:Id
<br />R-, T c e e r t an a.rallel to the South line
<br />R c a t r-t an�_ es Soute, 'arallpll to the Eart r�a
<br />at r-1,,-,h-. to tj,��,
<br />C r �40/ rods :qnce, of beglnning,.
<br />:!LL ,Ind ensement, unto, caid, ansas-Ne.bras�,,n
<br />7 71 C
<br />'e"s--s anc a C.
<br />so ion�Z as, suc-i .line e,
<br />M. 1 n t o.n, et i t h r, `1, t of ingresS t qr (?g P, fro
<br />LEI 0 -d r ss I M
<br />cons-r-_I „ti n�, _11lso.�,c�ir - re
<br />repalrincr,
<br />i Zal n i n:,, , -,n
<br />r
<br />c� ca t r a c n, or the removal thereof� In
<br />t
<br />�ee. Grantors j,et,,j
<br />J- r, to use and oy
<br />en' said
<br />j
<br />0 r t-p �)uri)oses herein exn-pssec..
<br />-,ne sr.ld Grantors '-,Ive hereunto �,et their Hiands tnis 2nd,
<br />V
<br />John Burghprd' Jr.
<br />71 § t ner Marie
<br />C "It T P REIM 7M 6 ER: D
<br />on this 2nd day o', 1,1, 1 y
<br />A
<br />D.
<br />rU _1C in e n o -v
<br />In and tL
<br />c o -,z n'�._ y a d s t
<br />named John :_9,_7r�hardt Jr. an E s t,, e r- Marie
<br />,re
<br />and to !IF .0 e _a r a t
<br />e so,
<br />! "'no executed ip
<br />.re oersons
<br />ckno-,:ledF.ed the executloi-, o f the e s,�
<br />me
<br />tc be
<br />V c1',1n'7, Y t d d, -,ed.
<br />T �7
<br />r- nve hereuntc) sFt !";fir'_ and and af-ixed my not�.rial l
<br />C r e n . see .9
<br />s
<br />4t h day
<br />L.B.Paujqon
<br />Notary Public
<br />e t t
<br />�c, crcs_,ab'cv(, P-oo r y o serve
<br />zlom"e, Len-nard Yoi,,Eirit, Louie Faildorf.
<br />8 CIay
<br />li o'clock A.24.
<br />ei7lstpr of 1) P
<br />