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_ T <br />Home Equity Access <br />�. BANKS �9�• 1015 41 Line Rider <br />ALL OF LOT SIX (6) AND THE WESTERLY ONE —HALF (W %) OF LOT SEVE14 (7), ALL IN BLOCK.SIXTY —ONE <br />(bl), IN WHEELER AND BENNETT'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />(Open end credit with - fixed rate : variable rate interest) <br />This Home Equity Access Line Rider is dated _ _ ___.. and is an amendment to the <br />Mortgage or Deed of Trust ("Mortgage') of the same date given by-the undersig.-red ( "Borrower') to secure Bon'awer's Home <br />Equity :Access Line Agreement with _ <br />` - — — . - - - -- — ( "Lender <br />cf tha same date ccve-ing..firA property described in 1/7e Vorfgaae cw °ao, a' <br />g, add; °ion to the covenants er.4 agreements .mada.MY ;he Mortgage, Borrovrs�- and Lercar further cQra ^ant and agree as fellvrrrs: <br />1. The word "Note," as used in the Morgage and : ^:S-Rider, refers to the Hone Equity Access Line Agreement. <br />2. The Note evidences ar open end revolving tine of credit agreement between Borrower and Lender. The amount stated in the <br />Mortgage as the principal sum of the indebtedness is the credit limit for the line of credit. All advances made at any time by <br />Lender in accordance with the terms of the Note, and all interest on the advances, shall be secured by the Mortgage. <br />However, at no time shall the principal amount of the indebtedness secured by the Mortgage, not including sums advanced in <br />accordance with the mortgage to protect the security of the Mortgage, exceed the stated credit limit for the line of credit. <br />3 The Note provides for: <br />a fixed rate of interest expressed as a daily llenodic rate of 1s,, This corresponds to an annual percentage <br />rate of - . (1/o. <br />a variable rate of interest expressed as a daily periodic rate equal to 1/365 of an annual rate of % plus <br />the "Index Rate." <br />The-daily periodic rate may increase if <br />(the "index Rate') increases. The initial daily periodic rate is %. This corresponds to an annual <br />percentage rate of _ %. The annual percentage rate will never be more than ._ -_ - %. The daily periodic <br />rate w , be adjusted on the last business day of every month, using the Index Rate in effect that day. An increase in the <br />da,,y periodic rate may increase the monthly payment due. <br />. [4:rraLL''rs s.gnamm ' .,i r'• • <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA VV <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWL ) DGLD BEFORE }�: THIS MARCH 1989. <br />iENEJUI, NONMIE NOTARY-SUN of Oraska -- <br />" ;# 1�' of Comm-11P. Opt 29 1969 i <br />- J NOTARY P BLIC r <br />MY COMMISSION LXPIRES 12/28/89 <br />lam- <br />r <br />4 <br />0—. –,- <br />,Ij1HJ <br />i' <br />�R fr <br />r <br />