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1 <br />(`�' 2p, of tifsrNs; AOpssrtt of Rst�ivsr, tender Possession. As additionat security hereunder. Borrower <br />t hereby assigns to tender tfre rents of the Property, praxided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under p &Mraph 18. <br />t reof o= ct the t? ett. t the rightfocoltert and retsln.W —ft rsnf_s asthey become duo and paysb* . <br />Upon accN�raGon under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonmentotthe dy, lender. in person,by orby judicisity <br />appointed receiver, shallbeenlitlsdtoanterupon .fakspassessiortoA thaproperlyandto them ntsoft fie <br />PropNtyinctudingtltosspastdua+ AlirentscolMctedbyr;. anderafthereceNer shall beappliedlirsttopaymentoMWC0 "Of <br />managsnrertt of the Property and eoltaetion of reefs, inCtudlpg,;but not limited to. ree~s fee's, premiums on receiver's <br />bonds and reasonable attorney's tees. and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust tender and the receiver shall be <br />liable to account only for those rents actually received.. <br />21. FuMuaAdvances , Upon requestofBorrower. Lendimst iemWsops' wn, priortofutlneconveyanceo fthaPropertyby <br />Trusteeto Borrower. maymake Future Advencesto BorrOWef. Stith FutureAdvanciM with inlerestthereon, "I be secured <br />by thb Dsed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes.statin9 that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the <br />pnt22. alamountoftheindebtedneaefsecuredbylhisDeeda�f�Ttittittnotineludingeumsadveneed inaccordanee herewithto <br />pro the security of this Oeed.vf trrts� exceed the original atmrruntpf the Note plus us t- <br />RezanwyancaUponpay afallsumsaeCUredbythisl * Mhse. Lendersh0lrequaMTrustestoreconveythe <br />Prty and shall surrender this [Deed of Trust and all notes evidtazcing indebtedness secured by -this Deed of Trust to <br />Trustee. Trustee shall mcsimrey the Property without warranty and .without charge to the person or persons legally entitled <br />thereb. Such person ..'pdrson3 shall pay all costs of recordatt>orr..d ony. <br />28. Subaf ftThafts.i ender, at Lender' scption, mayfromtiomto time removeTrusimandapporntasuccessortrustee <br />toanyTrustseappoirdedhereunderbyaninstrumentrecordedththecountyinwhichthisP edotTrustisrecorded.Without <br />conveyance of the Proo" ei ft the successor trustee shall succeed toall thstitfq�power anddubeseonferred upon theTrusme <br />herein and by applicable. law. <br />24. Request for MoUees. Sorrow.em- re.quests that copies of the notice of dd#a,- ar4rvotice of sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address which Is the Property Addrestr. .. <br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, BORRO!! ,R has executed this Deed of Trust. <br />.$tev�e S. Sta <br />QY Stauf <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA unty ss: nt. <br />. <br />On tins .� % daK`nf:: ,1g f tore ;fe u I n Notary Public <br />duly commis ' ned and quail far raid `c tnsrrt�y. I? r nasty came 1 A -j <br />ILI' to known to be the a - <br />ident'c p, rson(s) osename(s) are subscri t theforegoinginstrumer2endacknowl gedth executionthereoftobe <br />},,,. voluntary act and deed. �r <br />t+'tness my hand and notarial sea3 af:'• in said county. the <br />date aforesaid. <br />i <br />fitARaa 9 J. tLiIB11{ ' ✓' <br />l� �►ltlir 141fht <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />TO TRUSTEE: <br />Theundeksignedfaihe holder of thenoteor notes secured bythis DeedaMust Saldnoteor notesJogether with all other <br />indebtedness secured kY'this Deed of Trust, have Itte paid in full. You are hereby directed to Cancel' d note or notes and : <br />the Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby. an dro reconvey.,• without warranty, all the estate now i -,.6d by you under this .� <br />Deed of Tnidl to the person or persrss regally "rVY; • �, <br />Date:��' <br />tv <br />!$Dace Belo„ trio 4ne!!Y]ehfOFOr lenGer erlO NGtor6arl - - -- <br />z <br />O CC 1093 4186 uS r7� <br />C <br />� tII Q7 t!i <br />Ifc� <br />p..♦ ` .r ..a. i <br />1` cr lV! ```` • <br />