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99- 101449 <br />1 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE /DEED OF TRUST <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED;.HOMF FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />does hereby assign to.Commercial Federal Savings and Loan Association <br />that certain Mortgage/L7eed of Trust, dated march 23 , 19 99 , and recorded <br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />entered as Document No. Sf- A l AN Y on the S day of a4: =L <br />19 L, which is a lien upon: A tract of land located partly in Block One (1)of Parkh$l.1 <br />Subdivision and partly in Block Eight (B) of Ashton Place, both being Additions to the City of Grad.:.`: <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the outheast.. <br />c rner of Lot TwentY (20), in.Block One (1 of said P rkhill Subdivision, run gin thence Westerly <br />a�ong and upon the Southerly, line of said ��ock One (1�, a distance of Eighty `8D� feet, running <br />thence Northerly and parallel -with the Westerly boundary line of Arthur Street, a distance of Fifty - <br />two (52) feet, running thence Easterly and parallel to the Southerly line of said Z;�ock One (1 }, a <br />distance of Eighty (BOYfeet to the Easterly boundary line of Block Eight (8), in Ashtaa Place,. <br />running thence Southerly a distance of Fifty two (52) feet to the place of beginning, and; being.-a <br />tract 52 feet fronting on . the Westerly side of Arthur Street and 80 feet fronting: -pg. tit--m" <br />Northerly side of John Street. <br />given by Stephen W. McCarthy and Theresa J. McCarthy, Husband and Wife <br />to HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND together with the <br />indebtedness secured thereby. This assignment is without recourse, covenant, or <br />warranty of any kind. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the within assignment has been executed by HOPE FEDERAL <br />SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND by its President , <br />the 23 of, March , 19 89. <br />NOW FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />State a,f Nebraska) Stephen R. Beltzer, President <br />County of Hall) <br />The foregoing assiorarent uas acknowledged before me,, a Notary Public, this <br />23rd day of march,,;_,, .19 88 , by Stephen R. Beltzer , <br />President.____ of HOPE 6ERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS- %CIATIOf4,OF GRAND ISLAND on <br />behalf af= said association. <br />GfNERU NOTRRY•Sute of kftb <br />ANDREW MCCUMBER <br />Cam b:g Apd 5►1*2 <br />���.✓ lid/• �l't c�C- ,;:,aG,. <br />Notalry Public <br />L <br />L <br />J <br />I <br />r. <br />F <br />1 <br />s <br />