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ACKNOWLEDGMENT iLpq-= Wi 0 14 6 4 <br />Sherryl K. Olsen, a single person, and <br />IfWe,Alferd H. Kincheloe and Dorothy M. Kincheloe, husband.and wife 1 "Trustor ") <br />under that certain Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of Thirteen Thousand . and no/100 Dollars <br />----- -- ------ -- ------------------ ----------------- •----- ------- •1. 13,000.00 land dated <br />March (Deed of Trust) to be entered into among Trustor. <br />Earl D Ahlachwede ("Trustee ") and THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND <br />LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND (`Beneficiary'), covering the following described property: <br />The Westerly Ten. (10) Feet of Lot FaUr (4).1 all of Lot Five (5) , and the Easterly <br />One (1) Foot of, Lat Sir. (6), in (3), 9 7iazrx. Atiois to the City of <br />Grand Island! IiAa, Covnty! Netrr{".:. <br />hereby acknowledge that it is understood that (a) the Deei �*iTrust to be executed by Trustor is a trust deed and not ' <br />a mortgage and (b) the power of sale provided for in thle {deed of Trust provides iDbstantially different frights and <br />obligations to the Trustor than a mortgage tm tea event of a default or breach 01 obligation. <br />Trustor acknowledges that this Acknowledgment was wade prior to the execution of the Deed of Trust, <br />Executed and delivered this 21st day of March ,19._@g_ <br />n <br />Trustor S ry]l�K. Olson <br />Tr_i, Alfe.:d H. Kincheloe <br />A 1,/ <br />STATE OF FN"EBRASKA ss 13orothy M. Kincheloe <br />. <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befarc=_ me this 21st day of March , <br />19_29, by P e , <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at in said county, the da 't aforesaid. <br />!OAI'DBER <br />t �` F* 1� tiotar y • P bllc <br />u <br />• Ur Commirlim expires: //" 4r- `g <br />L <br />