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<br /> 90- 1042���
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<br /> (�)DefaaM.Lender may�ezccpt as Gmited by re�iadons issuecl by the SecrctNry�n che case oP paymont defautts. require
<br /> � immediRte p�ymrnt in (ull of all sums secured by this Security instrument if: '
<br /> - C��owrr ckf�ulu by faitinj to pay tn fuU�ny monthty paymc�l2 required by this Security lnstrument prior to or on
<br /> � the due date qi the aext monthly p�ya�eet�or
<br /> (li)Bnrcowa�default�by failIn�,for a peciod of thlny d�ya.to perform�ny other obli��tlon�conuiaed in thls Security
<br /> t [tWrwnent.
<br /> � A)3�k VYi16��t G'�tYt Ap�al.I.ender iinll,if Permitbd bY aPPlic�bie law�od vrish the prior�rprov�l of the Secrewy,tequire
<br /> � immadi�le p�yrtKat io iup of�I d�e wn�ocutod by thi�Secu�riry Imtrumeat if:
<br /> i (�AU or prt of the Propecty i�athe�wi�e trn�ferred(ad�er thwn by deviae or desant)b}'the Botrower��ad
<br /> 3 C�)'IUo P�opaty i�vot oaa�pied by dio piurl�er ar jnnlee�t hi�a bec or
<br /> � R�ee don�o ciowpy Ibe Pt�opaty but hi�or 6rr c�edit hr aot bem�ppc�acoad�thew�h �idenc+e.or�pur�lwer or
<br /> I � �y.
<br /> � ic)N�Nainr.if circumstanas occur that would
<br /> permit Lender to require immediate pwyment In full,but Lender dces not
<br /> � ro4��h P��meow.1.ender doa not waive its rl jht�with rapcct to sub�equent eveate.
<br /> � t�)�dw et 1i1JD 8�ceetaryr.In mauy ctrcumstances re{uLtlons issued by the SecreUry will limit Lender's rlght�,in
<br /> � the eve of paymeat defaWb,to require immedi�te payment in fup and forecloae if not paid.Thi�Socudty Instrument does
<br /> � not wthorize aooekratioa or forecbsure if uot permittM by re�ulstions of the Secretary.
<br /> � l�. �iMd1eMN. Boeo�rer hu • t to tx rdnsuted if Lender hu r uIred immediate
<br /> ' � �9 p�ymeat in full because of
<br /> ' Horro�rer't t�ifure to pay�n amount ane under the Note or this 5ecur�ry Instrumem. Thi�dght applia evea after foreclosure
<br /> --' pri�::.�„:.;,.�.,.SL'.'�:�.T8 ic��is'uii2 itc�,�i,it'�i�32;.;;itc'szi,Eorto��s'a�wl1 icu�2i iu x Quilip 3��n i�tj�tnounis required io
<br /> , brins Horro�rer'a sxotint cumnt includlns, to the eatent they are obli�atioaa of Bonower under this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' foreclosure oosts and ressonabk and customary attorney's fea and eapenses properly associated with the foreclosure
<br /> { prooeedins.Upon reinstatement by Horrower,this Sccurity Instrwnent and tbe obUgations that it secures shall remain in effect as
<br /> if I.ender h�d not required immedlue payment in fuU.Howrcver.Lender ls not required to permlt reinstatcment if:(7 Lender has
<br /> , aoo�pted reinstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings wit�in two years immediately preceding the
<br /> oomaunoement of a current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on different gounds in the
<br /> , fnture.or(ili)reinstatemrnt will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' !L��n+ower NM Relqrer;Forbeu..oe By Le.der No�•Waher. Extensioa of the time of payment or atodification of
<br /> i amar�atioa of the aums sGCUred by this Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to any suocessor in interest of Berrower shall not �•,
<br /> , operate to relaae the liabllity of the orlginv Borrower or Borrower's auccessor in lnterest. Lender shall not 6e required to �
<br /> com�nence Proceedln�s apinst+�ay successor in interat or refuse to estead time for psyment or othenvise madify amortiutiQn -
<br /> � of the tums secured by this Security lnstrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bonower or Bonower's • �
<br /> � anooessors ia interest.�►ny forbaarance by Lender in eaerrising any right or remedy shall not he a waiver of or nreclu�e the _—�_
<br /> exercae oi a�ripit or remedy. - - -
<br /> ! l2.3�oca�on a�d Eo��d: `�•,�
<br /> Aatlp�s 7oi�t aN Serenl Li�biHty;Co-Sl��era.The covenants and agreements of this Secudty ��
<br /> . Instrumeat ahW bind and benefit the suocessors and asslgns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of paragraph 9.b.
