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QUITCLAIM DEED <br />FelMs 6 We* C""n, u6cok, MAN. <br />89-101423 <br />Clayton L. Robb and Verna G. Robb, husband an4's herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />in considcratjols of one dollar ,tSI.00) and, loVi affection <br />received from. gftntee,'- a quitclaim, grant, bargaiN.S4.1. convey And confim- unto .Mason b. Robb <br />herein called the grazrtee�'whether one or more, described real property in <br />Hall........................... ............................... Countyw";. fi57braska :- <br />'Lot 4, Block 3, Original Town of Dpp#h <br />Doniphan, Nebraska, <br />This deed is to transfer any inviivst that may be acquired through the estates <br />of. The Theodore and Dora Robb even though such estates have nvv.�er, been prOsent.-a.,j <br />for probate. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with 91" tenements, hereditament* <br />a 49purtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantm's h6 and assigns forever. <br />]Dated 1117.v--CX 19F 39 <br />................. . ...... # ............................................... <br />.................. <br />.......................... ......................................... ................................ <br />..... ......... ............. <br />........... ................................... ............... . ...................................................................................... . <br />........ ....... . ........ .......................................... ............ ..... ................................................................................ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of .RALL ............................................. .. . <br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came Clayton L. Robb <br />known to me to be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br />the execution thereof to be h* her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness ray hand and notarial seal on .. . . - AW rcA ........ ?L ............. 19 <br />vm 494rff .. <br />�-�M�n .......................... ....... ............. Notary Poblio. <br />S&L HAS to of b—a E 6-6 1 —4" My eonlmis3ion expires ......... &YA.90 ..... /Y ............... I �T. <br />