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RELEASE OF HORrrAGZ-- C-2rpamtkca �� I <br />r <br />EV CON.TWE.MATION of the payment of Ilea d hr.named cure,'., FirsTier Bank, National Association, <br />Omaha, NF. <br />hereby releases the mortlal# made to Commercial :+.rt r ;.ftal Bank & Trust Co. by Duane Strough <br />an the folZaminl duaiZed real atate situated in HaxZ County, Nebraska to wit. <br />Lot Four (4), Commonwealth Business Fash, Third Subdivision, an Addition <br />to the City of Gratd Island, Hall Coun:y, Nebraska, subjecL La easements, <br />restrictions, rights of way and agreements of record, and subject to zoning laws. <br />rahicls is recorded in Book DOCUMENT of RealErktga M r.gales. pale r of Ira records of Hall County.NE . <br />IN TESTI3fONY WHEREOF, tha said . FirsTier Bank, N.A. t }„us <br />;. praents to be a=c kd- by its Vice president acrd its Carparata Seal to b, aOrt a <br />beta tl:ss 215t. dap of March rO 89 <br />{lei <br />con ?) c k &Trust Company <br />i�irsTier Bank, 'flational Associa ion, . Pressrser:. <br />(fo=marly Omaha National Bank)as Attorney C�h <br />STATE OF NE PASS CCA 4n this_. 21st _y o f March V 19 89 <br />ss. <br />Hall Cosnsty bore m4, the a Notary P-'..— is and far sai l County, persow -Uy. <br />Dick D. Nietfel.d . Vice <br />Cam 1'reri�'e,:l of . <br />FirsTier Bank,.tational _association, Omaha, NE <br />E .m„iak D. Nietfeld to e. -poser.; dy knom to Rs Ike Vice Pr:r.:e z' and identical <br />person whose same, is affirrd to tlsa above release and aehnow;:dged 9,4.e cec:rtion therec; to be, his voluntary act --rd dead as such <br />o_& --r, and the voluntary ad and deed of the said FirsTier Eank, 'ti -A. <br />Witness my hand and. Solar al Seal at in said County aw- day and yea: ,f„-st ab�oge sorrt;tn. <br />My commission er{rirss VM M,� f ' f .n, ; <br />�M�Illf�irmer.r s --=� l — S' ^ ��:•••• . Nc -r7+ Pualic <br />