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89�= 10145 9 <br />Acknowledgement Of <br />ass Power of Sale <br />ACKAFOWLEDGEMENT OF POWER OF SALE <br />(To be signed prior. to F, aae wt(On of lased of Trust). <br />Loan No. 1148979575 <br />Property Address: 4703 Deva Drive, Grand Island; NE 68801 <br />TO. NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, N.A. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 <br />)SS. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The undersigned, being first duly swcmr upon oath state and depose as follows: <br />1. That the undersigned Is or will be the 11orr per (whether one cr-'r,*iiirs) under a certain kDan from <br />NoRWl3ST.: RANK :h- HI:ASKA, - N.-k. , and, as security for such /oats, <br />the undersigned wIll`�e+cr land I dd1mr a deed of trust coveemg the above descnbed property to <br />NORWEST' BANK IMBRASKA, N.A. _ <br />2. The undersigned understand and acknowledge that such secumV, instrument is a Deed of Trust and not a mortgage; <br />and that the Power of Sale contained In such Deed of Trust provides subsnwitially diftlerent rights and obligations to the under - <br />signed than a mortgage in an event of default or breach of obligatt",t <br />DATED: March L7 89 19 89 <br />SU RIBED and sworn to before Is 17th dAy of 'fir fS 64 # <br />(SEAL) 17 <br />Mme' (, �o /06( <br />Notary Pubba <br />fe G <br />My commrsss��9Fo sxpi s: <br />BIB (Awn" ony) wes �• r' :, <br />J <br />r+ <br />