. �-- - � � �
<br /> �� .
<br /> 9��'- 1 !1 A h A A
<br /> NON-!JMlaQRM COYENAM'S. Borrowtir and Laber fi�flher covenaa�and agroc as fdbws: .�v��+`s c:
<br /> 17.lbrorlowie+e lti+eeed�+e.If I,enda!�!icrs tnmedLte paymer�t in ful)underpan� 9. I.eMer mey invoko ths�wer oi s�le
<br /> aod�ny oWer rar�edie�P�bY+�F'P��+�+a uw. Leadier�11 be eAtitled w colkct��apen�a i�currod in�usuing the rertiadiea
<br /> �:�:!».i:3:--;�aj„� j;. iadn�,i�w nd timi�eci to. �aucx�bie�Nto�eys'foer�ufc!�ts of title evideme.
<br /> g IM� �ate i�i,71e�Me i�noaed a�tiee a�driMit V acw cawMy i■wYe6 aq pMi ot tMe Property Y IonMed
<br /> a�i�tiie hw.A!!w�Me ire 11�t!�n1�■irel' b�a�eW!irw q�orsa�w�r a�i N fie etiies M�s��bed
<br /> r �� �,,�� � � �ite��biic Meiae d Nlt b fk�Le*Mr a�i h f�e
<br /> W�iR��14 eY����hw. �i ie�i�1Kt+nw�r,�W�t!K lt+�w�ty N�Ylic aretl�w lo t�e�rt
<br /> �Ya si�ir ft�e i�iNS re�Mi 1�eie��tia ot i■ie Y we ar Me�e��e�oeb�i i�rq R+ier 7t�fee
<br /> P�■�������!!�'�����MYe r■w�oe�■e�t al fie ti�e�wi�i�te o��
<br /> "ul��*e•+�,�� ��Nwe'�bid.'11°,�,Mre•U�M�'�r•»w Maq�wle.
<br /> iM i�►�N tie�e�err'I�e'a deed tk Nop�ty.7tie
<br /> , neMi r 1M 7ti�Me�iN re wiM l�de eviioe dl�d1Ye Ma/e�rde tie�+d�.71r�lee�
<br /> �t�Y si i�IM a�ir:(a�M ai��f tre NM.1■�b�!�t Y�Ilei lo.ZtaMee'�I�ea �IedPf b�
<br /> MeWe Yiw a■� �� aMw�e»'�:lr)10 ii e�■��eerr+al yr Hii See�r�ty L�tr�we�t;�d(c)aq esoer w t�e
<br /> . ���1b►�I�i M�. ��
<br /> � R��•t�P�Y�M Of afl�m fO�Wed bY d�ia Sec�aity Ia�enre�ent,lalder�11 teq�eM 71n1M0E b re00lrvay tlle
<br /> �d ivl t�nwider diia Seauity I�rtruaent+Nd all aolea evida�ciag debt yecurod by tbis S�I�t b 7tu�lee.Tnnlee�l
<br /> ( �a�av�y 1he widiout�rarranty ana wia�out�e w tho per�on«penoro►k�Uy w it. such pa,on or peraow swul
<br /> � �tl.B�MWMe'It�Ma I.en3er,at ib optioo,n�y fiom time to time remove TreaOee iod�pQoint a wccaeor truux!a airy'i1ru�lee .
<br /> ba�erder ba►a�ia�neat tec+o�ded in thc oowity in whicN Uus Socu�ity Ia�tnrnar»reco�ded.WMhout oan of the
<br /> .tMe�uooaMOr tnrlee�11�ioc�ead b all the title. Pow'a aod duties oonfured upo�'i`�ustee da+eia aod�y a��l�w.
<br /> M NMka.Horrawer reque;�ts that oopiee of the notioa of dFfwh�od�Ie be sa�t to Bormwer's�ddRSS which�s tha
<br /> , ��.
