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�1 <br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment in; their <br />and deed and constitutes a written disclaimer acrd acknotrl and voluntary act <br />Farm Homestead Protection Act and the undersigned do he t "fir the Nebraska <br />designate a homestead in the event of default upon such Mortgage Dee ' right t© <br />in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under the No o or r De of Trust t. <br />rtgage or Deed of Trust. <br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment an <br />Disclaimer shall be filed as a Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Deed of <br />Trust. <br />Pted <br />Vivian S. men h <br />` s <br />c <br />M <br />PRFFAcE 70 Hanwm m T 89--- �.ai�o� <br />FARM <br />Haws'1' m FFOrF]MOH ALT <br />t <br />Dim <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection act, the <br />undersigned, MW W. B=W and VIVIAN S. B(WI, bruebead �•i••t <br />atxl trite to ats <br />and not as is in prior to executing the attached Mortgage, or Deed of Trust <br />dated <br />, 1989, by and between the undersigned and STAfi'E H Off. C1ttk�, <br />s ftOkri>oa Corporation, (hereinafter- referred to as "Mortgage or deed of - <br />trust) hereby state and acknowledge: <br />. <br />DISChAlk1�lH; -. <br />£. t no part of 0" hamie &-i t d undersigned is presentlj;. �cj :' the future <br />situated, Vii: ; it�ze fallOwi des i'aed <br />. <br />: _ _ real estate, 1 r- <br />�e , ihani (hereafter cel Z are <br />'z.ficiett to be desigratef as a homesteads . gnresently located:. LEPM <br />tailszrr1.3:.;. <br />A :ct of I-NMd' Cawr s mg a art of the Smr st q=. -ter (01/4) <br />af- Section 14, Tomsb*&�R`12 , Range 12, West of the' 6th,P.N., <br />Ball County' NebraL-J=, said bract being More Particularly described <br />as follows: With reference to th+e SW corner of said Scut m"t <br />Qtarter (SW1 /4); thence running on an assumed bearing of N-00- <br />degrees 40' WE for a distance of 50.7 feet to a point an, the <br />North right-of-way line of State HigbWay i2, said point alga being <br />the actual POW OF BEpDMM; thence continuing N 00 depvm 40' <br />3WE on the West line of said Southwest quarter (SWI /4) for 2367.99 <br />= <br />feet to a point 200.00 feet Southerly from the NW corner of amid <br />Southwest quarter (SW1 /4); thence S 85 degrees 37' 36 "E for 735.64 <br />feet; thence <br />S 58 degrees 49' WE for 828.10 feet; thence S 86 <br />degrees 05' WE for 443.87 feet; dunce S 16 degrees 08' 03 "W for <br />446.91 feet; thence S 11 degrees 51' 22"W for 914.41 feet;:thence S <br />01 degrees 23' WE for 513.76 feet to a point on the North line of <br />said State Highway #2; thence S 89 degrees 28' 06 "W on the North <br />line of said State Highway #2; for 1613.32 feet to the PpINf OF <br />BBGDK G; said tract eoutaining 84.184 acres more or less, the <br />- <br />Westerly 33.00 feet thereof being Cmmty road right_Of -say. <br />2. The undersigned acknowledge that while the Mortgage or Deed of trust remains <br />unsatisfied and a lien on said Parcel 1, they: shall have no right presently or in the <br />future to make a designation of homestead on P 1, <br />arcel including without limitation, <br />In the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under the mortgage or Deed of Trust. <br />' <br />3• The undersigned acknowledge that if, contrary to this Disclaimer, they establish a <br />homestead on said Parcel 1 during the time the Mortgage <br />or Deed of Trust remains <br />unsatisfied and a lien upon Parcel 1, they shall have no right to make a designation <br />of homestead in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under-the Mortgagee <br />Trust Deed, or <br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment in; their <br />and deed and constitutes a written disclaimer acrd acknotrl and voluntary act <br />Farm Homestead Protection Act and the undersigned do he t "fir the Nebraska <br />designate a homestead in the event of default upon such Mortgage Dee ' right t© <br />in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under the No o or r De of Trust t. <br />rtgage or Deed of Trust. <br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment an <br />Disclaimer shall be filed as a Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Deed of <br />Trust. <br />Pted <br />Vivian S. men h <br />` s <br />c <br />M <br />