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842 -20- 8894672 <br />tBpitl Fetrn Gtdlt iiistt. <br />RELEASE OF MORTGAGE - FC90 <br />For valve bW oonsidwalion, Farm Credit Bank of Omaha. hereby releases and fully discharges the attain mortgage executed by <br />Donald R. Hilderbrand (a/k /a Don R. Hilderbrand) and Joyce D. Hilderbrand, husband and <br />wife <br />and recorded in Book( *) page(s) _ :.:(or as No(s) 82- 001784' 1, of the <br />Mortgage Records of County;: ra �ska . an and as to the real property, <br />described therein. <br />SEC. '1WP. RG. <br />Lot 11, Westwood Park Subdivision ------------ - - - - -- 14 11N 10W 6th P.M. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF Farm Credit Bank of Omaha has caused this instrument to be executed on the date set out In the <br />n�L aCkrOWiedgeme4 l nnpr' <br />, %,, w scla O� <br />fi��' <br />(SEAL) <br />.` 0� .� Pt)RgrF•�� FARM CREDIT BANK OF OMAHA <br />� R By Federal Land Bank Asseci lon d the Midlands, Its Agent andAttorney -in -Fact <br />♦ ,,...�, L f <br />. c•• �•�3'! "y OQ. ey <br />.. • •� = Gregory T. Buenzli, Senior Vice- President <br />STATE OF "• N1) 1 <br />m <br />COUNTY OF ..t3>Z1:5.'''- --i, ) <br />On this 13thday o!`" °•�.��,. pit ,1989 . before me, a Notary Public, persoe-4Y. appeared <br />GreaoOZ T. Buenzli <br />being by me personalty known, and duly sworn, did say thad he Is Senior Vice- President of the corporation executing <br />the foregoing Instrument; that the seal affixed to the instrument Is the seat of the corporation; that the instrument was signed and sealed <br />on behalf of the corporation by authority of its board c, directors, as agent and attorney -in -fact for, and on behalf of. Farar Credit Bank of <br />Omaha as principal; and acknowledged the a recuticr ait the Instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the principal, the agent and <br />attomey -In -fact, and him /her. <br />TMl Mart t <br />Julie Vieyra <br />(Type apint sendrrs(VWw) <br />My commisoktn expires February 26, 1990 Notary Public in and for said County and Stato <br />ss <br />L <br />A <br />4 <br />