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13t) <br />M <br />M <br />T <br />C <br />= D <br />n= <br />° <br />o-1 <br />o <br />G <br />n <br />n Z <br />� <br />� <br />G <br />C <br />\� <br />�! <br />rTl <br />(A <br />\ <br />i <br />rn <br />1 \ N <br />C.0 <br />�. <br />C)o <br />C <br />CD <br />a <br />CA <br />ca <br />FII:A Casc No. 3211599508703 <br />[Space Abovc This Line for Recording Data] <br />Sti BO'R j i ',;AT.E -IORTGAGE ° <br />0 <br />THIS Sim ,::2D1`7 _1TE MORTGAGE' ( �cc�lrity Instrument ") is given on S k. �a , 2001. <br />The Nlortga for is i;m E. \\hesc :. ,.: ss is +11 S. Cedar, Grand Island, '.\'K 68-001. <br />This Sccuri:\ is 21Vcn Io Il.c �, _,.. of ioLlsing and Urban Dc\elon : ?:cni, and whose address is <br />451 Seven... St. S`,'y, lti "asl:. :>tCl:, ? ., `'41l. Borrower o \vcs Lcnc.c. i,c principal sum of <br />Dollars: one `.i :!. ,. ._..._ 17[er -I.., "JU. ::C....:5 and sl\ty two Celts. S - t.b:) This debt is <br />eV1dC1 1CC . t Y:iOi. \\ _ S I ?O: (� : :iCL! ;,. :i, a_ :.S ...iS S` Cllrli'c 1 ?;S: tin: l ?t -XOi )_ \`.,.:Ci? pr0`ridtS for the fLlil <br />1 <br />dcbi_ li I?:`i l'.: ...'.0 aJl„ O:_ Janaf , I, _ i_ <br />This J ... i:..,..,:1'.. ..: secures io 1- _,..:r: k ) t1 C . or Inc debt evlden:Ca b`.' ::c No:c and all renc\vals_ <br />e \ten sIo:is a: emu' : :ons of t..., No _... Or ; I1 OL. r SLIn ?S. \ \ "iih 1; ?._. sI 2c�\ anc, d u dc Para grapa <br />% t0 pCGit'CI OI alts and �C) -the p.,rro ^. ?anCC G' :j0 ":O \ \Cr'S COVCnaI1tS and <br />agreements .. :iC : :C JC Urli \' ; : :SI1 : :..JnI aP. : : :'. _� ,: i or this purpose, Bcrro\ \er i':oes l:e: b \' mortgage, \\'arrant, <br />grant and ccm. c\ io the Lender, \viii; po\yer of sa ?c the following described proper: \' located in Mall County, <br />Nebraska: <br />VLL L.11la iJl l :1L' IRE Al Ai- 1-1ZD. <br />Which has the ad. ?r ;ss of: 411 S. Cedar, Grand Island, NE 68S01. <br />TOGETHER 1VITH all the iniprovcments novv or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br />appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All rcplacemcilts and additions shall also be <br />covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." <br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the <br />right to mortgage. ,rant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of <br />record. Borro\\cr warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject <br />to any encumbrances or record. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />