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1 <br />g9.:... 101402 <br />15. The Beneficiary my, by a written instrument executed and acknowledged by Beneficiary, nailed to Ttustorm end recorded in the CaoAty in <br />Fwhich the properh in located ud by otherwise complying with the provision of the Applicable law of the State of Wara h, substitute a successor to <br />. the Trustee named herein or acting bere ader. <br />If. fhis Dad of ftt applia to and insres to t&a 1�?r:: al binds all parties berets, Their heist,; personal' represeatxtivd, saccessors . <br />and asmig c :. Lhe :' rim' �t am the awnar mod_ mate, whether or sot meted u Beneficiary. herein. <br />V. '4'r liability of "I other Person liable, fey `5 Mwt of any obligi ti ^herein mentioned, and. viti u'effectii the lies <br />or eharge'cz this Deed of trust Us Any portion of the property not then or theretofore released U sew -itj, for the full payment of all unpaid <br />obligations, the Beneficiary may, from time to time Ad without notice; (a) release any person so.Ijkle; (b), extend the maturity or alter any of the <br />tern of my such obligation; (c) grant other indulgences; (d) release or reconvey at the Beneficiary,'h aptioa nay parcel, portion or all of the <br />property; (e) take or release uy other or additional security for my obligation herein mentioned; or. Alta campositiosm or other arraegements <br />with debtors in relation thereto. <br />11. This Deed of Tryst shall be governed by the law of the State of lebruka and, in the event any. bra or more of the provisions contained <br />herein, or the note or may other security instrwsent given in connection with this transaction shall beift, say. rem held to be invalid, illegal or <br />usedorcuble, in any respect, sub invalidity, illegality or uaenforcetbility sball not affect any otMr provisions of this Deed of Trutt, but the <br />Deed of Trust shell be construed as if such iavalid, illepl or unenforceable provision had serer bvii- eWttaimd herein or therein. <br />19. Imy forbearance by the Beneficiary or Trustee in exercising any right or remedy bereusdti,. or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not <br />be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of say such right or remedy hereunder. Likewise, the w%iim... by, the Beaef iciary or Trustee of any default of <br />the Trustors under this Deed of Trutt shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or siaiia ditault eutaequsr+tly occurring. <br />E0. Upon the written request of the Beneficiary stating tUt all sure secured hereby Gave li .paid ;, and upon surrender of this Deed of Trust sad <br />the note to the Ttotee for cancellation and retention mad upon payment by Tractors of Trustee's few,: Ttutee shill reconvey to Trustors, or the <br />person or person legally entitled thereto, without varrenty, easy portion of th:.groperty then c^1d,Mreu:der. Rtcitals in such recoaveyance of any <br />matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness theve -f. GmV' es in the reconvuyes may, b¢ described as tie "person or person <br />legally a'titJA thereto' <br />IN WIg1 m mMMF, Trustors have exe=ted this Deed. of Trust an the date first <br />nzi --d above. <br />W. DOAJ/ M <br />J <br />VrffM S. BOWDEN <br />STATE of NEBRASKA <br />IOULW f OF j <br />The foregoing instrument was a,Wknowledged before me on. A� d" <br />by Jerry W. Bcmwden and Vivian S. Boodeng husbarA and wife. <br />�IfliGiimOrARr sae,aMrors�r, NIMA tri• PUMLIC <br />my AINE — 1A <br />s., <br />_4 i 4 <br />