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<br />Sete of Nebraskan caaa Ne.
<br />' Deed of Trust
<br />EF
<br />• ai:1- 1F`yl /s7 -103
<br />.i
<br />Th6 Did of Trod, ( "Security Instrument ") is made on March 16 th
<br />19 89 - The tnmor is DELBERT J. OHLIK JR. oral CHARLOTTE A. iiIUK, 111SEAND AND WIFE
<br />.t .
<br />__1
<br />( "Borroweet). The trustee is
<br />(-- Trustee"). The bencrii�try is
<br />C��i U- NORTGAGE C09CRATION , which Is otgsnized and existing.
<br />under the"laws of THE STATE OF MICHIC& . and whose address is
<br />36800 GRATIOT, MT. CLEMENS, KI Wkz ( "Lender ").
<br />Theo the That the Borrower in consideration & tber debt and trust hereinafter described and created, and the sum of One Dollar
<br />(Si), to Not is hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of wow. _s hereby acknowledged. does by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey
<br />End sX-Jir;n, unto the Trustee, forever, all vV ibr #siyewing described real estate, situated I$it1,g and being in the County of
<br />HALL , "aTd Smte of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />which has t7e address of
<br />1124 LARIAT LAW ,strain GRAND ISLAND tour)
<br />Nebraska 68803 ( "Property Address ");
<br />Rip Code)
<br />To Ffave asW To Hold the premium. above described, w .,11:. ai.'; rho appurtenances thereunto belonging and including i9 l- boating, plumbing
<br />i and lightlrg fixtures and equipment n :m or hereafter attache :o or used in connection with said real estate unto th.-Trustee, and to its
<br />successors and assigns, forever. The Borrower regrrs:nts to, and covenants with, the Trustee, that the Borrower has good right to sell'and
<br />convey said premises; that they are free from imcueiranee; and that the Borrower will warrant and d:fead the same against tho lawful
<br />claims of all persons whomsoever-, and the said 1 mTower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, a=d all marital rights, either in law
<br />or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the Borrower im and to the above - described premises. the intention being to convey hereby
<br />absolute title. In fee simple, including all rights of homed, and other rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br />Provided Always, and these presents are executed and uslivered unto the Trustee. in trust, howe;�ef• for the following purposes:
<br />Whereas, the Borrower on the 16 th • day o3 Parch � 19 67, . borrowed from the fender
<br />the sum of Fifty Nur Trousand, To). i,undred and Ho /100th- ----
<br />-------------------- -- -------------------- --- f,TcU.:rs (S ;4 40;! .0� ). or which
<br />sum the Ba:rower has executed and delivered to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of even date, tt4Xg inter•tat at the rate of
<br />Ten per centurn ( 10.000 °lo) per annum on the unpaid balance until
<br />paid. Ile said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of
<br />to 36800 GRATIQT, IT. CLEKENS,, MI 118043 , or at such other place as the holder of the note
<br />may designate in writing, n monthly tnctal ments of
<br />Four Hundred Seventy -Five and 64/10 ths----------------------------------------.-------_—____------------------------
<br />Dollars (S 475J.64 �, commencing on the first day of p��,, '19 , and on the first day
<br />of each month thereafter until t e principal and interest are fully paid, except that thetxal payment of prinapaPand interest, if not sooner f= _
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of .20 ig
<br />This form is used in connection with mortpa,gas insured under the onto four- famiry programs of the National Housing Act (tricluding Sections 203tb) aild.im Which
<br />requite • one-rims Mortgage fnsurance premium payment In accordance with the reputations for those programs.
<br />P4 9W 1 of 5 form HUD-921430t.1 1388 Edition)
<br />4CItYEI .eeoel VMP 1010g1GAGE FORMS • 1313)283-9100.1800)521 7291 24CFR 203-17(s)
<br />- L
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