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Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. That Borrower will pay the indebtednm as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in part on <br />any installment due date. <br />2. That. together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments <br />of principal and interest payable under the terms of the note secured <br />hereby, the Borrower will pay to the Lender, on the first day of each <br />month until the said note is fully paid, the following sums: <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, nexr� due.. phis <br />premiums that will next become due and payable an policies-of hie <br />and other hazard insurance covering: the property, plus taxes and <br />assessments next due on the property (,all as estimated by the i'.endEy) <br />less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number of months <br />to elapse before one (1) month prior to the date ivban such ground <br />rents, premiums, taxes and assessments will became d0liquent. such <br />sums to be held by Lender in trust to pay said grvurirt rents. <br />premiums. taxes and special assessment. and <br />(b) All payments mentioned in the preceding s-iinguon of tits <br />paragraph and all payments to be made under ilti� lit.-[~ worts . <br />hereby shall be added together. and the aggregaw irmiant th 9 <br />shall bgpaid by the Burrower each month in a single payment: to be <br />applied by. the Lender to the following items in the order set-ti rsh: <br />(1) ground rents, taxe�_ assessments, fire and other hazard insur- <br />ance premiums; <br />(11) interest on ifte note secured. hm-by: <br />(111) amonization eE (hnprtacip�l•rt`oa2•rrat>' :.a7d <br />(IV) late charges. : <br />Any deficiency in the amount o,P uch aggregate monthly payment <br />shall. units made good by the Burrower prior to the due date of the <br />next such payment. constitute an event of default under this <br />mortgage. The Lender may collect a "late charge' not to exceed four <br />cents MC) for each dollar ($1) of each payment more than fifteen <br />(IS) days in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling <br />delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the payments made by the Borrower under <br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of payments <br />actually made by the Lender for ground rents. taxes and assessments <br />or insurance premiums. as the case may be. such excess, if the loan is <br />current,, at the option of the Borrower, shall be credited by the <br />Lender Ern subsequent payments to be made by the Borrower, or <br />refunded to the Borrower. If, however, the monthly payments made <br />by the Borrower under (,a i of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be <br />sufficient to pay ground rents, taxes and assessments or insurance <br />premiums. as the case may be, when die same shall become due and <br />payable, then the Borrower shall pay to the Lender any amount <br />necessary to make up the deficiency. an or before the date when <br />payment of such ground rents, taxes, assessments, o r insurance <br />premiums shall be due. If at any time the Borrower shall tender to <br />the Lender, in accordance with the provisions of the note secured <br />hereby, full payment of the entire inch :btedness represented thereby. <br />the Lender shall, in computing the amount of such indebtedness. <br />credit to the account of the Borrower any balance remaining in the <br />funds accumulated under the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. <br />If there shall be a default under any of the provisions of this <br />instrument resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby. <br />1 <br />or <br />I • ;�� <br />Or if the Lender acquires the property otherwise after default, the <br />tender shall apply, at the time of the commencement of such <br />proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the <br />balance then remaining in the funds accumulated under (a) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal <br />therisemaining unpaid under said note. <br />4. That the Borrower will pay ground rents, taxes:, _ssessments. <br />water rates, and other governmental or municipal charges, fines, or <br />impositions. for which provission has not been made hereinbefore, <br />and in default thereof the Lender may pay the same; and that the <br />Borrower will promptly deliver Me official receipts therefor to the <br />Lc�rdtr. <br />The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied upon the <br />Leader s interest in said real estate and improvements, and which <br />may be levied upon this instrument or the debt secured hereby Mut <br />only to the extent that such is not prohibited by law and only t& the <br />extent that su ^h will not make this loan usurious), but excluding any <br />income tax. State or Federal, imposed on Lender, and will fife the <br />official receipt showing such payment with the Lender. Upoii . <br />violation of this Borrower is prohiStelby any <br />law now or hereahi:x- existing fimm dying the whole or a:n portion <br />of the aforesaid t&,)—mor uponi!,-erendering ofaqy court decree <br />prohibiting the paip-7nd by the Borrower of any such taxes, or if <br />such law or decn,*: i,, ovides that-any amount so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be credited on ths;.debt, the Lender shall have the <br />right to give ninety days' wrimm- r:otice to the owner of the premises, <br />requiring the paym6w of the d'e[!!2 if such notice be given, the said <br />debt shall becomedd4 payable and collectible at the expiration of <br />said ninety days.' <br />6. That should the gorrowrx fail to pay any sum or keep any- <br />covenant provided for in this ih-- mment, then the Lender. at Us <br />option, may pay or perform the same, and all ev.penditures so rnaie- <br />shall be added to the principal sum owing on the said note, shall <br />be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the <br />said note, until paid. <br />7. That the Borrower hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />Lender, to be applied toward the payment of the note and all sums <br />secured hereby in ruse of a default in the performance of any of the <br />terms and conditici;s of this instrument or the said note. all the rents, <br />revenues and income to be daivcd from the said premises during <br />such time as the indebtednete Oall remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall have power ro appoint an agent or agt cs it may desire for the <br />purpose of repairing said premises and of rc.-ating the same and <br />collecting the reatu :. 17evenues and incoer f,.•sra it may pay Ous of said <br />incomes all expends of repairing said premises and necessary <br />commissions and rxVenses incurred in renrng and managing the <br />same and of ccfkt:ting rentals therefrom; the ha :ance remaining, if <br />any, to be apphW to%vard the discharge of set-It 6.tdebtedness. <br />8. That the &rro wer will keep the improvements now existing or <br />hereafter erected cn the property, insured as may be required from <br />time to nme by the Mender against loss by fire and other hazards, <br />casuals:( :•.ard c-mlirgencies in such amounts and for such periods as <br />may ba rojim-al by the Lender and will pay promptly. when due, <br />any premiums ca such insurance. provision for payment of which <br />has no been made hereinbefore. All insurance shall Ix; ranied to <br />companies approved by the Lender and the policies and renewals <br />thereof shall be held by the Lender and have attached thereto loss <br />payable clauses in favor of and in form accepilblcltgitigLender. In <br />Page 2 of 5 HUD- 92143DT -1 <br />L <br />,: <br />:x,.`. <br />�V M <br />tj <br />