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L <br />�4 <br />1 <br />f. <br />e <br />1- <br />ACKNOWLEDGE:Iii BUT OF DEED OF TRUST 89-4 101550 <br />TRUSTOR READ THIS BEFORE. SIGNING: <br />Trustor understands that the document thatTrustor is aboutto execute is a Deed of Trost and note mortgage and thatths power <br />of sate provided for in the Deed otTrustprovides substantially different rights and obtigationstoTrustorthan a mortgage in the event <br />of a defaulter breach of obligation under the: Deed of Trust including, but not limited to, the Lender's right to have the Property sold <br />by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding. Trustor represents and that this acknowledgement was executed by <br />Truster before dte execution of the Deed of Trust: i <br />(Ve Clark, Truster Husband) <br />(Phy21 A. Claris, Trustor wife) <br />PREFACE TO AGRICULTURAL DEED OF TRUST <br />COMPLETE th is portion ONLY if the real property described <br />consists of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGfU1 - aSURAL LAND. <br />It applicable. complete. O.NE sthar A. B. or w <br />O A. DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DEZ -MATE HOMESTEAD: <br />Trustor acknowledges that Trustor (s about to execute the following De kk bf Trust upon the Property: Trustor, and each of them <br />it more than yr ie, hereby disclaims Trustees right to designate a homestead on said real estate. No pa-1 of Trustees homestead is <br />presently or will in the future be situated.upon said real estate. Trustor understands that if Trustor establishes a homestead on any <br />part of said real estate during the time rte.0eed of Trust remains unsatisfied and a lien upon said real estate, there shall be no rightto <br />make a deilgnatlon of homestead in Vltt event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale with respect to said Deed of Trust. <br />U 0: WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIG7y %TE HOMESTEAD: <br />Trustor acknowledges that Truslaris about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the Propertp.'tr�stor, <br />if more than cne, hereby waives TnxW. s right to designate a hr,,,n9stead on said real estate. Trustor understands n.0` :.r,;.=V.I, <br />right to male:a designation of hor-e0vad and that by executi,g this waiver. Trustor is wiruing rights otherwise av&4able.fer tic— <br />purpose c" a'fr'ording them the oppor% ;nIty to retain Trusters homestead in the event of a' :`autt upcn the Deed of TrusL , <br />0 C. DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection ;« ( Section 74i3-1901 et seq. Revised Sta1,41es of the State of Nebraska). Trustor <br />hereby desonates the real estate detscuL^ed in the "Designation of Homestead" attached n:weto and incorporated herein by this <br />reference: <br />Trustor <br />Trustor <br />AGRICULTURAL DEED, OF TRUST WiTH. FUTUFr ADVANCES <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, is made as ©, me 27 day of March , 1989 by and among <br />the Trustor. Vannwth F.- Mark and Phyllin A a k, guy bwiifr. Wifn <br />whose mailing address is herein "Trustor ". whether ore or more), <br />the Trustee. — W11_11 jam G BlaQ h sign- a meamb F �C ate. <br />.�.,.,...Ax:'Assn. . <br />ucYrvse mailing address is p n Bcm 27An, c'•rat1CL?81a>�, TtF J5 n2 <br />(herein "Trustee "), and <br />the Beneficiary. Five Pointe Hank <br />whose mailing address is P-0- gnm 15n7, Grana �mF6fl80L (herrsi "Lender'). <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including Lender's externs :on of credit identified herein to vanneth E Ciarie <br />and p yi t fia A- etArk - e "'1i nd it Wife (herein "Borrower;' whether one or more) and the trust herein created, <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN <br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set <br />forth, the real property, described as follows: <br />Lot'Three (3), Block Two (2) George Loans Subdivision, an addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, NE, commonly known as 7 09 East 13th Street, Grand Island, <br />Nebrankat <br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and appurte• <br />nances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, ar:d the rents. issues and profits, reversions and remainders thereof, and <br />such personal property that is attached to the Imp /cvemerlts 5O as to cOnsf!tlte a fixture., including, but not limited to, heating and <br />cooling equipment; and together with the homestead or marital interests. if ary, which interests are hereby released Ord waived; all <br />of which, including replacementsantsg4daien thereto, is t! sreb, dc.^.: aradt�t; Qapartti lt; 6ra8iebtefr3 secured bythe lien ofmrs <br />Deed of Trust and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the "Property" <br />This Deed of Trust shall secure (a) the payrrent of the princi pal sum and irterest evidenced by a promisso. y note or credit <br />agreement dated . - -- Urmh. -27, 1988 • having a maturti date of .-- 11)pril -1 • tgS� •____ __ . -_- <br />in the original principal arr.eunt of _ and Or if and all n�ad,rrCaU0n3. extensions and cerew3ls <br />trweof o* thereto and ar+y arid ell future BdYCnces and readvar.ces to Blerro ver for any of the *n if +ncre tram ane) hereurda, <br />pursuant to one Or morn$ prWm,asbry netts cr CtRdrt agreerne.its (•S1ere.r called 140116'i. (b) fee pa�rmont ct o -,dr suf"q [t6var`ced by <br />Q +Mar krti• s. Ja+ a L r *w,s r.,m s 6s. �:t Alex 17 :. - : : :.• <br />