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?970 Da 99. 101427 <br />1 FILED IN JRWW9"TT0MEY - CONTiNUATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY - RATIFICATION OF ACTION <br />��mHALL�CAODUgN�TLY, NEBRASKA <br />Fa Wri RLA, ofl N0maha successor by st&utary ndsr to The Federal Land Bank of Omaha and Federal intermediate <br />Credit of a federally chartered Instrumentality and corporation organized and existing under the laws of the <br />United 8 �. having its pdnlCpal place of business at 206 South 19th Street. Omaha. Douglas County, <br />Nebraska 68102. roes hereby state that the Power of Attorney signed by James D. Kids, president and chief executive <br />gter of The Federal Land Back of Omaha. dated September 25,1987, and recorded in each county of the states of Iowa. <br />ter . akota. and Wyoming tall terms of which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof), <br />granted by The Federal Land Bank of Omaha to the thirty -one Federal Land Bank Associations named therein, is hereby <br />ratified and confirmed in all respects and is deemed to have survived the statutory merger of The Federal Land Bark of <br />Omaha and Federal intermediate Credit Pik of Omaha and continues In full force and effect in all respects. <br />Any and all actions taken on be,� 1 � :Fay Credit Bank of Omaha by any of the named Federal Land Banc Associations <br />pursuant -to the Power of A.�, a � ay' bland after July G. 1988, the effective date of the statutory meager, until the <br />recordation of this ur er a heret* . oardied and cmfinmed. <br />Further,'any and. :a91" �o6s taken by any of the nam'.a�d Federal Land Bank Associatiorisr: ti;alr: uuocessor o intere : <br />(FederaiIand Ba ik-Alteodstic of the Midlands), front and after January 1, 1989, urrtii:ii ti h this instrument are <br />horahv twilled k rrrlfad. <br />Upon recordation oft, 9 Affidavit of Merger and Name Change. dated January 4. 196%,a,r4 this instrument, Federal Lar'4 . <br />Bank Association of the Mk tands, successor in interest by merger to the thirty -one Fed+ (rand Bank Associations names° <br />in said Affidavit and in said Power of Attorney dated September 25,,1987, shall, by the term- of the aforementioned Power <br />of Attorney, operacdm of law and this instrument, succeed to and possess ail autfwrWali contained in the said Power of <br />Attorney, incorporated herein by reference, as Agent and Attorney -in -Fact ca behalf of.Finn. Credit Banc of Omaha, and is <br />authorized to perform all acts and to execute all documents as set out in said Power ai Adiney on behall of Farm Credit <br />Bark. of Omaha under the seal of the Federal Land Par Association of the 641diarnds. <br />The gestation wit documents by the Secretary, ar any AsslOrt Secretary of Federal Land Bask Association of the <br />I`yiidiandcs is pernfZW, but not necessary, and any attesting signialum need. not be acknowledged. <br />The Fcwer of Attorney shalt remain in full force and- affect until revoked iri. witting and the offices where tine <br />original Power of Attorney and this Ratification are filed or recorded. <br />L <br />It is intended that all parties may rely upon any action undertakrrcr and any docum. tats executed by, for or on behalf of <br />Farm-CraM Bank of Omaha as set forth above, without furtharr,litquiry it ,.* the power and authority of any individuak <br />Federal Land Bank Association or Federal Land Bank. A,+rsocfatldh of the Wld'arrds to execute, do or perform the same. . <br />A photocopy of this Powergj ji4pw <br />AIL <br />ail serve and maybe ref ed upon as an original. <br />FARM CR OIT BANX OF OMAHA <br />cOIMi0M1i <br />is ey <br />s� % James D. Kirk, r2res' .eM acrd Chief Executive Off-icer <br />oily <br />so V1 <br />,/ , `!► r_ tug <br />Ursula M. Bohac, Corporate Secretary <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ss. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on F hr •a �- m osa . by James D. Kirk, <br />President of the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States, on <br />behalf of the oo oration. <br />AIL Raft <br />(Thn atrow frann nr>�irnow/ndmnont /s punWirnt to SnoUon 6�20b A.R.S, t913 01 Nnbr+ealur.) <br />l_ <br />.I <br />s <br />i. <br />r <br />J <br />