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<br /> A�d Lhe 71vnt�+e�oven�l►Ee f�ith_f�lly t��x+rfc+�!n� tht+@_*�t hp.,t+�.+n�t�.
<br /> HEtV�FICIARYm�ft+om tlme to time eubetitute a euoceseor or succeeeoce to any�uatae named he�t+in oe�ctit� .
<br /> h�r�rmd�c to�acecuta t,�is��ut DNd Up�aicha�nta�t and withou�con���med a�i� �'cceesor�l�ustae.the 4tter
<br /> � ah�11 b�vMf�d with all titie,pow�s�u�d dutiee upon�y Tivstee acting hee+eundec.Each such
<br /> �ppaiat:n�at and w�To�titutiaa sh+�U bt m�d�by w►rlttan�t and e:ecut�ed bY�netic�Y c�t�i�n8 referenee to
<br /> hi��uat DMd and ib pl�cs of rei,'oed,�vhich.wl�aa recoeded ia Lhe af�oe of the Register oi Deeds of tha oounty ar oount�iee
<br /> , in R+hi�h Mid�rop�ty ie a[twt�d,eh�11 bs ooncluaive ot pi�oger appaintn�t of Lhe a�uoeesoe�uetee.The for�e�o�n�g
<br /> po�r�er of eu tutjaa�nd the p000eduro tbecafat+e not be excivaive of the pawrer anci provided for by 4M for
<br /> Lhs aubetitutias ot a Z�uetee or 11�wtees in the pl��oe of Lhe�uatee or`T1�ustees herein.
<br /> T6�w�iwr by tbe 75ruste�ar Bez�e�Ciary oi aa�y definit of Truetar wntler this Truat Deed ehaU not be or be deemed
<br /> to bs�wraiva'of any othee�or�imiler defaults eubaequetttly oauning.
<br /> � 77� Z�rust Desd shall iaure to u�d riind tl�e heirs.legatew. devi�eee, edminiatra�tore, e�cecutore, auooe��ara�nd
<br /> � �of the p�rties hsreta
<br /> TLe 1�vat D�eet1 e�su be o�n�lr�ed according to the lswe of the State of Nebrnaka.
<br /> a
<br /> � T1M 7�urfar rsquests that a oopy of�ny notioe of default and of any nutice of e�sle hereu�der Lo l�m by
<br /> �e�tified mai]�L the address hareinbefore�et forth and evidence of�uch mailing shall conati�ite bi�+l���f n+oeipt o.f
<br /> sach notioe. -_.. � .
<br /> t � ���i`�'i:.�� ,�.'�j::�s
<br /> ' � �n,�.r_+.�.w,.+....,t��w�*�*�*�*l.ks e�+.,���:e�*!b�r����Lp i�uaL�far`��w�'�:�•.J a�t;sri��y,
<br /> - t------ s , 6-
<br /> ` {i�►lwwer Lhe oo�tttsrt so ,�worde shall be conatrued in the plural and vics verai�,and the maaculine
<br /> ; g�nti�r�hall be oonsteued Lo�the{emin9ne and vke veras.
<br /> � IN WITNE99 WHEREOF. the Zlvetor h�s hereunto eet his hand the d�y eu�d year firat ebove writteu.
<br /> x�A-l�-�'K G � � ,
<br /> TRUSTOA lbbart E. B�tle�tt
<br /> • � i ,��.,� �
<br /> i • T8 $TOft L�L. B�t]e�tt '
<br /> ,
<br /> ' - a�e�.ee+ra�z+ — -
<br /> -- = v:rs ra�vr����w�w� � — _
<br /> � ft
<br /> �UN��F Hal l �•�• -
<br /> � Befaee me.a Notary Public,quediffed by said county,pereonally came �'�E. �t]ett �d -
<br /> '" ��L. �� Nusband and wife ' _-
<br /> known to me to be the identical parson(s►�rho eign�d th�foerg�oing�utrumQnt and �`�
<br /> ; ac.lmo�vledged the ezecution tbereof to be his,her or their voluntary act and deed.Witness my hend and Notarial Seal on
<br /> �� ,19 �
<br /> . � My commiseion ezpiree: 1 /-30-a 1 �`1�t��,o,) GL Y17 a,�,,�,�A )
<br /> ; N Y PUHLIC Yhccr CL Mayhfw
<br /> ����� ,.�,
<br /> 1
<br /> � Nw�1M! '�#
<br /> • A88IGN�1T � .
<br /> FOK VALUE TtECEIVED, the undetsigned do hereby grant,asaign and tranefer unto
<br /> � and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliat�ea,all of its right.
<br /> titk s»d intereet in und to the fae�egoing Deed of Z�uat together with the obtigation eecured ti�by and ull money due or
<br /> to bec�o�e due thereon and all rights accn�ed under said Deed of�ust and obllgation.
<br /> Arc�rican HQre �sig�, Ir�c.
<br /> leignature
<br /> . `�
<br /> !
<br /> lai�atw'el �fi[tY33 A.
<br /> STATEUF ir� ��__�_�- -
<br /> �OUNTY OF pr�c� }S9.
<br /> Before me.a Notary Public,quali�ed by seid county.peraonally came �� A�ii�*�� and I
<br /> .�
<br /> known to me to 6e the identical person(s1 who eigned the foregoing instrument and �c�
<br /> L a�knowledged the executIon thereof to be hiA,her or their voluntary act and dced.Witnese my hend and N'otarial Seal on �
<br /> Jvne l�i . lg 90 , � �
<br /> �' ���
<br /> My cammissiott expires: �.^1�/i� '>'i --l�.Ll�..,�'- — ----- ---._..._ �
<br /> 2V0'['ARY PUBLIC �� �'��
<br /> (se�11 (
<br /> __._J
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