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j` shftaf NOWMS Deed of Trust <br />L <br />101448 <br />321-1301985 321- 1301985 703 (b) <br />plait Data dTrnet ("°.+ec=y irutrurnatt ") is made on March 23 <br />19 89 - Toe Motor is Stephen W. McCarthy and Theresa J. McCarthy, Husband ar � Wife <br />("Borrower "). The trustee a Commercial Federal Savings and <br />�480ings and Loan Association of Grand Island ( ~) The in is <br />. which is orgaeind and exist <br />irsa <br />carder ft laws of Nebraska , and whose address is 221 South Locust <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 ("Under). <br />Wf wmeft That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and crated, and the sum of One Dollar (tl), to <br />NO; M bang paid by Oe Tnow, the receipt of which is hereby aciawwledg4 does by these presents pant, bargain and s A convey and <br />mWum, unto the Ttuut a in trust, with power of sake forever, all of the following described real estate. situated lying and being its rif County of <br />Hall , and State of Nebraska, to wit <br />See attached"E chibit "A" <br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto an�I cued of even date herewith <br />ipcorportated herein and the covenants and ijre; ements of the rider shall amend- -. -arud <br />supplement' the covenants and agreements of the mortgage. <br />"THIS IS A PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE" <br />V*kb has the address "1-�Ff ': ` ',ti34 West John (mm) • Grand Island (city) ' <br />New 68c2,3 <br />(Tip Cade) ( "Property Address -); <br />Ito Have ad To Hold the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating, plumbing and <br />4hting fixtures seed equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in comixtion with said real estate unto the Trustee, and to its successors <br />aura astians, iorevec. the Borrower represents m4 ,L,-,d eonvenants with, the lr'rstee, that the Borrower has good right to sell and co wee m %wd <br />plming that they we free fronn =c umbranoe; and that the Bourn arJ w@ -uw=t and defend the sam agaliint the kwful clairtu of s1Fj Persons <br />whaememr,, and the said Borrovw hereby relinquishes all 6 mr, loir 1 sssad. and all awitAl tights, c'i35er in law or in equity. and all at5te <br />coajda mt interests of the Bo &ff, iili and to the above4esc 1mt t and intention being to convey hereby an A&Aute title, iv fne pr , <br />inclasarg all rijhts of homestead:, &md other rights and interests as <br />ftow led Always. and these greSents are executed and dehiert = wi uT e'Trustee, in trust. however for the folloAfbf purposes: <br />`ili eaer the Borrower oat cite. - 23 . day of March .19 89 , borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of Thirty Nix Thousand Three Hundred and no /100--------------------- - - - - -- <br />,.. - -- Dollars (S 36 O' 7�DO.00 ), for which <br />sum rite Borrower has ews.nterirmi rfe',+xi�3 tai the le oe�'s promissory note of even date. baring <br />.ist erect of the rate of Eight Eighty Eight F s 8.88 %) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid <br />Ik said principal and interest dAll be payable at the, office of Home Federal � ". a-s' ings and Loan Association of <br />Grand :Island, 221 South Locust <br />in Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 . or at such other place as the hL!da of the note <br />may desiguic in writing, in monthly installmems of Two Hundred Eighty Eight and 95/100--------- - -- <br />----------- D09804288.95 ), commencing on the first day of May <br />19 89W on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid. except that the final payment of principal <br />and interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of April 1 <br />20 19• <br />This form is used in connection with mortgages insured under the one- to tour - family programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />Sections 203(b) and (i)) which require a One -Time Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in accordance with the regulations for those <br />programs. <br />form HUD 2143 -DL1(W edition) <br />Page t of 5 24 CFR 2W.17(i) r n ` <br />L <br />-J <br />
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