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<br />�,.-; --�- _.. ��..,_..� _ _ --
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> I
<br /> ' CFG# 3231077
<br /> � 90._. 10432�
<br /> r-�-���z
<br /> =N CONSIO�RATION of !h� p�yw�n! ot th� d�bt n��ed th�rain, l.h�
<br /> 8U!'�RIOR MORTC�AGC, iNG. , A�si�n�d to ��yyTSYf�IQ� ESt!lplb9 SQSPQFQT�4�l: Q M��L
<br /> • • YQ6K �eQaLQ$AT�QM• i� Ooou�went Ro. 98-1063�1, her�by r�l��es th� w�ort4w4�
<br /> ••a� t� 4ase�t t�. �e4Le�eH edQ b�s���� �� �e�.�etie��. €�n����t ��Q�e eg
<br /> . diRZh�� �: l�i��tlal�l.. liSl��adQ �HQ l��E�. on t.he follo�rin� d�sarit��d ra���
<br /> • ` �st�le. to-Mit i
<br /> A lr�a! o� lsnd aow�pri��n� � p�rt oZ LoL On� i 1), P�rkvie�r Seaond
<br /> Subdivi�ion in th� Cily at Or�nd I�l�nd, N�11 County. N�br�sk� �nd wor�
<br /> pwrtioulsrly d�sarib�d �* tolloMS� 8�9innin� wt s poi,nt on !Ae South lin�
<br /> , ot �aid Lot On� ti), s�id point bein� S�vanty t70.A� F'ea�t M�st o� th�
<br /> Southeast corn�r ot s�id Lot On� ti), lA�aa� narth�rly, par�ll�l diLh tha
<br /> ��sterly, p�r�ll�l vith tA� souti� line oi ��id Lot Onf �1), � dist�ac� of
<br /> T��nty Faur �nd 7tien�ty S�v�n Hundr�dths t24. 27) tRet Lo a point on thr
<br /> prolon�ation oi th� ��st lin� o� Loi TMO t2), P�rleviev S�cond Subdivisionf
<br /> lhenae sotitA�rly a clistanc� ot FitLy Nin� tS9.0) �fs��t. to � point on th� ' '
<br /> South liae ot a�id i.ot OnR ti) snd •lso bei�Q the Northeas! corn�r o! s�id
<br /> L.ot Two t 2I� tA�nct �ast�riy •lon� �nd upon th� soutA 1l.n� ot s�id Lot On� .
<br /> - tll, • distanc� o! Tx�nty F'our and Tranty HundredtAs �2�. 20) fast to �hs -
<br /> Point of 9�pinain�. AND , ;;
<br /> LoL TAr�� t3), Parkviev Saaond Subdivision ia the City of Grsnd I�land, �- r-_
<br /> H�il Causity, N�braska. -
<br /> �rAich is r�aorded as Daou�ent Ha. 86-iC�6098 in th� records oi H�11 Couinty, ' -=
<br /> M�br�ska.
<br /> IM TESTIMONY MNEREOF, thr said C�UHTj�Y�,I�Q� FIJNDY�IO COR�PO����01��, /� t��M
<br /> ; 7�Q$}� �QItFO��T�OM, h�s asussd Lhese prsssnts ta be ehcecuted by its President
<br /> and its Corpor�L� S�al to be �ftixed her�ta on _llth ____ d�y af
<br /> � -----=�E-------• 1990. ,(�''.
<br /> , � � :
<br /> BY� _.�1=:::=:i� !�� ------
<br /> KENNETH LADNY. VICE Prasiider.�
<br /> �";� C7_�iA . /�
<br /> Attest s � �� �5��-?x'0:... � ,
<br /> � �._ s.. —�--=-------
<br /> BETTY SCHWAB,/ STFr�ICIXr.. Seer�tary ,
<br /> STATE aF �C�,j�,�yj�----�- ) ;
<br /> �ss. �
<br /> COUMTY OF _jtiQ,����j��____ ) .�
<br /> On this _,],l,�h___ dsy of _�____________, 1990 before me, tRe
<br /> und�rsi�ned, s Not�ry P�b�ic in �nd tor s�id C�unly, person�ily c�we �---°-_----
<br /> --��l�E'LL8�1Xa_]ILCF�__.________. President of the CQUNTRYMZDE FUNDING '
<br /> CORPORATIOH, A HEM YORK CORPORATIOH, a corpas�attiatt ta t�a peraanally knohn . �
<br /> to be tAe President �+nd id�ntieel peraon vhos� neme is eff'ixed to the �Oova
<br /> r�s2eass •nd �cktnorledg�d the� execution thereaf to be Ris vol�ntary act nnd '
<br /> deed as aucR of�x.:er, �nd t-he voivntary aat end deed of �Ae aaid
<br /> Mttnees �ny Aand and notariel seal et _��L�c,��t•r�pgp�y�___, in �
<br /> s�id Cour►ty the day aind y�ar last a6ov� written. --_ �_�j �
<br /> ------------=�`�=�==-----____------ �(
<br /> Notax'y Pub13c '
<br /> GAYANE EI�QOBIAiy ''
<br /> Commiseic�n expire�s ------��L�.���------------ " . ". ..;- _. a�.:._ --�
<br /> + ' �
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