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<br /> Lam Numl� FNA/VA J MI C�p NumMr '
<br /> 1520Q09141 5.094868
<br /> Mortpayor lor TrunoN
<br /> Malcom, Reqinald A.
<br /> : Propeny Addr�u
<br /> . 648 S1�ran Lane
<br /> ;� � Grand Island, NE 68801
<br /> i
<br /> � Agreement For Moclifiication or Extension of Mortgage
<br /> ' Tu. s�daa�ai ivuuouui tiYut�tg8ge
<br /> rasucsia�i��
<br /> or Goverament Nationel
<br /> Mort�a�e AesociaHon
<br /> The'1lvstor or Mort�agor identIfied ebece(hereinafter referred to aa the"Mortgagor")dcea hereby apply for a Extent ion
<br /> , � � of tho pa�•ment provision�of the above•numbered accoune covering en indebtedness owing i'rom the Mortgagor to
<br /> C Modification"or'Extea�ion')
<br /> Federal National Mortgage Association(hereinntter refeae@ to ae the"Mortgagee"),evidenced by a note(or bond)
<br /> •nd eecured by a real pmperty mortgege(or Lrust deed)(said note or bosd and rea)property mortgage or truat deed are hereinafter refened to as ehe �
<br /> � "MortgaQe")and the Mortgagor repreaenta•and egree�aa follows:
<br /> (1)Mortgagor ia now the owner and holder of the real property encumbered by said Mortgage,recorded in the public recorda in the Countar cf
<br /> � H�i l ,Stete of NE _
<br /> ,in book, ,PdSe .or document or file auml,.�r
<br /> -°s-:D�22�C -- S�'ut fi�nc -�even '-- _ i
<br /> _.- - ------- - - _-1�
<br /> _. ._ . _ Y �t i�. Fagles�,rood Acres Subdivision, Ha1.1 Caunty, Nebraska �r;-
<br /> • (2)Under the terma of seid Mortgage, there remains unpaid aa of the lirat day of the month in which this Agreement ia made,the aum of
<br /> __ 53,439.b5 ,for principal,i 4�550.90 for intereet ehereon,i 1,510.73 ,for advancea made b ehe Mo
<br /> 0.00 y rt¢+8ee tlnere• .
<br /> : under.and a for intereet on auch advancea,aggregating e total aum of= S9�501.28 ,for which amount the Mort a or
<br /> ia indehted W the Mortg�gee uader eaid Mortgage,which ie a velid licn,:a which Mortgagor haa no defense�,off-eeta or counLereisias. g g !
<br /> l3)Mortgegor hereby depoeita with the Mortgagee the eum of E 0.00 ,which ia w be appl�ed upon the prexnt balance due on the �
<br /> � principal of'said Mortgage,(inctuding advencee,if any),and the aum o!S_�-00 which ie to be applied upon the delinquent intereat due
<br /> upon aaid principal(nnd advar.ces,if any);spplication of aeid deposited azanunte ie to be made aa of the ePffective date of this modification or extension,
<br /> . which if nat eze�cuted by Mortgagee,she11 be returned to the Mortgagor.
<br /> � �9)MortqeAor ngreec ine terma o1 eaid Ainrgage are moditied or E•xtendr*i reisuve tu ti�e payment or said tadebtedness by pro�hding for pa�•ment oi
<br /> the balance of the princip�l�including any unpaid interest due thereon,(aftsr the depoeite aforementioned have been app]ied thereto),as tollowe: Seid
<br /> totsl 6alance of 3 59.501.28 �e�be paid,with intereat at the sair.e rate
<br /> per annum stipuleted in the Mortgage,on the unpaid balance,in
<br /> equnl monthly insfsllmente of; 529•9� (exclusive of auma required to be depoaiLed far the payment of texea,inaurance,eGC.I,the firet of
<br /> said installments ahall become due and payable on the day aF June 1 _, 1g9�,and the rema�ning installments, '��
<br /> succosaively.on the day of each and every month thereaRer, until said mort3age indebtedness ie fully paid,except thet if not sooner paid,the final
<br /> payment of principal and interest shall be due and payeble on the day of January 1 201,6 •
<br /> extended maturity date.
<br /> iy which ia the present or
<br /> (b)Mortgagor agreea to make the payments as specified in paragraph i41 hereof nnd underatsnds and agrees Lhat:
<br /> (a)All the righta and remedies,stipulaticns,and conditions contained in said Mortgage relating to default in the making of p8yments under thr
<br /> Mortgage ahall alao apply to default in the making of said modified ppyments hereunder.
<br /> (b)All covenante,agreements,stipulations and cor_ditions in suid Mort�age shall be aud remain in fult i:,rce and effrcL,except as herein
<br /> modified,ans3 aone of ittc Mortgagor's ohligatiuiLy or iiabiiities under said Murtgago fihall be diminiahed or released by any prov�s�ona hereof;nor shall
<br /> thia Agreement in any way impair,diminish,or atTect any of the Mortgagee's ri�;hts under or remediea on the �Sortgage,whether such rights ur
<br /> remedies ariae thereunder or by operation of Iaw•.Also,ail rights of recourse ta which the Mortgagee is presently entitled againsc any property or any
<br /> other peraona in any way obligated for or lisble un the Mortgage,are expressly reserved by the Mortgagee.
<br /> (c)A11 costs and expenses incurted by Mortgagee in connection with this Agreement,including recording feea,title examinatiun,and attorney's
<br /> fc:s,shall be paid by Mortgagor and sha11 be secured by said Morigage. •
<br /> (d)Mortgagor agreea to make and execute such other documenta or papers as may be necesstuy or requ ired to effectuate the terma and conditions
<br /> of this Agreement which,if approved end accepted by the hiortgagee,shall bind and inure to the heirs,executora,adminiatrators,and assigns of the
<br /> Mortgagor.
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