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1 <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />89- 101488 <br />IIWe. John B. Elder and Theresia J.M.Q. Elder, husband and wife ( "Truster ") <br />under that certain Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of Forty Seven Thousand Two Hundred and <br />no110Q_Dollars - - - - (s 47,200.00 1 and dated <br />Marc 24, 1989 _ (peed of Trust) to be entered into among Truster. <br />Earl D. Ahlschwede {"Trustee") and THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND <br />LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND ( "Beneficiary "), covering the following described property: <br />Lot. Four (4), Centennial Gardens Subdivision, to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,. Ne. <br />hereby acknowledge that it is understood that (a) the Deed of T rr _- zt, be executed by Trustor is a truutiieed and not <br />a mortgage and (b) the power of We,orovided for in the I ii of Trust provides substantially different rights and <br />obligations to the Truster than a mortgage in the event of a de£iWt or breach of obligation. <br />Trustor acknoCetos that this Acknowledgment was mafe prior to the execution of the Deed of Trust, <br />Executed and delivered this 24th day of March 19 89 <br />John B. Elder <br />Trustor jIneresia Elder <br />S'T'ATE OF NEBRASKA <br />} <br />COUNTY OF Hall J SS <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this <br />19 89 - by _John B. Elder and Theresi.a J . M.0 Elder, 1 <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island 1 <br />Natl6y Public <br />Us Commission expires: <br />L <br />24th day of March <br />and and wife, <br />asks in said county, the date aforesaid. <br />