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200106873 <br />EXHIBIT °A° <br />A trct of land besng a part of Lot Eight (8) of County Subdivision of the <br />South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S1 /2 SE1/4) of Section Sixteen (16), <br />Township Eleven ('111) North, Range Nine (9) tlest of the 6th P _- _ desc.; i ed as <br />follows: Comnenc_n5 at the Northwest corner of Lot Eight (8) said County <br />Subdivision as orwgir: ally platted, thence southerly along the westerly line <br />of Cedar Street (be the westerly line of said Lot Eight (8) as originally <br />Platted) a dista.'r<ce of 119.45 feet, thence easterly parallel : -rich th?: <br />northerly line of said Lot Eight (8) as originally platted a dLsta-.ce of so <br />feet to the eas;_ev-ly line of Cedar Streez, as the actual point o- 'i , nning; <br />thence easterly parallel with the northerly line of said Lot Eight (8) a <br />distance of 58 ee:, - hence southerly with the east line? o-F said <br />Cedar Street a distance of 60-55 feet, thence westerly paralzel w_=;.) the <br />northerly line of said Lot Eight (8) as or igi„al platted a distance of S8 <br />feet to the easterly line of said Cedar Street, thence along the Easterly <br />line of said Cedar Street in a Northerly direction a distance of _60_a:5) feet <br />to the actual point of beginning, subject to an alley as describer' in deed <br />recorded in Book 26, Page 574. <br />