<br />1 THIS MORTGAGE, made this a-<" day of March, 1989, between
<br />1 LYLE L. HARDERS and FRANCES HARDERS, Husband and Wife, whether
<br />one or more ( "Mortgagor "), and STATE BANK OF CAIRO, A Banking
<br />Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska, ( "Mortgagee ").
<br />Mortgagee has advanced to the Mortgagor the sum of One
<br />Hundred Thirty -five Thousand. Four Hundred Thirteen Dollars
<br />( ;135,413.00), which Mortgagor has agreed to repay with interest
<br />according to the terms of a certain Promissory Note ( 'Note"j,� of
<br />even date made payable to..the Mortgagee, the unpaid principal
<br />balance 2d acc ed interest of which Note matures on the
<br />day of 14 i To secure the payment of the
<br />principal,. irterest, and ..any ether sums payable under the Note
<br />acc# g t its terms and any a s'nsirns or renewals thereof and
<br />to s _ .: re, t�.s � performance of all ;. covenants and conditions of
<br />thi.5 `JX3rtgage and.. :any other a4reements seauxi ag tire:- U.'Ote,
<br />iKert a or does
<br />i by motgato the Mo :1s
<br />successors in interest,
<br />ail of"., its estate, right„ .: ;tittle, and
<br />interest in and to the follow tg described real .,estate and
<br />,proerties, whether now owned • . by the Mortgagor or hereaftet,
<br />d by it and whether now or hereafter existing:
<br />!the6rat:I3west Quarter: • otrc ?!` lNorthwest Quarter (SW114
<br />1114) ; the Wta,.,5t Halt. q : the'`)st Half of the Northwest,.i
<br />Quarter M/2:11/2 NWl / 4) ;' .tAie West Half of the West
<br />-Half of the East Half of the Last Half of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (WI/2 W1 /2 E1 /2 El /2 NW1 /4), all in Section Ten
<br />(10), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12), West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />together with all existing and future buildings and improvements,
<br />all easements, servient estates appurtenant thereto, rights,
<br />privileges, appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging,
<br />all minerals and mineral rights, and all crops of every kind
<br />which may be grown or raised on the real estate described above,
<br />and together with all fixtures and articles of personal property
<br />including, but not limited to, all elevators, all gas, steam,
<br />electric or o,_her heating, lighting, plimbing, ventilating, air-
<br />=&.1tioning, sprir�King, lw*ter and power systems, appliances and,
<br />aFpazatus and al . other, f.ixtTzr+es and articles of personeU
<br />property which may n.ow or at' any xin',s hereafter, during the term
<br />of this Mortgage or any extension thereof, be used in connection
<br />wit - tt}a real eS t~e or FropertL s described above or in the
<br />operation thereof; all of the foregoing properties and real
<br />estate are collectively designated the "Mortgaged Property ".
<br />Mortgagor relinquishes all rights of homestead, dower,
<br />distributive or elective share and all other contingent
<br />interests, either in law or in equity, and waives any rights of
<br />redemption as to the Mortgaged Property to extent permitted by
<br />applicable lass. 'i
<br />Mortgagor covenants that' it is lawfully seized of the
<br />Mortgaged Property; that it has authority to mortgage the sans;
<br />that the Mortgaged Property is free and clear of all liens -a.::d
<br />encumbrances whatsoever, exa -ept as stated above; and that it r.�i.i
<br />forever warrant and defend the' title to the Mortgaged
<br />against the lawful claims of all'r4ersons, except as stated above.
<br />1. Debt. Mortgagor will punctually pay the principal,'
<br />interest, and all other sums which become due under the Note,
<br />this nortgage or any other agreement securing the Note.
<br />2. Taxes and Assessments. Mortgagor shall pay each
<br />installment of all taxes and special assessments of every kind,
<br />now or hereafter levied and assessed against the Mortgaged
<br />Property, or any part thereof, before the same become delinquent,
<br />,y
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