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<br /> .s�
<br /> - - � �
<br /> tf
<br /> NoN•UN1taRM Cot�nt�NTS.Borrower and Lender flanher covenant und agree as follows: ��`��.Q 4 �. �
<br /> 10.,``:r'��lL':�^!!� I�•�•Rl�.i.M�.. �.::l.�.:S :»w�� ��j.:C i.^._!:` LG .d.0�i'�'r:.�i '�'ii�^v: �S w�rv�iciiii�t'ii� i0�it'iiiii�j{ iiviiili�C1'd
<br /> �weM of�ay coYe�t or s�een�ent i�t�ts Secadty'l�stroment(but not prior to�cceler�tion under para�rsph�13�nd l7
<br /> ��splk�aWs la* pmtide�Mhs�i�e).The Nottce a�iall sPecEfy:(a) the detault; (b)the�ction reQulred to c�ura the
<br /> {�"' �MhMih ir)s aate,aat lea tlu�30 i�ys h�t tMr dNe lhe aotice i:�i�en ta Sorrower�by wfiich t�defaieh mwt be cassd;
<br /> ( a�d(�)tl�!falh�e to c�rce Me deh�it ou or 6eto�e t�e d�te�pecitied is the notict nu�y�utt la acceleration ot tAe sums
<br /> �eweil �g t�h Sec�dty Inttraiseat and�ak oi t6e ProprrtSr.Tbe aatice thsll tartAse tdtosm Bo:roxer af the ri�t to
<br /> nl�fst�e dhr aeceleeallo� aNd ibe�l�ht to brip�a coMrt�ction to�ssen the non�exi:tence of a detault o�any othe�
<br /> � i�t�s ef Boerower to�eceler�tiow�1�s1e.IttYe de(ault!s not cured on or betore tbe d�te specifled in the notice,Lender
<br /> •! ib o�tio� �sy roq�ire twaedlate Myu�e�t ta twll ot dl ww� secured by thb Security Instrumeat witbout (�rthe�
<br /> �Mi�1�y issoke t6e pwer ot ak a�d uy other rea�edtq permitted�y applicabk I�w.Lender slu�ll be entiNed to
<br /> : tolNct all �xreaes i�crrrei i� �ral� tre rewedie� pro�lded in t6b p�rs�raph 19. inctudin�but not limited to,
<br /> • re�o�k�ttorneys'tea a�d eosts ottitk e�tde�a
<br /> � It tM pwer o��le b i��olcei,T�tee�Yall record a nodce of dehult te ach county iA whic6 any put ot the
<br /> ; Pro�a�ty i�lo�atei�M�11 uwil coMes at a�ch notice i�tl�e m�aae�pracribed by��plic�bk law to Borrowe�snd to the
<br /> otMer�enas�rescriDed by a�lkabk Isw.ARer tbe ttae requlrod by applicable law.Trustee alsall Ri�e pablic notice of
<br /> � , aie to tie�eno�s a�d is the�s�ner prac�ibed by applicable law.Trusta,witbout de�n�utd on Horrower,shall sell the
<br /> Pro�erty�t prWk�uctioe to t6e 6iQ,l�at bidder at the ti�ee and pl�ce�nd under the terms daiQnated in tbe nodce of�le tn
<br /> o�e or wore p�nceb and in a�y order 1lrustee determines.Trustee roay postpone aale of aU or any pucel of the Prnperty by
<br /> Iwblk a��a�ce�e�t at the tt�e and place ot aey pre�iously sc6eduled s�le. Lender or its daignee may purchsae Rhe
<br /> , Pro�a�ty st a�y ale.
<br /> ; CTNa receiMt ot p�ya�e�t ot t6e price bid, 'I'eustee s6all deii�er to tbe purch�er Trustee's deed con�eyiag the
<br /> ; rri�er'sy T�c rociaiis i�ii�i�w�iee's deed siaii oe prinw iacie eviaence of tbe[rute oi the sutemenis maue tnerein.
