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<br /> y ' +�'i,d:+,�:: Y..l . . t 2 1.S (
<br /> 1,.:. �,.� �f v{ -� � t, ,. "5;-,
<br /> �';�e{Klh� �d j ' ,(i� . .A ..: `y �ryi � � r;,'.�• ,�•� �. r 3 1i �.� ,iia�.r _
<br /> �: �fl� � ;;; � .n'ij'�(f i � . ;t:J �... ,_... ; i d ��(�_-:r��u .-
<br /> ', l� , --' •—� a{.if.9 _.. ��m._�..
<br /> — �ai1:���m � inV-�',i�� ��#�r� lrtie� _.__ _
<br /> ��....��.-. � �
<br /> � Return to; Ncxwaut dank Nebraska, N.A.
<br /> P.o. ��3ao8 f��� � ���� " � Jp-10 4 2 9 0
<br /> � No�fl�1Mb�'tC��rres.Baiiower an�t.endEr Ituther cavcn�int and agree as follows:
<br /> ' 1�. A..:.�:�:�tiaa; Rem�diss. I.eade: �al1 �tTe oaticc to Borro�rer priar to sc�iltra3la� tolio�oin� Borror�ee•s
<br /> IKMeI�at a�y eareuat oP u�roewat i�tUt Seeurity Irtru�c�t(bwt aot prior to uceleation under pusgrsphs 13 and l7
<br /> wM�s aMlksNe taw�ro;Wes otl�tt�M�r).'!'�e iwNt��Irall s�aeity: (i}the det�it{h,fb)the sctMn rt�uired t0 cure the
<br /> iehrl�(e)a d�le,�ot!as 11Wa�30�Ys froM tbe dat�t�e natics b�I�eR to Harcawer,by ehirh tl�e dehult m�st be cured;
<br /> �. a�i ti?tl�!tsilara to c�re tl�defirlt os or 6etae tl�date s�eciAed in t�e aoHa may raalt in aeceleration ot the sums
<br /> aKw�i�y trh Secr�it�I�t a�d ale ot tre Pw�ty.Tpe�otice slull turthe�infarn�Borrower ot tl�e ri4ht to
<br /> ; r�e�f'!sr�oceiantio��i t�e�i�t to briMs�t�rt�ctio�to wert tre non�exineace of�defauit or iury other
<br /> � dek�e ot Horrawer to sa�elerndo�a�i ak.It tk�dehdt b aot cured oa or 6efore th�date specifled tn the no�ice,Lender
<br /> � �t ib o�tio� �y rowire iNwedi�te My�qt i� hU of all s��a�ecund.by this SecMrlty In�trument witlrout turthe�
<br /> i��i�wi wy i�rolce tre�owa ot ale a�i�y otMer��edies peraitted by ap'lic,�ble law.Lender shall be en�titled ta
<br /> � colMct dl e:rera i�rred is MnNi�tlk rswediei pro�ided in tbis pua�pb l9.including, but aot Itmited to,
<br /> , reMO�YIe attarners'tees a■i cosb otthk�ti�e.
<br /> ; lf tl�e pwer ot�ale i�i��oice�,Trwtee�11 reeoed s aotke ot detadt is ar4 couaty t�whic6 sey p�rt oi tlie �
<br /> ' Rro'erty is located a�d sl�all n�ail co�les ot wcb�oHce in t6e maAaer
<br /> � pre�cribed by sppiicable taw to Borrower and to the
<br /> , od��erso�s pre�crtbed by s�pliabk law.�►Nter tYe due required by applic�bie laa,Trustee s6a11 give publk�otice ot
<br /> ! We to tMe oeno�s�i i�tlro n��priscribed by spplicable law."Truatee,without dem�ad on Horrower.slu�it seU the
<br /> � � Pro�erty at�wblic�rctio�to tYe 6ig6est Wdder�t the N�ae sad pbce and under the tenns designafed in the notice oi sale in
<br /> ' a�e or�ore p�r+ceb aird i�a�y order Tru=ta detersina.Trustee say patpoae sale of sll or any psrcel of the Property by
<br /> i �btic a�ww�cewe�t at t�e Hse aod place ot asy pre�iously achednlcd sale. Lender o�tts designee may purchase the
<br /> Pro'erty at�ny sak.
