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f.1-9 officer for (ding pursuant to the Un;farm Commercial Cade: 1 3. Maturity dare M any); <br />This STATEMENT to presented to a <br />1.Debtot(s) (Los! Nome First) and address(es) i_ Secured Potty ;ies) and add,esstes) l For FJrn9 Office, (Date, Time and Filing <br />A & H BARBERS, INC. Office) <br />309 West Division O .A1P. . ox 16W BAiNiC <br />�i County) 68801 I ct" , NBaiilASlu 89-401511 <br />Social Security No. — I Federal I-D. No. 47-W1795 <br />d. This statement refers to original Financing Statement bearing File Na. &9-002508 ` <br />FlledwithW1 OD. Reg Of D@edS Dote Fii May 24 148�J <br />5. El Continuation. The original financing stater st be ^ »ee- fotego+rg Debtor and Secured Party, bearing file nu ^La sh:vn ebove,iz still effective. <br />6.® Termination. Secured party no longer cic :. 2.: sec•:•+•y interest under the financing statement bearing fits numfier,s'4snn abait <br />7.❑ Assignment. The secured party's right ;.- r %.ncr•nrg statement bear ng-ble number shown above to the prepe-y described in Item 10 have <br />been assigned ta,the ass +y -,M, »i•c =e -c-c and' address appears in Item 10. <br />S.❑ Amendment. Financing 5 *C^ean.:+ =ecr -y -1%e -;et =wn above is amended as se4 .'x=S in Item 10. <br />9.[] Release. Secured Parry •:iAl r-;es. r•e comae•_: dasc••,'_ed •n Item 10 from the statement bearing file number shown above. <br />R19� of ONdt , • . <br />No. of additional Sheets presented: <br />-OVERLM NATIOW BANK OF GRAND ISIADID <br />by: by: e/-� <br />Srgnature(s) of Debtor(s) (necessary only, if (tar+ 8 is opphcable). Signature(s) of Secv ed Party(tes) <br />113 FILING (OFFICER COPY - ALPHABETICAL <br />01 <br />