<br /> Trrstee stitll�ypiy tl�e proceeds o!the sde in the following order;(�)to all expense�of the sale,tncluding,6ut not limited
<br /> � to,Tn�stee'�fees a�pern�itted hy applicabk law and rwonable attorneys'fees;(b)to all sums secured by thts Secunty
<br /> � InstrY�nq�wd(c)sny excqs to the parson oe persom legally enHtled to i�
<br /> � 20. Lender In Pasfession. Upon ucceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in
<br /> � persort, by agent or by judicially appointed rxeiver)shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to collect the rcnts of the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> stsall be �pplied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including,but not
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasanable attorneys'fees.and then to the sums secured by
<br /> , this Security Instrument. •
<br /> 21.Recon�eyana.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to ' �
<br /> r�conve�the Property and shall susrender this Security Instrument and a!1 noies evidencing debt secur�d by this Security ; � ��
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trusta shall reconvcy the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persans � ,
<br /> - D..�.:;j�ca��21w iG:i.�itc;}`rc:���vi per�n��naii pay atty re�rdation cosis. i_--
<br /> , 22.Substitute 7�ustee.Lender,at its option,may f�om t�me to time remove Trnstee and appoint a successor trustee =�� '
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. � '
<br /> �.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.the successor trusta shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon -
<br /> Trusta herein and by applicable law. ��
<br /> • , 23. Request far Notica. Borrawer requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bonower's
<br /> � address which is the Property Address. ;
<br /> t4 Riders to this Securtty Instrumtn�If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> � this Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> � supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> , Instrument.(Chcck applicsible box(es)] '
<br /> � _ ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider [� Condominium Rider ❑ 2� Family Rider �
<br /> ; ❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> ❑ Other(s) [spccify] i;��
<br /> ; ���
<br /> BY SI('.sNiNt3 BELOw. Bonower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants containe in this Security •
<br /> � Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Honower and recorded with it. , �
<br /> ! ........................................................................................ ........... ..... .....�� --
<br /> . ............................... .(5ea1)
<br /> � a r J. S t r u b e 1 —eo..owe►
<br /> ; ........................................................................................ l�f.��.....�:. .,����e�.�..............(Seal)
<br /> Patricia R. Strubel —��roW��
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA5KA, H 811County ss:
<br /> On this 2��� day of July , �q90 , before me. the undersi�ncd, a Natary Public
<br /> . dulycommissionedand qualified forsaid county, personallycame Larry J . Strubel a$d Pa ri a --_____- --
<br /> R. Strubel� each in his and her own right, and as spousej�"'c &� t8���� •
<br /> identica� person(s) whose name(s) are subsrribed to the foregoing instrumen: and acknow•Iedged the execution
<br /> thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island , Nebraska in taic�counly, tlic � ,
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> a�
<br /> .
<br /> L My Commission expires: ��� 7.y� :k��c �:. �
<br /> .� ' '.L��:�" d,
<br /> ... .. . . . ... .... . .
<br /> ���'�N� N�.i,�i� f'uhlir M1
<br /> t�.
<br /> �°1�'� Aly Comm.ExC.IUw.i,13l� �r5
<br /> To TRUS7Fr•.
<br /> . :,�.
<br /> f'
<br /> Thc undersignecl is the holder of the notc �r n�teti �erureci h�• thi� I)eed e,f 7ru�t. �aiJ ii�,ic�,� n�,�c•. i��ti�cthrr i= ..
<br /> with all other indebtedness terured hy thiti l�eed e�f Tru.�.ha�c heen raicl in full. Y�,u arc hrrchy cii�crtccl tu�anrrl.a�cl
<br /> noic or notcs and this llccd of 7rt�tit. ��•hich are cicli.c•rcd hcrch�, an�l t„ icrutnr}•, .t•i!hi,ut �ti,uianl�, all ilic r,iatr
<br /> now hcld hyt•ou under thiti Dcrd cif Iru,t t�� Ihc ��cr�cm c�t rct�i,n� fcL��lh cn�itlyd tlicictu.
<br /> I�tite: . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. �
<br />