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<br />DE® OF MR JST
<br />1 'this DE® OF 79M is wade this /G day of. 1989, by and among J.�Y W
<br />S. a ink tenants aid not as tensats
<br />�
<br />o , herein referred to as " Trustme," whose memiling address is�Rr. 1, B09 81A1,
<br />Cairo* NE 68824; = STA29 BANE OF tATib, a Mehrasia Sw*i rt Comas otion, hereinafter
<br />referred to as "'Trustee," whose wailing address is Boat 428, Cairo NE 68824: and T�
<br />n BANif Og CADid, a Nehrami a Em nkima CozRomtiaa, hereinafter referred to as
<br />"Btaseficiart," whose mailing address is Box 42 s c"a�' , -.I fib 24.
<br />For valuetble cobiddamtion, Trustora irrev -fly: met, +r ;i er, convey and. a g ... ,
<br />to! Trustee, -in trust;:,,Wi.-th, >r- of sale, for tip .b at . .suety of Beneficisr- �,. ::;._r.[.
<br />rkier and`.. &ubJect to.--the termi t end conditions cif-.t his-IDeed of' Wit, the followirng
<br />de �i -' l properW located in BAU county, Nebraska.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest quarter (SW1 /4) of Section 14,
<br />Township 12 North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nets asla, said
<br />tract being none particularly described as follow: With reference to the SW
<br />corner of said Southwest Quarter (SWi /4); thence ramming on an assumed bearing of N
<br />00 degrees 40' 38 "E for a distance of 50.7 feet to a point on the North
<br />right -of --army litre of State Highway #2, said point also being the actuwl POWr OF
<br />BE DOM G; thence continuing N 00 degrees 40' 38 "E on the West line of said
<br />Southwest quarter (SW1 14) for 2367.99 feet to a point 200.00 feet Southerly fraw
<br />the NW corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 14); thence S 85 degrees 37' 36 "E for
<br />735.64 feet; thence S 68 Apsip,pw 49' WE for 828.10 feet; thence S 86 degnee5s 05'
<br />30 "S for 443.87 feet; thence S 16 degrees 08' 03"W for 446.91 feet; thence S 11
<br />degrees 51' 22"W far 914.41 feet; thence S O1 degrnea 23' 31 °8 for 513.76 feet to a
<br />point on the North line of said State Highway #2; themmoe S 89 degrees 28' 06"W
<br />an the North line of said State Highway #2; for 1613.32 feet to the POMr OF
<br />BEGIIANI)G; said tract containing 84.184 acres wore or less, the Westerly 33.00 feet
<br />thereof being Canty road right- cf-smay.
<br />together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleays$ passageways,
<br />easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances located thereon:,, and all personal
<br />pi gerty that may be or hereafter became an integral part of such buildings and
<br />impmvements, all crops raised thereon, and all water rights, all zf which, including
<br />replacements and additions thpreto, are hereby declared to ?be a part of the real estate
<br />conveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed that all of the fore -gaing shall be hereinafter
<br />referred to as the "Property."
<br />a. Pa -en;: of indebtedness evidenced by Trustors' ncte of even date herewith in
<br />the principal sum of '$ 20.500.00, together with interest at the rate or rates provided
<br />therein, and any and all renewals, modifications and extensions of such note, both
<br />principal and interest on the note being payable in accordance with the terns set forth
<br />therein, which by this reference is hereby made a part hereof;
<br />b. The performance of each agreement and covenant of 7rustors herein contained;
<br />and
<br />c. The payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary under the terms of this Deed of
<br />Trust, together with interest thereon at the rate provided in the note.
<br />_ AQt>rE:
<br />1. To pay Am due, the principal of, and the interest on, the indebtedness evidenced by the note, charges, fees and all other suss as provided
<br />in the loan inatrasentm.
<br />b Truators are tie orners of ttF property and have the right ad authority io.'n a :Y, Ped of Trust in respect to the property.
<br />3. To pay, An dun., all tales; epecial assessments and all other charges t41118t tte r-:;er:y, before tae sale became delinquent. trot, ,n
<br />shall pay all tun and aaaesuents vE::� may be levied upon Beneficiary's interest here-ii or spa, :hie Deed of Trat or tte w� secured hereby,
<br />Vitkwt rent 4 to W l>!m that my �4;; et i_pxig payeeat of eh. dale or any ;ut tb:red .1):a. thae B :ref is.e.�p.
<br />d. rv,, keep the isprovemats son :r hereafter located on the p-.;erty insured against dutge ty fire ed tmh cQzer hazards u the Beneficiary
<br />MY require, in saarats and coapaniiv bregtable to the Beneficiary, Such insurance policy shall :catain a sttc and mortgage clause in favor of
<br />Beneficiary. Trustar shall prompt.y u,,Air, mintain and replace titi: property or nay part thereof, so that, eucept for ordinary rear and tear, the
<br />property s'nall not deteriorate.
<br />5. In the ?•rest the property, or any ;part thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain, the Beneficiary is entitled to collect and receive alt
<br />compensation which nay be paid for say property taken or for damages to property not taken, atd the Beneficiary shall apply su:n compensation, at its
<br />optisn. either to a reduction of the i^.dcbudless iecjre-J hereby, or to repir and restore the property as tnhen.
<br />o. The Beneficiary nay, tut shill have, no obligs, ion to, ds aril a_t. which Trustors have agre"d tut fa. ter 11 el, nM •Fe Eeref :dory e?y US-1 d^
<br />any act ]t ;ePss n^ceniry to r.nte,t th! 4al hereof. TrU9tara dp*L,e'o r ?�ey. upon CE?Ifl66. 9r7 30Y
<br />arl eny sja so en?c.M Shia rn n4'.ed to the ideatedsea3 si -.vP'i herety ud :P:
<br />J.-jr .".y 1!nHi'y nni: sn .fit vi•►,,Dr 11 fly do Vr :71.:9 d: cer^.,,Vr.
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