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r <br />•l <br />NEBRASKA MW OF MUST - <br />(With Power of Sale) <br />Amount of First Instalment E 125.00 Amount of Other InstalmenUt 126 Q0 — <br />Total ofPsymente s 6000.00 First Instalment Due Date Sri 1 24 ,1989 <br />Number of Monthly Instalments 48 Foal Instalment Due Data March 24 19-23 <br />Tms DEED of TRUST, made this 20 day of <br />between rrea ic_ itosas ana Ionia d <br />whose mailing address is 317 S. Sycamor <br />as Trustors, John M_ Cunningham. Atty <br />whose mailing address is 222 U., Cedar P. <br />101417 <br />2337 N. Webb Rc4d` <br />as Trustee, and Norweat Finan ©al .iit�'nrsls�;;•Trc., whose mailing eddir�e:'ii_•, � . <br />�i:!4!:1-373 Grand IsI,A11-(f; -NE 68802 , as Benglziaul <br />WITNESSETR, Tngtors hem-by inm- ocabiy, grant, ba�win, sell, and er�ey to T'ruAme in trust, with power o£ s: the following des <br />scribbd� property in Hall' rtmty. Ne'rrasia: <br />Lot 9, Block 7, Hann's Third Addition to thf -ocity of Grand Island, Hall Countij,_ <br />Nebraska. <br />T Tflit-r with tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thanianto- Wcnging or in anywise appertaining and the rents, issues and <br />profits d ereoE <br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose of securing the psytinent to Beneficiary of Trustone promissory note of even date in the <br />amount stated above as "Total of Payments ". Said 'Total of ftymtenW' is repayable in the number of monthly instal=ents stated above. <br />The amount of the instalment payments due on said loan is stated - above. The first and fmal instalment due dates o -.safd loan are stated <br />above. Payment may be made in advance in any amount at any-time. Default in making any payment shall, at tl-ya� BanefnW_ary's option <br />and without notice or demand, render the entire unpaid balance ofsaid loan at once due and payable, less any required rebate of cb arges. <br />To protect the seraest,, of this Deed of T uil, Tatar. ?or covenants and agree <br />1. To keep the pmpetty in gaW conditftat and repair - to,permit no waste thereof; to complete any buildfng, atr-umire or improvement <br />being built or about to be built tlicreon; to rrrttm3 promptly any building, structure or improvement thereon wHrh ray be damaged or <br />destrged,; and to comply with all lawn, ordinarim, vegultitions, covenants, conditions and ream tnctions affecting the- Fa:g it ty <br />2. To pay before delinquent ail lawful term and,atcessments upon the property; to kee; the property free and clear of all other charges, <br />liens or encumbrances impairing the security of thin Ueed of Trust. <br />3. To keep all buildings now or hereafter etected an the property &c:jailaed herein continuously insured against loss by fire or other <br />hazards in an amount not less than the total debt secured by this Deed �;•f Trust. All policies shall be held by the Beneficiary, and be <br />in such companies as the Beneficiary may approve and have lots payable first to the Beneficiary as its interest may appear and then <br />to the Trustor. The amount collected under arty insurance pcliery may be applied upon any indebtedness hereby sectared in such order as <br />the Beneficiary shall determine. Such application by the Beneficiary shall not cause discontinuance of any proceedings to foreclose this <br />Deed of Trust or cunt re waive any default or notice of default of invalidain any act done pursuant to such notice. In the event of f7imNlosure, <br />all rights of the Tru.tnr in insurance policies then in force shall pass to the•lttm:haser at the foreclosure sale. <br />4. To obtain the vt lntri c.nsent of Beneficiary before sellftir;:•conveyi .g or otherwise transferring the property cr a:,y part :i err;f and <br />any such sale, conveyance ar trau!--fl without tha Benefrciary'e'vci. V en consent shalt constitute a default under the ter dii fiereof, <br />S. To defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect th.w.nea trity hefoof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary cr Trustee. <br />6. Should Tmibw NO to pay when due any taxes, assessments, inmruice premiums, liens, encumbranoes or other charges egun r:. the <br />property hereina'lvve described, Beneficiary may pay the same. and the amount so paid, with interest at the rate set fgrth in the note <br />secured hereby, shall be added to and become a part of the debt- Feeured in this Deed of Trust as permitted by law. <br />IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT? <br />I. In the event any portion cf -property is taken or dainiged in an eminent domain proceeding, the entire amount of the award <br />or such portion thetmf as may The necessary to fully satisfy the obligation secured hereby, shall he paid to Beneficiary to be applied to <br />said obligation. <br />2. By accepting payment of any sum secured hereby after its due date, Brilefrciary does not waive its right to require prompt payment <br />when due of all other sums so secured or to declare default for failure to so pay. <br />3. The Trustee shall reconvey all or any part of the property covered by this Deed of Trust to the person entitled thereto, on written <br />request of the Trustor and the Beneficiary, or upon satisfaction of the obligation secured and written request for reconveyance made by <br />the Beneficiary or the person entitled thereto. <br />991 084 (elE) <br />M <br />fr <br />I <br />