<br />` t
<br />+.
<br />sate of NNxaSca. lVlortgag'8 321 1287317
<br />This glos$pp. made and executed this 20th day of March '
<br />19 89. by and between Guy L. Neill, III, and Loren B. Neill, ,each . in his and her own right, anti
<br />as spouse of each other, , and State of Nebrsaka. MW of the. fim pa, bereioaft caued
<br />of the county of Hall
<br />rite Mortgagor, and The Equitable Building and Loan Association, Grand lIslariJ, Nebraska
<br />and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska '
<br />a oorporatioD arpiai>,od .
<br />psity of the mend past. haeinafta called the 1Wfar PaeC.
<br />WVWWatla no the said Mme; for and in consideration of the sum of Forty. hree Thousand Five Hundred
<br />- - - -- - - - -- n (S 43, 550.00 ). t�
<br />Fifty and no /100 ---- ---- �-------------- - - - - -- .
<br />Mee, the teoeipt of wWcb is hereby ar:knowledged, has oranted and Sold and by there presents does (leant, BarPin, Seg. Caavq...
<br />sad Conform unto the Mortgagee. its sucoesam sad asdgos, forever, the follo.wng- described rest estate, situaw in the CauaY
<br />Hall , and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot 18, Potash Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Prindpal Meridian, containing in all ----- -------- - - - - --
<br />saes according to Government survey:
<br />TS, gi"sstd To Held the premixes above described, whit all the apVUUSW s thereunto belonging and including all heating,
<br />pimbini and lighting rattans 104 equipment now or WUfta attached to br used lit connection with said rent estate unto the Mort -
<br />ts to. and'covenanti with, the Mortgagee, that the Mort-
<br />will and to its ntooesson and swipts. foram. Toe Mortgagor represents will warrant and
<br />gsgor has good right to a n and convey said pn�rnian; that they are fra from encumbrance; and that the Mort of
<br />defend the ante apbw the lawful claim of aid; persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor hereby relin 04"
<br />hon&W. and all maritd righ% either in LM Sze is equity, and all other contingent interests of the MortPgor in and to the abov,&
<br />(bed premises. the intention being to coVr -Y haft w abwtute title, in fee simple. including all rights of homestead. and other
<br />rigs "'and interests as aforesaid.
<br />Asvidsd Ahms and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions. to wit:
<br />Tp.w Mortmar goes to pay the Mortgagee. or order, the principal, sum of Forty Three Thousand` !=a vtt Hundred
<br />, ------------- _.Daltars (S 43,550.00 � � )•�
<br />Fift:y� and no /100 ----------------- - - - - -" per centum ( 10.5. 'A) per annum on tiro
<br />wrkh Interest from date a the rate of Ten and One -Half
<br />amps balance =8 paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at the offiLe of The Equitable Building and
<br />Loan Association, , or at such other place as the bolder of the Dora
<br />in Grand. Island, Nebraska
<br />pay ti t in writing, in monthly installments of Three Hundred Ninety Eight and 37/ 100 ---- --- -- °-_'"
<br />_J)otlan (f 398.37 ). commencing on the first except t Fgay
<br />......�. -,M -- that the final pw3Ynerrt of
<br />19 8$ -. sad oo t[re first day of each month thereafter until the Principal and interest area April
<br />plaid. except
<br />Pw,d and interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable even date herewith executed by the said BRortgsgar.
<br />2p jn; all according to the tams of a certain promissory
<br />is used in connection
<br />Previous Editions An 0e01et0
<br />L
<br />under the on& to tour farnily, mrams 01 the Natibnto Hout;tno Act which pro- ;
<br />►
<br />S
<br />r"
<br />PaIIs 1 of 4 24 CFR M-17(b)
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