<br /> � 0'w receipt o!p�ymeat of the�sice bid,Trustee shall deli�er to the purchaser'IYustee's deed conreying the
<br /> i�vpc���• auc�c�a�i�i�Qiic atwicc�a uci�awiii u��aiw1 ii�iC�C,IYCA�'C O�w2 siGiu 8i�ii2 a=a�ii�ciw u�w�2�u2��ili.
<br /> f Tn�tee sM�tll apply the proceeds�i the aale in t6e followtng orde�:(a)to all ex}eeses of the sale,includtng,but not limited
<br /> � t0.T�K's fees a�permitte�by appliraWe law aad re�so�ble attorneys'fees(b)to dl sam�secured by this Securtty
<br /> _ � Iastrumesh,and(c)aey exceu to the peraon or persons le�ally enNded to it. �
<br /> � 20. Lender in Possession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in ,
<br /> � person.by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br /> � Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the reeeiver
<br /> ! shatl be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including,but not
<br /> � limited to. recticer s fees. premiums on rceeiver's bonds at�d reasonable attomeys'fees,and then to the sums secured by �
<br /> � this Security InsWment. : .
<br /> 21.Recon�eyaece.Upon,payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> I reconvey the Property and shall sunender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security ,
<br /> —_—� 3:s-:rs^str.:��TSL`°�tLr.Tti:.,°:�o?:s3:ixar.ss;.ks p:a�:si r:itl:sLt r:ssr.:r.ti s�r:it::�;ssr::�.8e:�s::e t:..:.,or.a:�:..^�^rs � _
<br /> � legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any rceordation costs. ;:,_�=�
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustce.Lender,at iu option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trussee '=_:�
<br /> � to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. `i �
<br /> Without conveyana of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the•title.power and duties canferred upon -
<br /> j Trustee herein and by applicaole law. _
<br /> � 13. Request!or NoHces. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower s
<br /> address which is the Property Address. �
<br /> � ?�.Riders to this Seeurity Instrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> this Security Instrnment,the co�enants and agraments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants and agramenu of this Security lnstrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> � Instrument.[Ch�ck applicabte boa(es)]
<br /> ' ' (] Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider � 2-4 Family Rider `
<br />� [j Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Developrnent Rider
<br /> � � Other(s) [specifyj ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF POWER OF SALE
<br /> k_�<'
<br /> j BY SIC3NING BE1.Ow. Bonower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security ,
<br /> + Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. � .
<br /> I '
<br /> '. .. .W�t 'L�$����................................_B(Sea�) -
<br /> : ,���.� ,G'�.ta.�
<br /> ,
<br /> + �� I)E$b�I..K..BEtEIJIVAN........................................_eoso�we�
<br /> [Space Bebw This Une Fw AtknoMkd=ment]
<br /> STATB OF .......NEBRASKA
<br /> , .......................
<br /> , �L �SS: -
<br /> DOUNTY OF �
<br /> ................................ �
<br /> �
<br /> The foregoing instrumenL �vas acknowiedged bef�re me this....13.th.J7�X..OI:.JUZY..199A.... � •
<br /> .....................
<br /> (date) ��
<br /> � (person(s) acknowledging) ............ . ......-..........•......• � ,
<br /> �3
<br /> My Commission expires: �.,e,,�./�+�, �9y�`' ~
<br /> ��
<br /> ���M�'�Ilf� ��CL �l, , �. R
<br /> A�JOIIEY L H0IAMRD ........ ....:�-G� , .. ...���e:-:� (��) .
<br /> d�' �x� Naiary Public ......
<br /> This instrumcnt u•as prcparcd by.., NORWEST 33ANIi NEBRASKA, �n'rro�nr. ASSOCL•'1TTO;V
<br /> .................................. ....... ....... ........................ �
<br />