<br /> ' Bomower��a 16�t dwuld thi�Securiry La�wna�t and the m�e savrod d�entyy not be eUgibk for insur�noe undcr tbe Nadonal Hauing
<br /> - ---< _.._ Acc.rilpia n�ne t.v days tmm d�e d�oo dereof,t.ender m*y.K itw aodon�ad noc.v;dntaeaine,m+�hin�in A�...�or�►o,_.ti;,�.� _. _ . _
<br /> ' �P�Y�in full of Ail wms eeciuod bjr this Soc�rity I�t. A wrimen awanart of aay�ikhoriud aapit af the Sec�etay
<br /> ��� tlinety days fran the da�e l�ee+eof.cbcW�iog w Imune this Sa,w�ity t�trument ard dae noee secu�+ed
<br /> : ��be deaned oa�rl�uive pmof of such inellg�il:ty.r��fp�,thi�aptioa may uot be c�erci�o�by t.ea�der
<br /> v�il�biliry of instuaoee is sokly due to Lender's fiilure W nanit a rnoct�age�SUtu�oe prern�um to t1�e Socrauy.
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> , 1tldera to 11�Sec�dty i�strNwe�t.lf one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this 5ecurity •
<br /> Instrumrnt, the cove�ants of e�ch such rider shal: be inco '`
<br /> ; a�taments of this SecuritK lnstrument as if the rider(s)werei n atpart of hia Secunty ln srument p(Check a plicable box(es)].
<br /> i�=�
<br /> __-_--. - _ ,
<br /> �--; . = -- _-::---- '_
<br /> r �-__ _-- - ❑ Garxlominium Rider I�; Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Growing Equity Rider �
<br /> ❑ Planned Unit Development Ridcr L! Graduated Payment Ride� ❑ p�t�er
<br /> i
<br /> BY SIG�FING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms contained in this Security lnstrument and in any rider(s)
<br /> executed bp Bottower and recorded with it.
<br /> i
<br /> . �
<br /> � Witness: �
<br /> .
<br /> i I, �
<br /> — `�� ���t.1,L7� (Seaq �
<br /> { Qougl�s R• rJCflU�tt Bniniwcr �
<br /> �
<br /> i � .._ .
<br /> �' (Seal) '
<br /> Beverly L. huett �rrnwcr + '
<br /> .
<br /> : —(Scall
<br /> R�ttruxcr
<br /> ' , _ -- (Seal)
<br /> , H��T�,�„c�
<br /> � � STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall ��,�:
<br /> On dus Zq day of
<br /> July , 19 gp , boforc me. the unders;gned.a Naary Public
<br /> � duly°°mmu."°"°d'°a qu'�'fed f°r sa;d�°u"ry• P�'S°°�Y� [Douglas R. Schuett and Beverly L.
<br /> Schuett, Husband and Wif e .���q,r,�o��
<br /> , idedic�l Person(s)whose name{s)are subscribed to the foregoing inwument and acknowkdgec!the eaecution tbereof to be
<br /> their �o1�Y act and deed. •=---�
<br /> w���y ������ a� Grand Island, Nebraska in said oour,cy, �he
<br /> date aforcsaid.
<br /> , •l�� S' /9S'oz �!��r�,,,, GU /�'?�t�►�Lh� �
<br /> My Commission expires. � � ,
<br /> ���[AAY.�N�k7 Notary Public
<br /> L � AHOi�W MaCUMBER
<br /> yr awa fxa M�'�t992
<br /> TO TRUSTEE_
<br /> The undersigr�ed is fhe holder of the note or nolcs secured Dy this Deed of Ttust.Said note ar notes,together with al!other�ndebtedrtess , ,���
<br /> sectvecl by this Deed of Ttvst,have bc:cn paid in full.You arc hereby directed to cancel said note ot note5 a:id ttns Deod of Tru:t, which
<br /> are delivcrad hereby,aa�d to reconvey,without warranty,a1!Ghe cswtc rcUw hctd by you under this iked vf Trust to thc penon or pcn�,ns s-.
<br /> Icgally cntidod themto. `
<br /> batc:
<br /> _... --. .— !':`J ..1...'_.'_'_—___ —. —__ _'..._. ._. __.' ._.. . _ _ .__— " �
<br /> .�j
<br />