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i state of Nebraska <br />L <br />F <br />Deed of Trust <br />89,101480 <br />i14 C"s "a <br />321 - 1310760 -503 <br />TMa Deed of Tnka ("Security Instrument ") is made on MARCH 24TH <br />19 89 . The trustor is JAMES K. KEESHAN AND BBTHERESA <br />��ii��Mee. KEESHAN, HUSBAND AND 14IFE <br />COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOE�fT�OI�Ttnuteeis <br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (-Trustee-). The beftfciM7 is <br />under the laws of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ,which is organized and existing <br />and whose address l <br />202 WEST THIRD STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />Whine eelh: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinitffer described and created, and the sum of One Dollar (Si ), to <br />him in hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby aclmowled0ert,,dnes by these presents grant, bargain and sell. convey and <br />conftnit,. unto the Trustee in trust. with power of safe. forever, all of the foffowfog described real estate, situated lying and being in the Ceunfy of <br />HALL , and State of Nebmska; to wit: <br />W -ELEVEN (11) , WESTERN HEIGHTS: SECOND? SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />"THIS IS A PURCitd,.' E MONEY MORTGAGE" <br />" THE' RIDER TO THE DEED OF TRUST .t rt -ACHV_ 'h-ERETO AND EXECUTED OF EVMwi RATE 1 ;MZ#nTR>> TS <br />INCORPORATED HEREIN- AND THE COVENANTS AND AGREZICNTS TO THE RIDER SILkLL A M%Z% AND <br />SUPPLEMENT TALC° COV1311ANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THIS GEED OF TRUST. <br />which bas the address of 4220 LARIAT ..00,1 RT GRAND ISLAND . . <br />. �9ftlO • (City) <br />Nebraska 68803 (Zip Coda ('Property Address!'k <br />To Nare artd To Hold the prem ies above described with all the appurw -unces thereunto belonging and including all heating, plui.i fdiq and <br />fighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Trustee, and to its successors <br />and assigns. forever. The Borrower represents to, and convenants with, the Trustee, that the Borrower has good right to sell and convey said <br />premises that they are free from encumbrance: and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons <br />whomsoever, and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestud, and all marital rights• either in law or in equity. and all other <br />contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the :rkwe- described premises. zad jintention being to convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple, <br />including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests @s svresaid. <br />Proviied Alwan and these presents are exeixwd and delivered unto the 7rrtnee, in trus...FQwever for the following purposes: <br />WherrSON the lion .,mcr on the 2 4-;iTi. , day of MURn 19 89 , borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of FIFTY ONE THOi $ w'1. Ba l .dT HUNDRED AND 00/100-----: --------------------------------- --- -�- ----- ----- - - - - -- Dollars (S 51,800.00 for which <br />sum the Borrower has rhu cuted and delivered to dtle Lender Borrower's prorrir_w�+iy note of even date, beemig <br />interest of the rate of EIGHT AND 880 /10G:!per centum ( 8.880, %) per arzm:7 on the unreid.hafttcirvimA paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall he payable at ft office of <br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 202 VEST THIRD STREET <br />in GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 , or at su& ccyer place as the holder of the note <br />may designate in writing,. in monthly installments ref' FOUR HUNDRED TWELVE AND 33/100 --- — ------------- <br />--------------- -- Dollars (S 412.33 h commencing on the fire cky cl' . YAY 01 <br />1989 . and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and imerest are fully paid, except that the brat;cvr^ent of prrcipal <br />and interest, if not sooner ps4 sh I,hr. due and payable on the first day of APRIL 01 <br />2019. <br />This form is used in connection with mortga¢t:, ir:aured under the one- to four - family programs of the liationad Po4sing Rct (i�0±:ding <br />Sections 203(b) and (i)) which require a One -Titre Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in acCordance with the regulations for those <br />programs. <br />form HtJD421 <br />Page t of 5 24 CFR 203.1 (0Y- <br />L J <br />a <br />��AR6 <br />�k <br />fx� <br />w <br />�. 1 <br />.t <br />