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- 7—= <br />Y <br />i <br />T. Caadeaaaatioft to the event the Nroperty, orany put thereof, shall be taken by eminent domaln.the Mortgagee <br />Isenkpoaeredtowilectandseceive an compewation which may be paid for any property taken or for damages to property <br />zO tales,, and lifadof a shall apply such compensation, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured <br />11014 or to repair and restore the property so damaged. <br />a. lerfornraace by Mori pgae. Mortgagee may, but shall have no obliption, to do any act whicb the Mortgagor <br />trace agreed but fails to do, and Modpgee may also do any act it deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. Mortgagor <br />agfa to repay, upon demand, any sums w expended by the Mortgagee for the above purposes, and any sums so expended <br />W. the blortpgee shall be added to the indebtedness secured hereby and become subject to the lien boreal. Mortgagee <br />sbIrK oot incur any peaooal. liability because of and it may do or omit to do hereunder. <br />g Default; Arigansetst of RmtL : `, , as, f the essence hereof, and upon Irloetglr rrrsii .f►}rtt in any covenant. <br />arm r to lllortpge, including cow": afar WOW when due On sums secured by this �; .tdrelbbrtpgee a ball <br />V e�vx die .Wa sobs option and without notice, to &dare all sums secured by this Mortpge I Vie4; tely due and <br />game and may commence foceclaure of this Mortgage by judicial proceedings; and, provided Apr* t6A upon such <br />0%,it the Mortgagee, or a receiver appointed by a mot, may at its option and without reprd to the vd�qyacy of the.. <br />amMty, enter upon and take possession of the property and collect the rents, Issues and profits Oereftom and apply thoa : . <br />1104. to the cost of collection and operation of the Property and then upon the indebtednewsecured by this Mortgagsetz: <br />s11WVentk issues and profits being assigned to the lAmtg ages as further security for the payment of the ludebtedness <br />se' ed hereby. _ <br />10. ` vander of Property, if all or any part of t%a Property is sold or transferred without the express written cav <br />sent of the Morirpgee, Mortgagee may at tta sole option, declare sttaams secured by this Mortgage to be immediately'. <br />and fiayaWe:. <br />11. Future Advances- Upon request of MoctMor. Mortgagee may make additional and future Ounces to <br />Such advances, :ada interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when ry n evidenced by proms notes <br />statigg tbat said notes are wecirred hereby. At no time shall the pincipal amount of the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortpge, not Including sums advanced to protect the security oT thishlortgage, exceed the oatlinal Note. <br />12. Miscellaneous 1PZvr11s.Ya%1 <br />(a) Any forebeamnce in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof. <br />(b) All remedies provided herein are distinct and cu- muUtive to any other right afforded by law or equity; <br />and may be. exercised 2oncurrently, independently of maccessively. <br />(c) The covenW.0 and agreements contained herein shall bizd,, :ajid the rights Inure to, the respective <br />successors and assigns of the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee. <br />(d) All covenants and agreements of the Mortgagor are joint and sevp,'al. <br />(e) The headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convealw•ce only and shall not be used to inter- <br />pret or define the provisions hereof. <br />19. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this *autgage, Mortgagee shall discharge this Mortgage sad <br />shall execute and deliver a satisfactory release therefor. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Mortpgor has executed t s ortgsge on tU 2-.M day of ,19_$9.. `. <br />fen) borrower <br />0 ;1 ti c. <br />(Debra J. McM Ilen) <br />vt <br />• c• V, •State of Nebraska, - Hall County ss: <br />on this 211 day of March . 19-89–, befAi , me, the undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duly eomnslasioned and qualified for said county, personally came _David - - McMullen and Onabra -1. <br />�' MMullugp husba�r d and wi :t' to me known to be the <br />identity perso(s) whose same(s) tie ruixs�sbed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the exerullon thereof <br />to be their voluntary aet Wr1• d*adi <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at - cer_and Island, Ne rases in said county, the <br />date aforessid. <br />My Commission expires' <br />pi ii [fAi NQT1Yir.St*1f � � 1 s� <br />t �••_� �� � � � � Notary Public <br />(Space Below Tbra tine Reserved For rehder and Record ) _ <br />AT <br />ze <br />74 4 <br />� n � �r'� __ � a+ chat •w ` <br />lei r`� - co f • l � 3 <br />NOW s (Asts;haol z,s <br />