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I <br />I r- <br />89-�-- 101400 <br />The undersigned, MW IV., -Abd 3MM S. OMM, bMbm-A Od Wife, as ioint <br />tenents and not as tansnts in emm, identified as "TrustorW' under a certain Deed of <br />Trust dated I PM, to be. entered in to among Trusters, 7HE SPATE BAPK OF. <br />CAM, A Nebraska Banking oqrp*Xatjon,. ;."Trustee", and SM STAIZ BANE OF CAUIO, A Nebraska <br />Banking Corporation, "Benefiel-avy , heTeby ac ledge that this Acknowlefteent is made <br />prior to their execution of that Deed af,Trust'in respect to that real estate described as <br />follows, to wit: <br />A tract of land coqPrising a part Of tii-- Southwest QUOrter <br />(M14),of &=Uan 14. .Tow n&4p: 12 North, Rango'.12, Weiiat- Of <br />the M P.M. i". ama. Coapty, Nggftdca, said tisa- being <br />ie <br />particular i5escribed- as folIom: With reference to tu <br />o=ner of '�id: Southowt Quarter (SR/4); thence runni"g - A* an <br />crowed ed bei*. <br />Ing 401 38" far a-distmnbe-let' <br />50. 7. feet to a point .ca the North right-cf-way. UM of State <br />Higbo►y #2, said point also being the -actm ff l VOI (w- <br />BEGINNIM; theme continuing N 00 degrees 40' 38"R on the West <br />line of said Southwest quarter 01I/4) for 2367.99 feet to a <br />point 200.00 feet SoutherlLy from the NW corner of said <br />Southwest Qmrter (SM114); thence S 85 degrees 37' 36"E for <br />735.64 feet; thence 8 58 degrees 491 WE for 828.10 feet; <br />thence S 86 degrees 051 30"E for 443.87 feet; thence S 16 <br />degrees 081 03"W for 446.91 feet; thence S 11 degrees 51' 22"W <br />for 914.41 feet; thence S 01 degrees 23' 31"E for 513.76 feet <br />to a point an the North lino of said State Highway #2; thence <br />S 89 degrees 281 06"W an the North line of said State Highomy <br />#2; for 1613.32 feet to the POW CP EWDRMG; said tavet, <br />containing 84.184 acres Wore or less, the Westerly 33.00 feet <br />thereof being Giounty road right-of-way. <br />and that they know and understand that (a) the Deed of Trust to be executed by Trustors is <br />a Trust Deed and not a Mortgage and (b) that the power of sale Wer-Aded for in the Deed of <br />Trust provides essentially different rights and obligatims to the TrustADrs, than a <br />Mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligatim, <br />IN WTVMS the wx1eersigned have executed this <br />day of 1989. <br />on this 14 <br />W. <br />VIVUN S. BOWM <br />STATE W NEW-4SM <br />COUWN OF. <br />.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on 16 wq' <br />bK Jerry W. - Bowden and Vivian S. Bowden, husband and wife. <br />zUMEW rioix&s�' Lj <br />w: �%11111wrv; - <br />--1 <br />4- <br />