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89-- IOJL4 74 <br />REAL ESTME MURT6A0E <br />Randel K. Hoesen and Joan M..Boesen, husband and wife, herein. <br />called the mortgagor in consideration of Fifty Thousand Dollars <br />($50.000.00) does hereby mortgage to Kendal L. Boesen► a single <br />person, herein called the mortgagee. the following described real <br />estate in Hall County, State of Nebraska:. <br />Lot Seven (7), Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Three (3) <br />Hall County. Nebraska. <br />This mortgage is givenAo secure the payment of the principal <br />sum of $50,000.00 and interest thereon, according to the terms of a <br />certain promissory note of yen -dater executed by the mortgagor to <br />the mortgagee, due the Ai�'_t%ay Of <br />The mortgagor further agrees to maintain insurance upon the <br />premises above described in an.amaunt not less than the indebted- <br />ness due the mortgagee with-a loss- payable clause in favor of the <br />mortgagor and mortgagee as their interests may appear. The <br />mortgagor agrees to pay all taxes and assessments upon said <br />premises and all other taxes,.levies and assessments levied upon <br />this mortgage and the note which this mortgage is given to secure <br />before the same becomes delinquent. In the event the mortgagor <br />shall fail to obtain such insurance or pay such taxes before <br />delinquent, the mortgagee may purchase such insurance and Fray such <br />taxes or other liens and shall,a lien secured hereby for the <br />amounts advanced with interest- thereon at the rate of ten (10) per <br />cent per annum. <br />In the event the mortgagor defaults in the payment of said <br />indebtedness or anv, installment thereof, or fails to perform-any of <br />the other agreements herein, the mortgagee at his election may <br />declare the eatite debt securedi by this mortgage to be dine and <br />collectible at once; and may foreclose this mortgage for the <br />satisfaction thereof. <br />The mortgagor further agrees that payment hereunder shall be <br />made to mortgagee, his ,hh irs or assigns. <br />Signed this day of_ <br />State of Nebraska i <br />) ss. <br />County of Hall l <br />Before- KnP, a Nntary Public, personally came Mandel K. Boesen <br />and Joan M. Hoesen, to me known to be the identical person(s) who <br />signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and de d. <br />Witness my hand and seal this /.!day <br />f tpi _ � i' .. .: � E 3�; .:�� Noc. a�� g'tt�� l i _ • <br />-s_ <br />i; <br />r. , <br />