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I SECOND REAL ESTATE INIORTGAGE I <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT f or WE. Bobby A. Graves and Darnell A. Graves, Husband <br />and Wife <br />of Hall' Court} and State of Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of 55329.34 * ** *Five thou <br />tt}h�re hungted twgnt nine dpp,111t�r�s and 34/100 * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * ** <br />DOLLAR-S_in �iand paid, do hereby S LL and CON AMFRICAN FAMILY FINANCIAL SFRVICF,S, INC.. (mattgagtel, of <br />Douglas County. and State of Nebraska, the folb wing described premises situated in Hall County, and State of <br />Nebraska, to.- wit. <br />:Lot, Knickrehm 8th Addition-to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />CORRECTED LEGAL: <br />Lot 2, Knickrehm 8th Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraksa <br />This mortgage is junior to: <br />None. <br />This is a first mortgage <br />o. <br />it] <br />This tips ?)Homestead Property. - <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolutt title in fee simple inclu&ng all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premise's ah'rve:described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said mortgagee or <br />mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs and atsf. forever, provided alwayf, and these presents are upatt the express condition that if the d. <br />said mortgagor or mortgagors, his, her orlb -zir liefrs, executors, administrators or assigns shall f5M29. r cause to be paid to the said mortgagee <br />or mortga ees and to his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of 34 * * ** * Five thousand <br />t�tree hundred twenty nine; dollars and 34/10 * * * * * * * ** * <br />Dollars, payable as follows, to -wit: <br />Twenty four (24). installients at $253.34 each * * * * * * * ** <br />ii with interest thereon at 12.99per cent per annum according to the tenor and effect of the one promiswry note with interest <br />iapoas,�ttached of said Mortgagors, bearing even date with these presents, and shall pay all taxes, and any:2aherest on, or maturing �# <br />aria^ Mrrents of principal, due on any prior mortgage and avimkrnents levied upon said real estate and all other tafi invies and assessments .. <br />tdc %e'w t *.•pon this mortgage or the note which this rnortp ire, -s given to secure, before the same becomes delinqucn'. zitd keep the buildings i >: <br />11 of siid.premises insured for the sum $5500. QO*k * *** * * * * loss, if any, payable to such first mortgagees or Onis mortgagee, or both, _ <br />then 1aese presents be void. otherwise to b,? and zt �4.� ::� full force. <br />f iT 6, FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the s�_s,4 r shall fail to pay such taxes and such interest on, or maturing installments of <br />principal, tss <br />ipal, due on any prior mortgage and ptasure such iace, then this mortgagee may pay such taxes and such interest on, or maturity <br />installments of principal, due on such prior mortgage and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced with interest at 12.99 per - <br />I cent.shall be paid b -,; Id mr. rfg;Wpr, and this'anortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2) Thak t. Failure to pay any of said.roney. <br />either principal or icte ^xc ran [Ids or any other prior mortgage, when the ra r,e becomes due or a (aitn •eu..romply with any of the li:yr."going <br />agreements, shall cause the w•hd#9 sum of money herein securexi�-_ beet;-me dn; - and co;lectible at ono V, the option of the mortgagee. <br />IT N,FURTHER AGREED Vj:il; said mortgagee. pending creclosure ni cr s _rtu; .and after decree and f aiding stay thereon or <br />,c�9 t(;�rcfrom anti pending cm,b'of premises mortgaged, ii►ay pay such taxes and =._1z !ag interest or maturing inA:allments of principal, <br />on prior mortgages, procure such insurance and such sums shall he added to the ayn v.ri• line on decree and upon "kin rmation of sale by <br />the court ordered taken out of proceeds of _&J .or if redeemed during stay, appeal cr sale, such amounts shall be collected the same as <br />though it were a part of such decree . <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED'ilutiitthc6i&7.t of default of any of the covenants oreonditions of thisinstrument thetcrits of thepremises <br />are hereby assigned to the Mortgltgt € as security for the payment of the indebtedness F QWTed by this agreement. <br />IX Ly FURTHER AGREED 'i hil• this !Mortgage Note shall be due and payable if t;pr: fir-petty subject to this mortgage is conveyed away <br />or if', title thereto shall be vested in any other <br />Sjgr aed this 10th day. of Mar`ah '1989 ? r <br />In pretense of <br />...................... <br />S <br />wI7Iy1sSS OWarn Graves <br />A ) <br />11 A. G ayes <br />STATE OF ....... Nebraska ....... ............................... . County of -... Ha11........................................... : <br />Before me, a notary pub lac gvalified for said county, personally came Bobby A. Graves and Darnell A. Graves, <br />Husband and Wife <br />known to me to be the ide.911md'persort or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his, <br />her or their voluntary ac-t arrildeed. k1? <br />on........... ............................... 19 . ... . / <br />y mission clt ........ � ... 19 7 .............. �� . Notary Public_ <br />- STATE OF ......... .... .. ... ............................... <br />Entered on numerical index and fitcvt for retard <br />Crxmty .. ... in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the <br />L.......... day o, ............... , 19 .......... , at . o'clock and ............ minutes .............. M-, <br />and tecorded iv [look ............................... of ....... .............. at page .......... . <br />_ ........... _ ................ . <br />lie• <br />T11IS 1NSTIRUME%T DAAFTIED 8Y: _— <br />..... Reg of Deeds <br />. .......... - -- Mputy <br />41 <br />