<br /> • BorrowKr's oovenants and aareements sh�il be joint�nd several.Any Borrower who co-s' ��
<br /> �gns thls Security Instn�ment but does �_
<br /> not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing th3s Socwity Instrnment only to mortgage,grant and convey that Borrower's interat in
<br /> the Property under ihe terms of this Security Instrumeat:(b)is not personally obllgated to pay the sums secured by this Security .�
<br /> � I n s t r u m e a t; a n d (c) a�r a s t h a t L e n d a a n d a n y o t h e r B oaower may agra to eaern d, m o di fy, forbear ar make any �
<br /> ; acoommodatlons aith regird w the term of this Security Iastrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. �
<br /> i
<br /> � 13.Noticer.Any notice to Bonower providod far in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by
<br /> ' f�c1�s m�il unleu=FPHcable law reqvires use of anather method.The nodce shall be d'uected to the Propeny Address or any
<br /> � other address Borrower dai�ta by notice to Lender.My notia to Lender shall be given by Pust ctass mail to Lender's address 4
<br /> stated heroin or any otdtircts Lender desi�nates by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall ,:
<br /> be damed co have ban given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragaph.
<br /> � H•���t U�+�bWh•'fhis Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and�he law of the jurisdiction in
<br /> Mlrich the property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note mnflicts with ap-
<br /> plicabk la�v,such conflict shatl not affea ather provisions af this Secudty Instrument or the Note which can be given effect �
<br /> , without ehe conflicting proviston. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note aze declared to be �
<br /> ,
<br /> severabk.
<br /> , 1S•SoR+ower'�Copr- Borrowu shall be given one conformed copy of this Security lnstrument. , `
<br /> ; K.A�ip�t of Re�t�.Bonower unconditionally assigns and uansfers to Leeder all the rtnts attd revenues af tha Propeny. �����
<br /> Borrower authorius Lender or Lender's agtnu to collect the renu and revenua aad hereby dirats each tenant of the Property
<br /> to psy the rents to Lender or Lender's agents.However,prior to Lender's notice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of any cove-
<br /> : nant ar agreeatent in the SecurIty]nstniment,Borrower shall coIItct and seceive all rents and r�-leaues aF the t'roperty as trustee
<br /> for the benefit of Leader�ad Borrower.This assigament of rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for
<br /> sdditional security only.
<br /> If L.eader Yives notIa of breach to Bonower:(a)all reau recci4•ed by Borrower shall be held by Bonower as trustee for benefit
<br /> of Lender oNy.to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument:(b)Lender shall be entitled to coUect�and receive all
<br /> of tht rents of the Properry;and(c)euch tcnant of the Property shaU pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent
<br /> on Lender's written demand to tho tenant.
<br /> Bonower has not executed any prior assignment of the renu and has not and wiU not perform any act that would prevent
<br /> i.eader fram eaercising its rights under this paregaph 16.
<br /> Lender shall not be required to ebter upon,take control of or maintain the Propeny before or after giving notice of breach to -- -- -
<br /> Borrower.However,Lsnder or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach.Any app(ication of rents � �
<br /> shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This assignment of rents of the Property
<br /> shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in fuU.
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